300+ US lawmakers sign letter calling for unconditional aid to Israel

Unbelievable. The survivors telling the world that the Israelis knew that was an American ship but the cons in here are denying it happened ? What happened to America first ?
The Pentagon investigated the matter and was satisfied Israel thought the Liberty was an Egyptian vessel.

Let me ask a "sharp guy" like you what Israel had to gain by deliberately attacking their primary ally in the whole world?

Your old anti Israel bigotry has one specious tale that is told over and over again even though
it makes zero sense: That Israel would deliberately attack their primary ally in a hostile world where the US
was Israel's principal source of support.

Get a new story the next time you want to break out the anti Jew fables.
Ah, ok, I hear ya.
Sort of like North Korea's elections.
Nope, Iran has legitimate elections with viable presidential and parliament candidates. ... :cool:
No. The Son of Satan Khamini RULES.
This subject to is too complex for your little brain. I bet you can't even point these countries on a map.
All you do is bark profanities.
Don't read it then. I don't respond to Camel Jockies.
Ok hillbilly.
OK Sissy Boy.
Bottom Line: Israel is a parasite that lives on American welfare.
They have never done anything that benefits the US. If it were not for Israel we would not be in any wars in the Mideast. The US has way to many Israeli firsters in government, these are the traitors that care more for Israel than they do for the United States, Remember that Israel only cares what is best for Israel.
Here's the letter...

Apparently Israel is "due'' $3.8 billion in assistance in the 2022 fiscal year.

From the report....

''The letter was boosted by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), an influential lobbying group that advocates pro-Israel policies to the US government.''

Anyway. Irrelevant of the ongoing derelict presence of congress as it pertains to representation of the American electorate, it likely should be recognized that they really are the best politicians money can buy. For someone anyway.

I imagine the trade-off will be something like more technology or some other dirty, rotten, filthy, stinking, underhanded and unconstitutional means for our own government to keep tabs on its own electorate. You know how that special relationship goes, I suppose. All in the name of 'security', of course. Kind of like that barbed wire they put up around the Capitol. That kind of 'security'. Get it? Got it? Good!

Staying at war with the neighbors for 70 years is not very smart. Now they threaten Europe and the US if they lose.

Unbelievable. The survivors telling the world that the Israelis knew that was an American ship but the cons in here are denying it happened ? What happened to America first ?
The Pentagon investigated the matter and was satisfied Israel thought the Liberty was an Egyptian vessel.

Let me ask a "sharp guy" like you what Israel had to gain by deliberately attacking their primary ally in the whole world?

Your old anti Israel bigotry has one specious tale that is told over and over again even though
it makes zero sense: That Israel would deliberately attack their primary ally in a hostile world where the US
was Israel's principal source of support.

Get a new story the next time you want to break out the anti Jew fables.
it makes zero sense: That Israel could mistake an American Naval Ship with multiple antennas flying the American flag in broad daylight by both the Israel air force and the Israeli navy and claim that it was an Egyptian vessel! Israel still cannot explain why they strafe the Liberty's life rafts when they were deployed, that is a war crime by itself. The coverup starts with LBJ and worked it way down the ranks in the US Navy
Bottom Line: Israel is a parasite that lives on American welfare.
They have never done anything that benefits the US. If it were not for Israel we would not be in any wars in the Mideast. The US has way to many Israeli firsters in government, these are the traitors that care more for Israel than they do for the United States, Remember that Israel only cares what is best for Israel.

You forgot the Vietnam War. Israel saved the lives of hundreds of U.S. pilots in the Vietnam War.

And the U.S. was fighting Muslims in the Middle East more than 100 years before Israel was created
Unbelievable. The survivors telling the world that the Israelis knew that was an American ship but the cons in here are denying it happened ? What happened to America first ?
The Pentagon investigated the matter and was satisfied Israel thought the Liberty was an Egyptian vessel.

Let me ask a "sharp guy" like you what Israel had to gain by deliberately attacking their primary ally in the whole world?

