322 IRS visits to White House


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Drip, drip, drip . . . . . . .

Doug Wead served in the administrations of both President George W. Bush and his father, George H.W. Bush. Wead noted: “Sarah Hall Ingram, the woman responsible for the IRS division that targeted conservative and constitutional groups, made 165 visits to the White House since 2011″ making for a total of 322 visits between her and her boss, Shulman.

Between the two of them, he calculated, that’s almost one visit every other working day.

Wead wondered: “[C]an one meet with the president hundreds of times and not talk about ones work? Isn’t the president too busy to talk about life? Or to quiz an IRS official about personal gossip at the agency? Wouldn’t a chief executive want to know what she is doing and how she is doing it? And would she really make hundreds of visits without the details of her work ever coming up? What would be the purpose of the visits?”

He is particularly skeptical of Ingram. He said “the administrator of the IRS division that targeted conservative groups, the one who made 165 visits to the White House and supposedly never uttered a word about what she was doing, was given a $100,000 bonus and promoted to run the enforcement of ObamaCare. What is that? Coincidence? A payoff?”​

322 IRS visits to White House
Granny says dat many visits...

... kinda makes it hard to believe...

... dat Obama didn't know what was goin' on over there...

... an' dat he didn't put `em up to it.
I'm surprised this topic isn't generating more interest. The latest evidence looks quite incriminating.
Sounds like more difficulties Republicans have with numbers

Being on the clearance list is not a "visit"

Have any info on actual visits?

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