2015 hasn't been great economically speaking.

The Fed acted too soon raising interest rates this month in the face of:

1) Falling world currencies

2) Commodities still free-falling

3) Oil prices deeper than your grandfathers' basement

4) Credit crumbling

5) International Trade evaporating

6) Junk Bonds are tanking

But the skies are still blue, as more war, much more war is on the horizon for 2016.
The Fed acted too soon raising interest rates this month in the face of:

1) Falling world currencies

2) Commodities still free-falling

3) Oil prices deeper than your grandfathers' basement

4) Credit crumbling

5) International Trade evaporating

6) Junk Bonds are tanking

But the skies are still blue, as more war, much more war is on the horizon for 2016.

higher prices for money is very very good. That way banks have more incentive to lend to get the economy going.

Imagine how the market for autos would be if the liberal govt made it unprofitable to sell cars? The idea is so stupid that only a liberal could think of it.
The Fed acted too soon raising interest rates this month in the face of:

1) Falling world currencies

2) Commodities still free-falling

3) Oil prices deeper than your grandfathers' basement

4) Credit crumbling

5) International Trade evaporating

6) Junk Bonds are tanking

But the skies are still blue, as more war, much more war is on the horizon for 2016.

higher prices for money is very very good. That way banks have more incentive to lend to get the economy going.

Imagine how the market for autos would be if the liberal govt made it unprofitable to sell cars? The idea is so stupid that only a liberal could think of it.

All to be supported by war..........much, much moar war.........
The Fed acted too soon raising interest rates this month in the face of:

1) Falling world currencies

2) Commodities still free-falling

3) Oil prices deeper than your grandfathers' basement

4) Credit crumbling

5) International Trade evaporating

6) Junk Bonds are tanking

But the skies are still blue, as more war, much more war is on the horizon for 2016.

higher prices for money is very very good. That way banks have more incentive to lend to get the economy going.

Imagine how the market for autos would be if the liberal govt made it unprofitable to sell cars? The idea is so stupid that only a liberal could think of it.

All to be supported by war..........much, much moar war.........

dear stupid liberal, our subject in not war?? Do you have the IQ to understand??
5th post
SPED, please point out the Republican growth above 4% and the liberal growth below 2%.

Percentage GDP Growth by Presidential Administration;
What caused the artificially high world GDP growth which is now tapering off;
- Peace dividend in 50's and 60's
- Women entering the workforce in western economies
- Soviets enters world economy
- China enters world economy
- Triumph of Capitalism
- Digital revolution

Why we have stagnation - because we simply don't another; Gender, Soviets, China, Peace Dividend. It's not a political issue, it's a evolutionary issue.

1. Time. Time heals all bubbles.
2. Reduction of debts
3. Reduction in bureaucracy, red tape, taxes
4. Investments in infrastructure and technology
5. Avoid cataclysm (plague, skynet, nuclear armageddon, climate upheaval).
What caused the artificially high world GDP growth which is now tapering off;
- Peace dividend in 50's and 60's
- Women entering the workforce in western economies
- Soviets enters world economy
- China enters world economy
- Triumph of Capitalism
- Digital revolution

Why we have stagnation - because we simply don't another; Gender, Soviets, China, Peace Dividend. It's not a political issue, it's a evolutionary issue.

1. Time. Time heals all bubbles.
2. Reduction of debts
3. Reduction in bureaucracy, red tape, taxes
4. Investments in infrastructure and technology
5. Avoid cataclysm (plague, skynet, nuclear armageddon, climate upheaval).

gibberish, we have 2.25% growth now and less and less capitalism thanks to the libcommie in the White House. With the triumph of capitalism we could easily have 4-5% growth again.
10th post
Special Ed - you spend your days on these forums. I spend my days buying, fixing and running manufacturing companies. I've done this under a Bush administration and an Obama administration. The difference politics makes is negligible. Oh, it might be a big deal to some wage-slave, internet bully like you but to an entrepreneur and CEO like me, politicians of all stripes are the anti-Christ and just another obstacle to work around better than my competitors.

I hope you accomplish something of substance somewhere beyond this forum. If not, plan on heading south in the afterlife.
The difference politics makes is negligible.

of course thats 100000% stupid as always, the difference in politics is the difference between Stalin and Jefferson. Republicans worship Jefferson while Democrats spied for Stalin and elected Obama. Do you understand??
Understand when you take out recessions from the equation, growth percentage among republicans and democrats are basically equal. Objectively speaking, you can't really point your finger at this or that president when a bubble or collapse could have been brewing before he assumed the presidency Like the 2007-2008 Recession.
Yanks, nice to see special Ed's bullying hasnt chased away every fair minded commenter
Understand when you take out recessions from the equation, growth percentage among republicans and democrats are basically equal. Objectively speaking, you can't really point your finger at this or that president when a bubble or collapse could have been brewing before he assumed the presidency Like the 2007-2008 Recession.

yikes!! you got one right!! But keep in mind that capitalism is self-correcting so if you have Republican capitalism you cant have serious recessions or depressions. Do you understand??
15th post
Yanks, nice to see special Ed's bullying hasnt chased away every fair minded commenter
dear, if you had arguments that were not totally stupid and liberal you would feel triumphal not bullied. Do you understand??

Conservatives never ever feel bullied because their arguments are superior. If you disagree please show us a conservative argument that is not superior. See how easy that was?

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