Your old anti Israel bigotry has one specious tale that is told over and over again even though
it makes zero sense: That Israel would deliberately attack their primary ally in a hostile world where the US
was Israel's principal source of support.

Get a new story the next time you want to break out the anti Jew fables.
it makes zero sense: That Israel could mistake an American Naval Ship with multiple antennas flying the American flag in broad daylight by both the Israel air force and the Israeli navy and claim that it was an Egyptian vessel! Israel still cannot explain why they strafe the Liberty's life rafts when they were deployed, that is a war crime by itself. The coverup starts with LBJ and worked it way down the ranks in the US Navy

Israel did not strafe the life rafts of the Liberty. There is no independent evidence that they did so.

And the first flag the Liberty was flying was destroyed in the initial gun attack by the IDF fighters. A low level, high speed attack.

You don't know I suppose how crushingly difficult it is for combat aircraft to identify targets on the surface. Just look at how many British, American and other troops have been killed by U.S. aircraft in the modern era. Like the A-10s that shot up British and American armored vehicles in Desert Storm, killing dozens.
Bottom Line: Israel is a parasite that lives on American welfare.
They have never done anything that benefits the US. If it were not for Israel we would not be in any wars in the Mideast. The US has way to many Israeli firsters in government, these are the traitors that care more for Israel than they do for the United States, Remember that Israel only cares what is best for Israel.

You forgot the Vietnam War. Israel saved the lives of hundreds of U.S. pilots in the Vietnam War.

And the U.S. was fighting Muslims in the Middle East more than 100 years before Israel was created
And we were fighting the British 150 years before Israel was created, So what?
Unbelievable. The survivors telling the world that the Israelis knew that was an American ship but the cons in here are denying it happened ? What happened to America first ?
The Pentagon investigated the matter and was satisfied Israel thought the Liberty was an Egyptian vessel.

Let me ask a "sharp guy" like you what Israel had to gain by deliberately attacking their primary ally in the whole world?

Your old anti Israel bigotry has one specious tale that is told over and over again even though
it makes zero sense: That Israel would deliberately attack their primary ally in a hostile world where the US
was Israel's principal source of support.

Get a new story the next time you want to break out the anti Jew fables.
it makes zero sense: That Israel could mistake an American Naval Ship with multiple antennas flying the American flag in broad daylight by both the Israel air force and the Israeli navy and claim that it was an Egyptian vessel! Israel still cannot explain why they strafe the Liberty's life rafts when they were deployed, that is a war crime by itself. The coverup starts with LBJ and worked it way down the ranks in the US Navy

Israel did not strafe the life rafts of the Liberty. There is no independent evidence that they did so.

And the first flag the Liberty was flying was destroyed in the initial gun attack by the IDF fighters. A low level, high speed attack.

You don't know I suppose how crushingly difficult it is for combat aircraft to identify targets on the surface. Just look at how many British, American and other troops have been killed by U.S. aircraft in the modern era. Like the A-10s that shot up British and American armored vehicles in Desert Storm, killing dozens.
Keep making excuses for Israel, All the Liberty survivors claimed that Israel strafed their lifeboats and I will take their word for it.
Unbelievable. The survivors telling the world that the Israelis knew that was an American ship but the cons in here are denying it happened ? What happened to America first ?
The Pentagon investigated the matter and was satisfied Israel thought the Liberty was an Egyptian vessel.

Let me ask a "sharp guy" like you what Israel had to gain by deliberately attacking their primary ally in the whole world?

Your old anti Israel bigotry has one specious tale that is told over and over again even though
it makes zero sense: That Israel would deliberately attack their primary ally in a hostile world where the US
was Israel's principal source of support.

Get a new story the next time you want to break out the anti Jew fables.
it makes zero sense: That Israel could mistake an American Naval Ship with multiple antennas flying the American flag in broad daylight by both the Israel air force and the Israeli navy and claim that it was an Egyptian vessel! Israel still cannot explain why they strafe the Liberty's life rafts when they were deployed, that is a war crime by itself. The coverup starts with LBJ and worked it way down the ranks in the US Navy

Israel did not strafe the life rafts of the Liberty. There is no independent evidence that they did so.

