2014 is USA's Coolest Year on Record


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
Oh nooeessss!!1!!1!!!!!! We're all going to boil away due to Global Warming.


SCIENTISTS (from the government!), and we all know how much the Progs love to quote SCIENTISTS, have determined that the USA is having the Coolest Year on Record in 2014.


The percentage of US HCN stations to reach 90 degrees was the smallest on record this year, with four of the five coolest years occurring above 350 PPM CO2. The most widespread heat occurred in 1931, when more than 98% of stations were over 90 degrees.

NOAA s National Weather Service


The Historical Climate Network (HCN) was identified in response to the need for the most accurate, unbiased, modern historical climate record available for detecting climate change in the US over the past 100 years or more, The HCN is a sub-network of Cooperative Observer Network (COOP) consisting of 1221 stations. The HCN stations are maintained by the NOAA’s NWS and the HCN data set is maintained by NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). The HCN-M will sustain the Nation’s regional climate record through modernization of the HCN.

NOAA s National Weather Service
Oh nooeessss!!1!!1!!!!!! We're all going to boil away due to Global Warming.


SCIENTISTS (from the government!), and we all know how much the Progs love to quote SCIENTISTS, have determined that the USA is having the Coolest Year on Record in 2014.

View attachment 33385

The percentage of US HCN stations to reach 90 degrees was the smallest on record this year, with four of the five coolest years occurring above 350 PPM CO2. The most widespread heat occurred in 1931, when more than 98% of stations were over 90 degrees.

NOAA s National Weather Service


The Historical Climate Network (HCN) was identified in response to the need for the most accurate, unbiased, modern historical climate record available for detecting climate change in the US over the past 100 years or more, The HCN is a sub-network of Cooperative Observer Network (COOP) consisting of 1221 stations. The HCN stations are maintained by the NOAA’s NWS and the HCN data set is maintained by NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). The HCN-M will sustain the Nation’s regional climate record through modernization of the HCN.

NOAA s National Weather Service
That's funny. Steven Goddard (your source) has found a way to show a declining trend from data he knows proves the opposite.

Removing Half Of All HCN Stations Has Essentially No Impact On The US Temperature Real Science
Doesn't surprise me -- I don't think I even had to turn on a fan all summer.
Last winter, most frigid ever, couple of winters before that didn't even show up. No question weather is in upheaval.
Doesn't surprise me -- I don't think I even had to turn on a fan all summer.
Last winter, most frigid ever, couple of winters before that didn't even show up. No question weather is in upheaval.

I agree with you based on my anecdotal experience, but, at the same time, I remind myself of other things. I do recall when I was little we had pretty wicked thunderstorms that we don't have so bad now. I recall as a kid having many days, even more than a week, with triple digit heat in summers which we haven't had in my adult life. I also have seen/numerous accounts that winters in my area used to be brutal at times. seems more like it is moderating than getting extreme.
Oh nooeessss!!1!!1!!!!!! We're all going to boil away due to Global Warming.


SCIENTISTS (from the government!), and we all know how much the Progs love to quote SCIENTISTS, have determined that the USA is having the Coolest Year on Record in 2014.

View attachment 33385

The percentage of US HCN stations to reach 90 degrees was the smallest on record this year, with four of the five coolest years occurring above 350 PPM CO2. The most widespread heat occurred in 1931, when more than 98% of stations were over 90 degrees.

NOAA s National Weather Service


The Historical Climate Network (HCN) was identified in response to the need for the most accurate, unbiased, modern historical climate record available for detecting climate change in the US over the past 100 years or more, The HCN is a sub-network of Cooperative Observer Network (COOP) consisting of 1221 stations. The HCN stations are maintained by the NOAA’s NWS and the HCN data set is maintained by NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). The HCN-M will sustain the Nation’s regional climate record through modernization of the HCN.

NOAA s National Weather Service
That's funny. Steven Goddard (your source) has found a way to show a declining trend from data he knows proves the opposite.

