30 shot in 8 hours in Chicago

Only people that want to see more are the ones that even more guns laws, that seem to have no problem ignoring the ones on the books..
About average for Dodge Cit.....er Chicago

Now, don't be bringing up Dodge City.
Some wit will bring up the fact that it was illegal to carry guns while the Earp brothers were in charge.

and ignore the fact that one Earp brother was murdered, and a second was crippled for life by people that ignored the law.
30 Chicago residents shot in 8 hours!? Ah....horrible. Fucking people in SC need to lower that damn memorial flag.
An average of 88 gun deaths in the US every day and the nutters want more.

What percentage of those occur in liberal urban shitholes? What percentage occur in a place or by a person ALREADY forbidden to have a gun by current gun laws???
If you ask, they bring up the 10 most dangerous states, which are usually Red.

they ignore the most dangerous cities, almost all, if not all, are under the control of democrats.
If you ask, they bring up the 10 most dangerous states, which are usually Red.

they ignore the most dangerous cities, almost all, if not all, are under the control of democrats.


Most murders are committed by likely Democrat voters. And they know it.
If you ask, they bring up the 10 most dangerous states, which are usually Red.

they ignore the most dangerous cities, almost all, if not all, are under the control of democrats.

24 of the25 most dangerous cities are run by democrats, amd have been for decades. The one that isn't controlled by democrats, goes back and forth between republicans and democrats....so the democrats kkep the republicans from fixing the problem....

The democrats undermine the police, under staff the police and under fund the police....but they always make sure there are enough police for the rich, white democrat areas of those cities...
Besides...the shootings aren't really a problem.....the blacks amd other minorities in those shooting gallery neighborhoods still make it to the polls every election to vote 95% for the democrats......so what exactly is the problem?
I heard downtown Chicago is very nice and similar to NYC

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