And the first flag the Liberty was flying was destroyed in the initial gun attack by the IDF fighters. A low level, high speed attack.

You don't know I suppose how crushingly difficult it is for combat aircraft to identify targets on the surface. Just look at how many British, American and other troops have been killed by U.S. aircraft in the modern era. Like the A-10s that shot up British and American armored vehicles in Desert Storm, killing dozens.
Keep making excuses for Israel, All the Liberty survivors claimed that Israel strafed their lifeboats and I will take their word for it.

Why? As I've pointed out (and can be readily confirmed in many places) eyewitness accounts is historically the LEAST reliable form of evidence.
Unbelievable. The survivors telling the world that the Israelis knew that was an American ship but the cons in here are denying it happened ? What happened to America first ?
The Pentagon investigated the matter and was satisfied Israel thought the Liberty was an Egyptian vessel.

Let me ask a "sharp guy" like you what Israel had to gain by deliberately attacking their primary ally in the whole world?

Your old anti Israel bigotry has one specious tale that is told over and over again even though
it makes zero sense: That Israel would deliberately attack their primary ally in a hostile world where the US
was Israel's principal source of support.

Get a new story the next time you want to break out the anti Jew fables.
it makes zero sense: That Israel could mistake an American Naval Ship with multiple antennas flying the American flag in broad daylight by both the Israel air force and the Israeli navy and claim that it was an Egyptian vessel! Israel still cannot explain why they strafe the Liberty's life rafts when they were deployed, that is a war crime by itself. The coverup starts with LBJ and worked it way down the ranks in the US Navy

Israel did not strafe the life rafts of the Liberty. There is no independent evidence that they did so.

And the first flag the Liberty was flying was destroyed in the initial gun attack by the IDF fighters. A low level, high speed attack.

You don't know I suppose how crushingly difficult it is for combat aircraft to identify targets on the surface. Just look at how many British, American and other troops have been killed by U.S. aircraft in the modern era. Like the A-10s that shot up British and American armored vehicles in Desert Storm, killing dozens.
Keep making excuses for Israel, All the Liberty survivors claimed that Israel strafed their lifeboats and I will take their word for it.

Why? As I've pointed out (and can be readily confirmed in many places) eyewitness accounts is historically the LEAST reliable form of evidence.
With one eyewitness maybe but with multiple eyewitness I will take their word over people who feel Israel can do no wrong
Unbelievable. The survivors telling the world that the Israelis knew that was an American ship but the cons in here are denying it happened ? What happened to America first ?
The Pentagon investigated the matter and was satisfied Israel thought the Liberty was an Egyptian vessel.

Let me ask a "sharp guy" like you what Israel had to gain by deliberately attacking their primary ally in the whole world?

Your old anti Israel bigotry has one specious tale that is told over and over again even though
it makes zero sense: That Israel would deliberately attack their primary ally in a hostile world where the US
was Israel's principal source of support.

Get a new story the next time you want to break out the anti Jew fables.
it makes zero sense: That Israel could mistake an American Naval Ship with multiple antennas flying the American flag in broad daylight by both the Israel air force and the Israeli navy and claim that it was an Egyptian vessel! Israel still cannot explain why they strafe the Liberty's life rafts when they were deployed, that is a war crime by itself. The coverup starts with LBJ and worked it way down the ranks in the US Navy

Israel did not strafe the life rafts of the Liberty. There is no independent evidence that they did so.

And the first flag the Liberty was flying was destroyed in the initial gun attack by the IDF fighters. A low level, high speed attack.

You don't know I suppose how crushingly difficult it is for combat aircraft to identify targets on the surface. Just look at how many British, American and other troops have been killed by U.S. aircraft in the modern era. Like the A-10s that shot up British and American armored vehicles in Desert Storm, killing dozens.
Keep making excuses for Israel, All the Liberty survivors claimed that Israel strafed their lifeboats and I will take their word for it.