Removing Half Of All HCN Stations Has Essentially No Impact On The US Temperature Real Science

And yet you trust made up models by Michael Mann....go figure.
Doesn't surprise me -- I don't think I even had to turn on a fan all summer.
Last winter, most frigid ever, couple of winters before that didn't even show up. No question weather is in upheaval.

We had a cool summer...the tomatoes were Very Disappointing.
Doesn't surprise me -- I don't think I even had to turn on a fan all summer.
Last winter, most frigid ever, couple of winters before that didn't even show up. No question weather is in upheaval.

I agree with you based on my anecdotal experience, but, at the same time, I remind myself of other things. I do recall when I was little we had pretty wicked thunderstorms that we don't have so bad now. I recall as a kid having many days, even more than a week, with triple digit heat in summers which we haven't had in my adult life. I also have seen/numerous accounts that winters in my area used to be brutal at times. seems more like it is moderating than getting extreme.

IOW, the weather and climate naturally vary.
Doesn't surprise me -- I don't think I even had to turn on a fan all summer.
Last winter, most frigid ever, couple of winters before that didn't even show up. No question weather is in upheaval.

I agree with you based on my anecdotal experience, but, at the same time, I remind myself of other things. I do recall when I was little we had pretty wicked thunderstorms that we don't have so bad now. I recall as a kid having many days, even more than a week, with triple digit heat in summers which we haven't had in my adult life. I also have seen/numerous accounts that winters in my area used to be brutal at times. seems more like it is moderating than getting extreme.

I suspect that all our childhood experiences were perceived as 'more extreme'.... ever go back to some building you knew when you were a kid and marvel about how much it shrunk since you grew up? I have.
Doesn't surprise me -- I don't think I even had to turn on a fan all summer.
Last winter, most frigid ever, couple of winters before that didn't even show up. No question weather is in upheaval.

I agree with you based on my anecdotal experience, but, at the same time, I remind myself of other things. I do recall when I was little we had pretty wicked thunderstorms that we don't have so bad now. I recall as a kid having many days, even more than a week, with triple digit heat in summers which we haven't had in my adult life. I also have seen/numerous accounts that winters in my area used to be brutal at times. seems more like it is moderating than getting extreme.

I suspect that all our childhood experiences were perceived as 'more extreme'.... ever go back to some building you knew when you were a kid and marvel about how much it shrunk since you grew up? I have.

Indeed. I visited my elementary school a few years ago. The drinking fountains were itty bitty!
Doesn't surprise me -- I don't think I even had to turn on a fan all summer.
Last winter, most frigid ever, couple of winters before that didn't even show up. No question weather is in upheaval.

I agree with you based on my anecdotal experience, but, at the same time, I remind myself of other things. I do recall when I was little we had pretty wicked thunderstorms that we don't have so bad now. I recall as a kid having many days, even more than a week, with triple digit heat in summers which we haven't had in my adult life. I also have seen/numerous accounts that winters in my area used to be brutal at times. seems more like it is moderating than getting extreme.

IOW, the weather and climate naturally vary.

No... IOW this has indeed been an unusually cool summer, following at least three unusual winters.
Doesn't surprise me -- I don't think I even had to turn on a fan all summer.
Last winter, most frigid ever, couple of winters before that didn't even show up. No question weather is in upheaval.

We had a cool summer...the tomatoes were Very Disappointing.

Yeah, mine have been excruciatingly slow. Still waiting on about a dozen as the light fades...
Doesn't surprise me -- I don't think I even had to turn on a fan all summer.
Last winter, most frigid ever, couple of winters before that didn't even show up. No question weather is in upheaval.

I agree with you based on my anecdotal experience, but, at the same time, I remind myself of other things. I do recall when I was little we had pretty wicked thunderstorms that we don't have so bad now. I recall as a kid having many days, even more than a week, with triple digit heat in summers which we haven't had in my adult life. I also have seen/numerous accounts that winters in my area used to be brutal at times. seems more like it is moderating than getting extreme.

