3 Billion $ Aircraft carrier to be chosen on Thursday


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
Turkey's first national aircraft carrier is expected to be equipped with a system that enables non-stop sailing for 30 days and 1,700 nautical miles. Its hangar and elevator systems will be constructed compatible with the JSF (Joint Strike Fighter) planes which can take off and land vertically that Turkey will acquire in the coming years. It will also be able to carry up to 100 tracked military vehicles. In the pool section of the aircraft carrier, two LCAC (landing craft air cushion) hovercraft boats will be located.
Major Turkish companies bid for country's first aircraft carrier

One of the designs, that is competing in the tender is the Spanish "Juan Carlos"-Class. The design belongs to Navantia.

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The Turkish Navy has always been a joke. It is a hard thing to change donkey-jockies into sea-faring men. The testament to that are islands that sit a matter of meters off the Turkish coast which are Greek.
where on earth, or where in the Med would Turkey deploy a carrier. Land armies with borders on all potential points of interest have absolutely no use for them. What is Turkey going to to, attack Italy?
the project will initially be used as a helicopter ship.

^^^an LPH (Landing Ship Helicopter) is not an aircraft carrier

Spanish "Juan Carlos"-Class is a V/STOL ship not and Aircraft Carrier. Ask the Brits how sorry V/STOL carriers are.

The Soviets and British have tried this before and the results were less than spectacular. Nothing can touch the USN Super Carrier for performance & projection of power.
the project will initially be used as a helicopter ship.

^^^an LPH (Landing Ship Helicopter) is not an aircraft carrier

The ships the Turkish Navy will get are multipurpose platforms.
And yes, Aircrafts will be on them, likely the F-35.

Turkish Navy adopts new high-sea strategy
The Navy aims to advance its limited-strike ability over the next 20 years through the acquisition of a multipurpose landing platform with organic short take-off and vertical landing (STOVL) aircraft, air defense frigates and unmanned underwater vehicles.
POLITICS - Turkish Navy adopts new high-sea strategy
the project will initially be used as a helicopter ship.

^^^an LPH (Landing Ship Helicopter) is not an aircraft carrier

The ships the Turkish Navy will get are multipurpose platforms.
And yes, Aircrafts will be on them, likely the F-35.

Turkish Navy adopts new high-sea strategy
The Navy aims to advance its limited-strike ability over the next 20 years through the acquisition of a multipurpose landing platform with organic short take-off and vertical landing (STOVL) aircraft, air defense frigates and unmanned underwater vehicles.
POLITICS - Turkish Navy adopts new high-sea strategy
You're an idiot. Turkey has no use for any kind of carrier ship. give me a scenario where aircraft carriers would be deployed where fixed-wing Turkish aircraft could not?
You're an idiot. Turkey has no use for any kind of carrier ship. give me a scenario where aircraft carriers would be deployed where fixed-wing Turkish aircraft could not?
Turkey's national interests in the seas reach from its surrounding waters to the Suez Canal and the Indian Ocean.
Erdogan and the Long Shadow of Lepanto

Ankara has also been increasing its naval presence in the Gulf of Aden to lay the foundation for a larger political and military role in the strategic waters. (...)
Turkey is building up its navy through a maturing indigenous shipbuilding industry, substantial investments and additional purchases.
It is also modernizing its amphibious capabilities.
These trends further expand the role and future capabilities of what is already the most powerful navy in the Middle East and North Africa.
As the Turkish navy grows, it will likely be increasingly tasked to regional and global operations.

Turkey's Expanding Influence in the Gulf of Aden | Stratfor
Navy will get 100 hulls. One after another. And a ship carrying F-35 is part of it.

For example over the next 5 years, Turkey will complete key projects such as ALTAY Tanks, the MİLGEM Corvette, ATAK Helicopters, HÜRKUŞ Training Aircraft, ANKA Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Low and Middle Altitude Air Defense Missile Systems and the Radar Observation Satellite.

In the land sector Turkey is already largely self-sufficient, producing a wide range of tracked and wheeled vehicles, some of which are exported abroad. In the naval sector, Turkey has an ambition programme to build up to 100 hulls, some of which have been commissioned.
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^^^an LPH (Landing Ship Helicopter) is not an aircraft carrier

The ships the Turkish Navy will get are multipurpose platforms.
And yes, Aircrafts will be on them, likely the F-35.

Turkish Navy adopts new high-sea strategy
The Navy aims to advance its limited-strike ability over the next 20 years through the acquisition of a multipurpose landing platform with organic short take-off and vertical landing (STOVL) aircraft, air defense frigates and unmanned underwater vehicles.
POLITICS - Turkish Navy adopts new high-sea strategy
You're an idiot. Turkey has no use for any kind of carrier ship. give me a scenario where aircraft carriers would be deployed where fixed-wing Turkish aircraft could not?
I still don't understand what the hell you're talking about.
Department of Defence
In a first for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), two officers were recently embedded as part of the Command Staff for counter-piracy operations aboard the Turkish Navy Flagship, TCG (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Gemisi) Gemlik, in the Middle East Area of Operations.

Lieutenant Commander Al Byrne from HMAS Albatross and Lieutenant Kelli Lunt from Navy Strategic Command joined a staff of 19 personnel from five nations to support the sea-based Turkish-led Command Headquarters for Combined Task Force 151 (CTF 151).

Combined Task Force 151 is multi-national anti-piracy mission in Gulf of Aden.
TCG Gemlik is flagship of that operation and the mission is Turkish-led.
Australian Naval Officers (as part of multinational efforts) present on TCG Gemlik

Since 2009, the Turkish naval presence in the Gulf of Aden has been as a member of the international counterpiracy mission Combined Task Force 151, and in January the Turkish parliament extended its participation in the mission for another year. The Turks rotate frigates into the region and maintain an almost permanent presence.
Turkey's Expanding Influence in the Gulf of Aden | Stratfor

TCG Gökova, escorting M/V Aqua Luna to Mogadishu.

TCG Gaziantep with M/V Front Alfa
What a piece of shit carrier that is


Actually, for what it is it is not a bad ship at all. Comperable to the Australian Canberra class ship.

My biggest problem is the use of the word "Carrier" for any ship that houses airplanes.

This in reality is an Amphibious Assault ship, comparable to the USS Wasp class LHD. It's primary role is not as a "Carrier" as the term is commonly used, but to transport and land Marines. It has some aircraft, primarily for a transport-close air support-self defense role.

This is not a Carrier for Force Projection, like the USS Nimitz.

Other ships that are not Carriers but are often called that are those of India and China. The INS Vikramaditya (Kiev class) and the Liaoning (Admiral Kuznetsov class). Not even the Soviets called these "Aircraft Carriers". They were tyazholiy avianesushchiy kreyser, which translates to "Heavy Aircraft-carrying Cruiser".

With this said and done, this is not a bad design for it's role, nor is the Wasp, America or Canberra. However, stop calling them "Aircraft Carriers", they are not.
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