Why? As I've pointed out (and can be readily confirmed in many places) eyewitness accounts is historically the LEAST reliable form of evidence.
With one eyewitness maybe but with multiple eyewitness I will take their word over people who feel Israel can do no wrong

I've never maintained Israel can "do no wrong".

Ask yourself this: What would it take to convince you that Israel did not knowingly attack the U.S.S. Liberty (that is knew it was a U.S. vessel)
Unbelievable. The survivors telling the world that the Israelis knew that was an American ship but the cons in here are denying it happened ? What happened to America first ?
The Pentagon investigated the matter and was satisfied Israel thought the Liberty was an Egyptian vessel.

Let me ask a "sharp guy" like you what Israel had to gain by deliberately attacking their primary ally in the whole world?

Your old anti Israel bigotry has one specious tale that is told over and over again even though
it makes zero sense: That Israel would deliberately attack their primary ally in a hostile world where the US
was Israel's principal source of support.

Get a new story the next time you want to break out the anti Jew fables.
it makes zero sense: That Israel could mistake an American Naval Ship with multiple antennas flying the American flag in broad daylight by both the Israel air force and the Israeli navy and claim that it was an Egyptian vessel! Israel still cannot explain why they strafe the Liberty's life rafts when they were deployed, that is a war crime by itself. The coverup starts with LBJ and worked it way down the ranks in the US Navy

Israel did not strafe the life rafts of the Liberty. There is no independent evidence that they did so.

And the first flag the Liberty was flying was destroyed in the initial gun attack by the IDF fighters. A low level, high speed attack.

You don't know I suppose how crushingly difficult it is for combat aircraft to identify targets on the surface. Just look at how many British, American and other troops have been killed by U.S. aircraft in the modern era. Like the A-10s that shot up British and American armored vehicles in Desert Storm, killing dozens.
Keep making excuses for Israel, All the Liberty survivors claimed that Israel strafed their lifeboats and I will take their word for it.

Why? As I've pointed out (and can be readily confirmed in many places) eyewitness accounts is historically the LEAST reliable form of evidence.
With one eyewitness maybe but with multiple eyewitness I will take their word over people who feel Israel can do no wrong

I've never maintained Israel can "do no wrong".

Ask yourself this: What would it take to convince you that Israel did not knowingly attack the U.S.S. Liberty (that is knew it was a U.S. vessel)
Absolutely Nothing. The more you read the more you see that the attack was no accident.
Unbelievable. The survivors telling the world that the Israelis knew that was an American ship but the cons in here are denying it happened ? What happened to America first ?
The Pentagon investigated the matter and was satisfied Israel thought the Liberty was an Egyptian vessel.

Let me ask a "sharp guy" like you what Israel had to gain by deliberately attacking their primary ally in the whole world?

Your old anti Israel bigotry has one specious tale that is told over and over again even though
it makes zero sense: That Israel would deliberately attack their primary ally in a hostile world where the US
was Israel's principal source of support.

Get a new story the next time you want to break out the anti Jew fables.
it makes zero sense: That Israel could mistake an American Naval Ship with multiple antennas flying the American flag in broad daylight by both the Israel air force and the Israeli navy and claim that it was an Egyptian vessel! Israel still cannot explain why they strafe the Liberty's life rafts when they were deployed, that is a war crime by itself. The coverup starts with LBJ and worked it way down the ranks in the US Navy

Israel did not strafe the life rafts of the Liberty. There is no independent evidence that they did so.

And the first flag the Liberty was flying was destroyed in the initial gun attack by the IDF fighters. A low level, high speed attack.

You don't know I suppose how crushingly difficult it is for combat aircraft to identify targets on the surface. Just look at how many British, American and other troops have been killed by U.S. aircraft in the modern era. Like the A-10s that shot up British and American armored vehicles in Desert Storm, killing dozens.
Keep making excuses for Israel, All the Liberty survivors claimed that Israel strafed their lifeboats and I will take their word for it.

Why? As I've pointed out (and can be readily confirmed in many places) eyewitness accounts is historically the LEAST reliable form of evidence.
With one eyewitness maybe but with multiple eyewitness I will take their word over people who feel Israel can do no wrong

I've never maintained Israel can "do no wrong".