IOW, the weather and climate naturally vary.

No... IOW this has indeed been an unusually cool summer, following at least three unusual winters.

It's not unusually cold compared to the Little Ice Age of 200 years go. We should expect the weather and climate to vary. Trying to "manage" the global climate so we can live in a narrow little temperature zone like frogs in a terrarium is a fool's errand...and that is exactly what the AGW mongers are attempting.
Doesn't surprise me -- I don't think I even had to turn on a fan all summer.
Last winter, most frigid ever, couple of winters before that didn't even show up. No question weather is in upheaval.

I agree with you based on my anecdotal experience, but, at the same time, I remind myself of other things. I do recall when I was little we had pretty wicked thunderstorms that we don't have so bad now. I recall as a kid having many days, even more than a week, with triple digit heat in summers which we haven't had in my adult life. I also have seen/numerous accounts that winters in my area used to be brutal at times. seems more like it is moderating than getting extreme.

IOW, the weather and climate naturally vary.

No... IOW this has indeed been an unusually cool summer, following at least three unusual winters.
It will hit 90 degrees in Wichita Falls, Tx today. About 20 degrees above its average high.
Oh nooeessss!!1!!1!!!!!! We're all going to boil away due to Global Warming.


SCIENTISTS (from the government!), and we all know how much the Progs love to quote SCIENTISTS, have determined that the USA is having the Coolest Year on Record in 2014.

View attachment 33385

The percentage of US HCN stations to reach 90 degrees was the smallest on record this year, with four of the five coolest years occurring above 350 PPM CO2. The most widespread heat occurred in 1931, when more than 98% of stations were over 90 degrees.

NOAA s National Weather Service


The Historical Climate Network (HCN) was identified in response to the need for the most accurate, unbiased, modern historical climate record available for detecting climate change in the US over the past 100 years or more, The HCN is a sub-network of Cooperative Observer Network (COOP) consisting of 1221 stations. The HCN stations are maintained by the NOAA’s NWS and the HCN data set is maintained by NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). The HCN-M will sustain the Nation’s regional climate record through modernization of the HCN.

NOAA s National Weather Service
That's funny. Steven Goddard (your source) has found a way to show a declining trend from data he knows proves the opposite.

Removing Half Of All HCN Stations Has Essentially No Impact On The US Temperature Real Science

And yet you trust made up models by Michael Mann....go figure.
Careful what you say about Dr. Mann - he fights for truth, justice, and the American way.

"In January 2014 District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Weisberg found that Dr. Mann's lawsuit should not be dismissed pursuant to the District Of Columbia's Anti-SLAPP statute. Accusing a scientist of conducting his research fraudulently is a factual allegation that can be proven true or false, not mere hyperbolic opinionating. If it is false it is defamatory, and if it is made with actual malice it is actionable."
Doesn't surprise me -- I don't think I even had to turn on a fan all summer.
Last winter, most frigid ever, couple of winters before that didn't even show up. No question weather is in upheaval.

I agree with you based on my anecdotal experience, but, at the same time, I remind myself of other things. I do recall when I was little we had pretty wicked thunderstorms that we don't have so bad now. I recall as a kid having many days, even more than a week, with triple digit heat in summers which we haven't had in my adult life. I also have seen/numerous accounts that winters in my area used to be brutal at times. seems more like it is moderating than getting extreme.

IOW, the weather and climate naturally vary.

No... IOW this has indeed been an unusually cool summer, following at least three unusual winters.
It will hit 90 degrees in Wichita Falls, Tx today. About 20 degrees above its average high.

Omigawd! You are going to boil away!

Have you found Jesus yet?
Oh nooeessss!!1!!1!!!!!! We're all going to boil away due to Global Warming.


SCIENTISTS (from the government!), and we all know how much the Progs love to quote SCIENTISTS, have determined that the USA is having the Coolest Year on Record in 2014.

