25 0f 30 Worst Congressional Districts For Blacks Are Run By Democrats…Ilhan Omar’s Is #1 On List


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
The complete list with lots of data is @ 25 0f 30 Worst Congressional Districts For Blacks Are Run By Democrats…Ilhan Omar’s Is #1 On List

I’m not going to post anything but the 5 districts represented by Republicans.

6. Ohio’s 1st Congressional District - Rep. Steve Chabot (Republican Party) – Parts of Cincinnati. He’s on Foreign Affairs, Judiciary, and Small Business

19. Illinois’s 13th Congressional District - Rep. Rodney Davis (Republican Party) – just south of Chicago. He’s ranking member of the Administration Committee

20. Illinois’s 12th Congressional District - Rep. Mike Bost (Republican Party) Very south tip of the state. He’s on appropriations-Higher Education

21. Arkansas’s 1st Congressional District - Rep. Eric A. “Rick” Crawford (Republican Party) Northeast part of the state. Ex-Army on Agriculture and Transportation and Infrastructure

27. Louisiana’s 5th Congressional District - Rep. Ralph Lee Abraham (Republican Party) Northeast part of the state. Former veterinarian w/some military service. On Agriculture, Science, Space and Technology, and Armed services

All Republicans are white and have only been in office since 2010 or later

Of course, the districts of Elijah Cummings, Tim Ryan, and Frederica Wilson are on the list.

Full list @ 25 0f 30 Worst Congressional Districts For Blacks Are Run By Democrats…Ilhan Omar’s Is #1 On List
All 10 of the poorest counties in the United States are in republican states. Five of them are in Kentucky and West Virginia. Kentucky is nearly 90% white and West Virginia is 94% white.
So they can’t blame their terrible poverty on black people.

And yet these poor whites keep voting for super rich white Republicans to be their leaders. And what happens? Exactly what happened with Trump. You’ve got these enormous tax cuts with more than 80% going to the top 1%.

And their own leadership is trying to take away their healthcare because it’s “too expensive“.

It’s pitiful,
just pitiful.
I don’t understand why Republicans are so concerned with blacks when they’re telling native born black Americans to go back where they came from.
Especially when there’s so many white people in Appalachia living in just terrible poverty.
All 10 of the poorest counties in the United States are in republican states. Five of them are in Kentucky and West Virginia. Kentucky is nearly 90% white and West Virginia is 94% white.
So they can’t blame their terrible poverty on black people.

And yet these poor whites keep voting for super rich white Republicans to be their leaders. And what happens? Exactly what happened with Trump. You’ve got these enormous tax cuts with more than 80% going to the top 1%.

And their own leadership is trying to take away their healthcare because it’s “too expensive“.

It’s pitiful,
just pitiful.
The difference is what? Besides skin color ya racist tard...

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