Ask yourself this: What would it take to convince you that Israel did not knowingly attack the U.S.S. Liberty (that is knew it was a U.S. vessel)
Absolutely Nothing. The more you read the more you see that the attack was no accident.

Not mentioning that Israel had no possible motive for attacking the U.S.S. Liberty.

Now you'll spout some bull about Israel wanting the U.S. to come in and fight on their side. Ignoring the fact that the war was effectively over already.
Unbelievable. The survivors telling the world that the Israelis knew that was an American ship but the cons in here are denying it happened ? What happened to America first ?
The Pentagon investigated the matter and was satisfied Israel thought the Liberty was an Egyptian vessel.

Let me ask a "sharp guy" like you what Israel had to gain by deliberately attacking their primary ally in the whole world?

Your old anti Israel bigotry has one specious tale that is told over and over again even though
it makes zero sense: That Israel would deliberately attack their primary ally in a hostile world where the US
was Israel's principal source of support.

Get a new story the next time you want to break out the anti Jew fables.
it makes zero sense: That Israel could mistake an American Naval Ship with multiple antennas flying the American flag in broad daylight by both the Israel air force and the Israeli navy and claim that it was an Egyptian vessel! Israel still cannot explain why they strafe the Liberty's life rafts when they were deployed, that is a war crime by itself. The coverup starts with LBJ and worked it way down the ranks in the US Navy

Israel did not strafe the life rafts of the Liberty. There is no independent evidence that they did so.

And the first flag the Liberty was flying was destroyed in the initial gun attack by the IDF fighters. A low level, high speed attack.

You don't know I suppose how crushingly difficult it is for combat aircraft to identify targets on the surface. Just look at how many British, American and other troops have been killed by U.S. aircraft in the modern era. Like the A-10s that shot up British and American armored vehicles in Desert Storm, killing dozens.
Keep making excuses for Israel, All the Liberty survivors claimed that Israel strafed their lifeboats and I will take their word for it.

Why? As I've pointed out (and can be readily confirmed in many places) eyewitness accounts is historically the LEAST reliable form of evidence.
With one eyewitness maybe but with multiple eyewitness I will take their word over people who feel Israel can do no wrong

I've never maintained Israel can "do no wrong".

Ask yourself this: What would it take to convince you that Israel did not knowingly attack the U.S.S. Liberty (that is knew it was a U.S. vessel)
Absolutely Nothing. The more you read the more you see that the attack was no accident.

Not mentioning that Israel had no possible motive for attacking the U.S.S. Liberty.

Now you'll spout some bull about Israel wanting the U.S. to come in and fight on their side. Ignoring the fact that the war was effectively over already.
Was the war really over by then? Arguable at best.
Israel wanted to sink the Liberty with no survivors and blame Egypt so the US would enter the war on Israel's side. Remember the Mossad's motto " "By way of deception, thou shalt do war"
Unbelievable. The survivors telling the world that the Israelis knew that was an American ship but the cons in here are denying it happened ? What happened to America first ?
The Pentagon investigated the matter and was satisfied Israel thought the Liberty was an Egyptian vessel.

Let me ask a "sharp guy" like you what Israel had to gain by deliberately attacking their primary ally in the whole world?

Your old anti Israel bigotry has one specious tale that is told over and over again even though
it makes zero sense: That Israel would deliberately attack their primary ally in a hostile world where the US
was Israel's principal source of support.

Get a new story the next time you want to break out the anti Jew fables.
it makes zero sense: That Israel could mistake an American Naval Ship with multiple antennas flying the American flag in broad daylight by both the Israel air force and the Israeli navy and claim that it was an Egyptian vessel! Israel still cannot explain why they strafe the Liberty's life rafts when they were deployed, that is a war crime by itself. The coverup starts with LBJ and worked it way down the ranks in the US Navy

Israel did not strafe the life rafts of the Liberty. There is no independent evidence that they did so.