View attachment 33385

The percentage of US HCN stations to reach 90 degrees was the smallest on record this year, with four of the five coolest years occurring above 350 PPM CO2. The most widespread heat occurred in 1931, when more than 98% of stations were over 90 degrees.

NOAA s National Weather Service


The Historical Climate Network (HCN) was identified in response to the need for the most accurate, unbiased, modern historical climate record available for detecting climate change in the US over the past 100 years or more, The HCN is a sub-network of Cooperative Observer Network (COOP) consisting of 1221 stations. The HCN stations are maintained by the NOAA’s NWS and the HCN data set is maintained by NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). The HCN-M will sustain the Nation’s regional climate record through modernization of the HCN.

NOAA s National Weather Service
That's funny. Steven Goddard (your source) has found a way to show a declining trend from data he knows proves the opposite.

Removing Half Of All HCN Stations Has Essentially No Impact On The US Temperature Real Science

And yet you trust made up models by Michael Mann....go figure.
Careful what you say about Dr. Mann - he fights for truth, justice, and the American way.

"In January 2014 District of Columbia Superior Court Judge Weisberg found that Dr. Mann's lawsuit should not be dismissed pursuant to the District Of Columbia's Anti-SLAPP statute. Accusing a scientist of conducting his research fraudulently is a factual allegation that can be proven true or false, not mere hyperbolic opinionating. If it is false it is defamatory, and if it is made with actual malice it is actionable."

Dr. Mann is a tool of the Big Government-Financialist Status Quo that is conxtantly seeking for new ways to keep the masses in the roles of debt serfs and tax donkeys. AGW = Carbon Tax Revenues.
Doesn't surprise me -- I don't think I even had to turn on a fan all summer.
Last winter, most frigid ever, couple of winters before that didn't even show up. No question weather is in upheaval.

I agree with you based on my anecdotal experience, but, at the same time, I remind myself of other things. I do recall when I was little we had pretty wicked thunderstorms that we don't have so bad now. I recall as a kid having many days, even more than a week, with triple digit heat in summers which we haven't had in my adult life. I also have seen/numerous accounts that winters in my area used to be brutal at times. seems more like it is moderating than getting extreme.

I suspect that all our childhood experiences were perceived as 'more extreme'.... ever go back to some building you knew when you were a kid and marvel about how much it shrunk since you grew up? I have.

Indeed. I visited my elementary school a few years ago. The drinking fountains were itty bitty!

I recall vividly a blizzard when I was seven years old, in the new house we had moved into from the city. Power was out for days and we kept huddled around a boxy kerosene heater. But then I was tiny and dependent and it was my first blizzard so I'm sure all that amplified the experience versus the other great blizzards I've been blessed with since.
A fine illustration by the OP on how to lie with statistics.

Honest people use the best and simplest data. Liars toss away the simplest data and try to cherrypick some convoluted and cherypicked statistic instead.

So, the honest rational people will use the best and simplest data, the global surface temp average. Cult liars will cherrypick something stupid and meaningless, like "percentage of a subset stations in the USA that hit 90 degrees.". Pathetic and desperate, but it's all they have, since all the good data says they're full of shit.

Deniers are also a hysterical lot, as all their screaming here about "boiling" proves. Boedicca, hysterical, stupid and dishonest is no way to go through life.
Doesn't surprise me -- I don't think I even had to turn on a fan all summer.
Last winter, most frigid ever, couple of winters before that didn't even show up. No question weather is in upheaval.

I agree with you based on my anecdotal experience, but, at the same time, I remind myself of other things. I do recall when I was little we had pretty wicked thunderstorms that we don't have so bad now. I recall as a kid having many days, even more than a week, with triple digit heat in summers which we haven't had in my adult life. I also have seen/numerous accounts that winters in my area used to be brutal at times. seems more like it is moderating than getting extreme.

IOW, the weather and climate naturally vary.


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