30 reasons why FOX is not legit

Media Matters is a 501c3 begging to be audited by the IRS during the next Republican Administration
Fox New has done nothing since it began but recycle openly and aggressively partisan talking heads on their network. The overwhelming majority of their profits have come from these far right talking heads and yet they claim to be "fair and balanced." What a joke.
An article from 2009.
The left are still upset that Fox's ratings are still higher than CNN and MSNBC :biggrin:
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Mediamatters should get over themselves

Fox is the number one watched news station. So they need to find a new gig

MM what a LOSER group
Change the name of the news organization and the president and you could apply that article to MSNBC...

True. Notice they don't go after any other news station
They know where their bread is butter is and how to milk people like the op to support their idiotic Obsession
its for sheeple or people who want t3h rw propaganda :alcoholic:

Change the name of the news organization and the president and you could apply that article to MSNBC...

True. Notice they don't go after any other news station
They know where their bread is butter is and how to milk people like the op to support their idiotic Obsession

One might say that Media Matters is trying to tell people what to think...
Change the name of the news organization and the president and you could apply that article to MSNBC...

True. Notice they don't go after any other news station
They know where their bread is butter is and how to milk people like the op to support their idiotic Obsession

One might say that Media Matters is trying to tell people what to think...

And they're doing a fine job of it. Listen to how the left/lib/Dems hates Fox news
it's the dumbest thing I have ever seen. They don't care they look like fools/sheep
Change the name of the news organization and the president and you could apply that article to MSNBC...

True. Notice they don't go after any other news station
They know where their bread is butter is and how to milk people like the op to support their idiotic Obsession

One might say that Media Matters is trying to tell people what to think...
And Dorothy and the OP obey unimpeded by rational thought.
MM knows better than try to tell their people what to think. They've already been told by The Democrat Central Committee and MM knows those acolytes are not ALLOWED to think.
Fox New has done nothing since it began but recycle openly and aggressively partisan talking heads on their network. The overwhelming majority of their profits have come from these far right talking heads and yet they claim to be "fair and balanced." What a joke.

Name one corporate media outlet that isn't a biased joke full of paid partisan hacks.
Fox New has done nothing since it began but recycle openly and aggressively partisan talking heads on their network. The overwhelming majority of their profits have come from these far right talking heads and yet they claim to be "fair and balanced." What a joke.

Name one corporate media outlet that isn't a biased joke full of paid partisan hacks.

See the thing is you think that because Fox News tells that to you. So... :dunno:
Fox New has done nothing since it began but recycle openly and aggressively partisan talking heads on their network. The overwhelming majority of their profits have come from these far right talking heads and yet they claim to be "fair and balanced." What a joke.

Name one corporate media outlet that isn't a biased joke full of paid partisan hacks.

See the thing is you think that because Fox News tells that to you. So... :dunno:

In other words, you got nothing. Got it, thanks for playing, sorry, got no booby prizes for you.

FYI, Fox News is only good for wacking off to the bimbos.
Fox New has done nothing since it began but recycle openly and aggressively partisan talking heads on their network. The overwhelming majority of their profits have come from these far right talking heads and yet they claim to be "fair and balanced." What a joke.

Name one corporate media outlet that isn't a biased joke full of paid partisan hacks.

See the thing is you think that because Fox News tells that to you. So... :dunno:

In other words, you got nothing. Got it, thanks for playing, sorry, got no booby prizes for you.

FYI, Fox News is only good for wacking off to the bimbos.

Ah well at least we end it on some kind of agreement :thup:

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