And the first flag the Liberty was flying was destroyed in the initial gun attack by the IDF fighters. A low level, high speed attack.

You don't know I suppose how crushingly difficult it is for combat aircraft to identify targets on the surface. Just look at how many British, American and other troops have been killed by U.S. aircraft in the modern era. Like the A-10s that shot up British and American armored vehicles in Desert Storm, killing dozens.
Keep making excuses for Israel, All the Liberty survivors claimed that Israel strafed their lifeboats and I will take their word for it.

Why? As I've pointed out (and can be readily confirmed in many places) eyewitness accounts is historically the LEAST reliable form of evidence.
With one eyewitness maybe but with multiple eyewitness I will take their word over people who feel Israel can do no wrong

I've never maintained Israel can "do no wrong".

Ask yourself this: What would it take to convince you that Israel did not knowingly attack the U.S.S. Liberty (that is knew it was a U.S. vessel)
Absolutely Nothing. The more you read the more you see that the attack was no accident.

Not mentioning that Israel had no possible motive for attacking the U.S.S. Liberty.

Now you'll spout some bull about Israel wanting the U.S. to come in and fight on their side. Ignoring the fact that the war was effectively over already.
Was the war really over by then? Arguable at best.
Israel wanted to sink the Liberty with no survivors and blame Egypt so the US would enter the war on Israel's side. Remember the Mossad's motto " "By way of deception, thou shalt do war"

If they planned to sink the Liberty why didn't they use better weapons for that purpose.?

They didn't even use anti ship weapons. Much less weapons that Egypt typically used.
Unbelievable. The survivors telling the world that the Israelis knew that was an American ship but the cons in here are denying it happened ? What happened to America first ?
The Pentagon investigated the matter and was satisfied Israel thought the Liberty was an Egyptian vessel.

Let me ask a "sharp guy" like you what Israel had to gain by deliberately attacking their primary ally in the whole world?

Your old anti Israel bigotry has one specious tale that is told over and over again even though
it makes zero sense: That Israel would deliberately attack their primary ally in a hostile world where the US
was Israel's principal source of support.

Get a new story the next time you want to break out the anti Jew fables.
it makes zero sense: That Israel could mistake an American Naval Ship with multiple antennas flying the American flag in broad daylight by both the Israel air force and the Israeli navy and claim that it was an Egyptian vessel! Israel still cannot explain why they strafe the Liberty's life rafts when they were deployed, that is a war crime by itself. The coverup starts with LBJ and worked it way down the ranks in the US Navy

Israel did not strafe the life rafts of the Liberty. There is no independent evidence that they did so.

And the first flag the Liberty was flying was destroyed in the initial gun attack by the IDF fighters. A low level, high speed attack.

You don't know I suppose how crushingly difficult it is for combat aircraft to identify targets on the surface. Just look at how many British, American and other troops have been killed by U.S. aircraft in the modern era. Like the A-10s that shot up British and American armored vehicles in Desert Storm, killing dozens.
Keep making excuses for Israel, All the Liberty survivors claimed that Israel strafed their lifeboats and I will take their word for it.

Why? As I've pointed out (and can be readily confirmed in many places) eyewitness accounts is historically the LEAST reliable form of evidence.
With one eyewitness maybe but with multiple eyewitness I will take their word over people who feel Israel can do no wrong

I've never maintained Israel can "do no wrong".

Ask yourself this: What would it take to convince you that Israel did not knowingly attack the U.S.S. Liberty (that is knew it was a U.S. vessel)
Absolutely Nothing. The more you read the more you see that the attack was no accident.

Not mentioning that Israel had no possible motive for attacking the U.S.S. Liberty.

Now you'll spout some bull about Israel wanting the U.S. to come in and fight on their side. Ignoring the fact that the war was effectively over already.
Was the war really over by then? Arguable at best.
Israel wanted to sink the Liberty with no survivors and blame Egypt so the US would enter the war on Israel's side. Remember the Mossad's motto " "By way of deception, thou shalt do war"

If they planned to sink the Liberty why didn't they use better weapons for that purpose.?

