2018 Coming To An End.What Should Be The "Political Lie Of The Year"?,Easy Or Tough Decision?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:aargh: :aargh: :cul2: What a year!, between the never ending accusations created/thrown from the left to the right, and along with the Kavanaugh Hearings, so many lies coming from the insane/loony liberals who just kept making up stories/lies in hopes for a blue wave.
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
But how do we just narrow it down to one lie?,,well, many may agree that accusing Judge Kavanaugh of being a rapist may just get the award.
But you guys decide, but with so many laughable accusations/excuses we have endured all year, we may as well make a "Top Ten Liberal Lie List".
I haven't decided yet,,let me think about it.
:hyper: :laugh2: :hyper:
:aargh: :aargh: :cul2: What a year!, between the never ending accusations created/thrown from the left to the right, and along with the Kavanaugh Hearings, so many lies coming from the insane/loony liberals who just kept making up stories/lies in hopes for a blue wave.
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
But how do we just narrow it down to one lie?,,well, many may agree that accusing Judge Kavanaugh of being a rapist may just get the award.
But you guys decide, but with so many laughable accusations/excuses we have endured all year, we may as well make a "Top Ten Liberal Lie List".
I haven't decided yet,,let me think about it.
:hyper: :laugh2: :hyper:
Trump is a racist who colluded with Russia.
:aargh: :aargh: :cul2: What a year!, between the never ending accusations created/thrown from the left to the right, and along with the Kavanaugh Hearings, so many lies coming from the insane/loony liberals who just kept making up stories/lies in hopes for a blue wave.
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
But how do we just narrow it down to one lie?,,well, many may agree that accusing Judge Kavanaugh of being a rapist may just get the award.
But you guys decide, but with so many laughable accusations/excuses we have endured all year, we may as well make a "Top Ten Liberal Lie List".
I haven't decided yet,,let me think about it.
:hyper: :laugh2: :hyper:
Trump is a racist who colluded with Russia.
those white racist deplorables are racing to the border and ripping babies out of brown people arms!!!
:aargh: :aargh: :cul2: What a year!, between the never ending accusations created/thrown from the left to the right, and along with the Kavanaugh Hearings, so many lies coming from the insane/loony liberals who just kept making up stories/lies in hopes for a blue wave.
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
But how do we just narrow it down to one lie?,,well, many may agree that accusing Judge Kavanaugh of being a rapist may just get the award.
But you guys decide, but with so many laughable accusations/excuses we have endured all year, we may as well make a "Top Ten Liberal Lie List".
I haven't decided yet,,let me think about it.
:hyper: :laugh2: :hyper:
Trump is a racist who colluded with Russia.
does stacy abrahamsski actually expect us to believe that she won a state that is primarily white people?
Alexandria Cortez: I am actually a very smart person! I know everything about everything !!!
no collusion......
Oh, there's plenty of collusion....by Democrats.

it's down right hilarious that the very people trump denigrated over the past 2 years are now in charge of the committees going to re open any & all investigations CONcerning president tribbles'. yep.... & there will be call backs too. steve bannon & traitor tot for starters.......

how can a woman keep tract of her periods, yet cannot recall the date they were raped?:eusa_think::eusa_think::eusa_think:
"#5. Trump is responsible for the border policy that separates parents from their children at the border, and he’s not doing anything to change it, and “recent” photographs of Mexican children in cages proves it."

(-New York Times and just about all the MSM) ran with that for about a week.

"Actually, the pictures of kids in cages (and the policy of separating children from deported parents) are from the Obama era, and anyone who still has a functional medulla oblongata knows it.""

Biggest LIES of 2018 – including toxic twists of news about medicine, food, agriculture and politics
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when a dem says "I Dont Recall" there u go,,add another major lie
"I'm a Dem running for a House seat but I support Trump on everything and won't support Pelosi for speaker so vote for me instead off the Republican"
Trump removed MLK bust from Oval Office. :aargh:

Sunday, November 18, 2018

#FakeNews: Media Falsely Reports Trump Removed MLK Bust From Oval Office
by Kristinn Taylor January 20, 2017 134 Comments
The news media did it again. Friday night the Internet was ablaze over a false spread report by White House reporters that President Donald Trump had removed a bust of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., from the Oval Office that had been placed there by his predecessor President Barack Obama. The controversy was fueled by the reappearance in the Oval Office of the Winston Churchill bust removed by Obama.

When I met Trump as President elect I asked him to return the Churchill bust to the Oval Office. First day: pic.twitter.com/zZ4TBppeuZ

— Raheem Kassam (@RaheemKassam) January 21, 2017

“When I met Trump as President elect I asked him to return the Churchill bust to the Oval Office. First day:”

The Martin Luther King jr. Bust has been moved out of the Oval Office according The People Magazine DC Bureau Chief who was in there this pm

— AprilDRyan (@AprilDRyan) January 21, 2017

“The Martin Luther King jr. Bust has been moved out of the Oval Office according The People Magazine DC Bureau Chief who was in there this pm”

From White House pool reporter @toddgillman: the MLK bust is no longer in the Oval Office. A bust of Winston Churchill is back though.

— Philip Crowther (@PhilipinDC) January 21, 2017

“From White House pool reporter @toddgillman: the MLK bust is no longer in the Oval Office. A bust of Winston Churchill is back though.”


“Hours after Trump inaugurated, Martin Luther King bust is out of Oval Office. Bush-era Winston Churchill bust returns, per @justinsink”

will we have as much of a collective freak out over the MLK bust being removed from the Oval as we did about the Churchill bust? prob not

— Sam Stein (@samstein) January 21, 2017

“will we have as much of a collective freak out over the MLK bust being removed from the Oval as we did about the Churchill bust? prob not”""

#FakeNews: Media Falsely Reports Trump Removed MLK Bust From Oval Office

Shiet, there's a bunch of times the media blatently lied and then issued retractions a few days later when

everyone was onto a new story and didn't notice.
"I'm a Dem running for a House seat but I support Trump on everything and won't support Pelosi for speaker so vote for me instead off the Republican"
Snipes: I aint never like tossed away ballots, I ain't never created ballots,and I ain't never like told an untruth to the honkys,,i mean , the people of Florida !!!!

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