They didn't even use anti ship weapons. Much less weapons that Egypt typically used.
Israel never known for naval warfare plus they did not want it too obvious that the ship was sunk by advanced weapon that Egypt did not have at the time.
Unbelievable. The survivors telling the world that the Israelis knew that was an American ship but the cons in here are denying it happened ? What happened to America first ?
The Pentagon investigated the matter and was satisfied Israel thought the Liberty was an Egyptian vessel.

Let me ask a "sharp guy" like you what Israel had to gain by deliberately attacking their primary ally in the whole world?

Your old anti Israel bigotry has one specious tale that is told over and over again even though
it makes zero sense: That Israel would deliberately attack their primary ally in a hostile world where the US
was Israel's principal source of support.

Get a new story the next time you want to break out the anti Jew fables.
it makes zero sense: That Israel could mistake an American Naval Ship with multiple antennas flying the American flag in broad daylight by both the Israel air force and the Israeli navy and claim that it was an Egyptian vessel! Israel still cannot explain why they strafe the Liberty's life rafts when they were deployed, that is a war crime by itself. The coverup starts with LBJ and worked it way down the ranks in the US Navy

Israel did not strafe the life rafts of the Liberty. There is no independent evidence that they did so.

And the first flag the Liberty was flying was destroyed in the initial gun attack by the IDF fighters. A low level, high speed attack.

You don't know I suppose how crushingly difficult it is for combat aircraft to identify targets on the surface. Just look at how many British, American and other troops have been killed by U.S. aircraft in the modern era. Like the A-10s that shot up British and American armored vehicles in Desert Storm, killing dozens.
Keep making excuses for Israel, All the Liberty survivors claimed that Israel strafed their lifeboats and I will take their word for it.

Why? As I've pointed out (and can be readily confirmed in many places) eyewitness accounts is historically the LEAST reliable form of evidence.
With one eyewitness maybe but with multiple eyewitness I will take their word over people who feel Israel can do no wrong

I've never maintained Israel can "do no wrong".

Ask yourself this: What would it take to convince you that Israel did not knowingly attack the U.S.S. Liberty (that is knew it was a U.S. vessel)
Absolutely Nothing. The more you read the more you see that the attack was no accident.

Not mentioning that Israel had no possible motive for attacking the U.S.S. Liberty.

Now you'll spout some bull about Israel wanting the U.S. to come in and fight on their side. Ignoring the fact that the war was effectively over already.
Was the war really over by then? Arguable at best.
Israel wanted to sink the Liberty with no survivors and blame Egypt so the US would enter the war on Israel's side. Remember the Mossad's motto " "By way of deception, thou shalt do war"

If they planned to sink the Liberty why didn't they use better weapons for that purpose.?

They didn't even use anti ship weapons. Much less weapons that Egypt typically used.
Israel never known for naval warfare plus they did not want it too obvious that the ship was sunk by advanced weapon that Egypt did not have at the time.

Egypt would never have used napalm to attack a decent sized commercial ship.
Here's the letter...

Apparently Israel is "due'' $3.8 billion in assistance in the 2022 fiscal year.

From the report....

''The letter was boosted by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), an influential lobbying group that advocates pro-Israel policies to the US government.''

Anyway. Irrelevant of the ongoing derelict presence of congress as it pertains to representation of the American electorate, it likely should be recognized that they really are the best politicians money can buy. For someone anyway.

I imagine the trade-off will be something like more technology or some other dirty, rotten, filthy, stinking, underhanded and unconstitutional means for our own government to keep tabs on its own electorate. You know how that special relationship goes, I suppose. All in the name of 'security', of course. Kind of like that barbed wire they put up around the Capitol. That kind of 'security'. Get it? Got it? Good!
Enough is enough! How much more do we owe Israel?
We have been giving Israel since their inception in 1948.
Israel is like a parasite that feeds off the US, The US government keeps giving the tax payer money for no apparent reason, we get nothing out of it We give them money even after that attacked the USS Liberty and killed 34 Americans. Fuck Israel
And 70% of American Jews still vote for these people.

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