2011 appears to be below a top 10 year


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
You heard that right...I doubt this year gets into the top 10. RSS for April was 16th coldest and UAH was 20th for March. BRRR...Hell at this rate we will be lucky to beat 2008, which will make this near the cold year within the past 15 fucking years.

Portland Oregon has seen one of its wettest fucking springs in history and it is colder then all hell.

I say 2011 will be ranked...All from memory.

1# 2000
2# 2011
3# 2008
4# 2001
5# 1996
6# 1999

You heard that right...I doubt this year gets into the top 10. RSS for April was 16th coldest and UAH was 20th for March. BRRR...Hell at this rate we will be lucky to beat 2008, which will make this near the cold year within the past 15 fucking years.

Portland Oregon has seen one of its wettest fucking springs in history and it is colder then all hell.

I say 2011 will be ranked...All from memory.

1# 2000
2# 2011
3# 2008
4# 2001
5# 1996
6# 1999


If we take out the unimportant words in our post, here's how it reads:

Hell fucking fucking hell
And the k00ks narrative when its far down the list.................

.........but the trend is warmer, even with significant down ticks in temperature, thus proving global warming!!!!!!!
With the strongest La Nina in forty years, we get three months with negative analomies. And two just barely negative at that. -0.01, -0.02, and -0.1, now April comes up +0.12. Rather than a down tick, that is a huge uptick. We should have had a real decrease in anamolies, down to at least -0.6 for two or three months with that strong of a La Nina. We had a month like that in '84.

Essentially, this years temperatures thus far have been right in line with accelerating warming on top of the natural variation in our climate. The running mean will not get down to the mean's high points prior to 1998.

Latest Global Temps « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.
With the strongest La Nina in forty years, we get three months with negative analomies. And two just barely negative at that. -0.01, -0.02, and -0.1, now April comes up +0.12. Rather than a down tick, that is a huge uptick. We should have had a real decrease in anamolies, down to at least -0.6 for two or three months with that strong of a La Nina. We had a month like that in '84.

Essentially, this years temperatures thus far have been right in line with accelerating warming on top of the natural variation in our climate. The running mean will not get down to the mean's high points prior to 1998.

Latest Global Temps « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

Thats whats great about this scam........its brilliant. Virtually foolproof. The religion can mainipulate ANYTHING to serve their ends!!! Fascinating shit...........if it warms, its the trend. If it cools, its the trend. :lol:If its up and down, its a trend.:lol::lol: Natural variations? Its a trend. :lol::lol::lol:More hurricanes? Its a trend. :lol::lol::lol::lol:Less hurricanes? Its a trend.:lol::lol::rofl: Few tornado's? Its a trend............mega tornado's? A HUUUUUUUUUUUGE ass trend. Strong LaNina's? Guess what? Its a trend!!!:rofl::rofl::lol:

Because Dr Spencer says so......................
Amazing how many who support global trade do not understand what global means.

I guess that is why they support global trade.
With the strongest La Nina in forty years, we get three months with negative analomies. And two just barely negative at that. -0.01, -0.02, and -0.1, now April comes up +0.12. Rather than a down tick, that is a huge uptick. We should have had a real decrease in anamolies, down to at least -0.6 for two or three months with that strong of a La Nina. We had a month like that in '84.

Essentially, this years temperatures thus far have been right in line with accelerating warming on top of the natural variation in our climate. The running mean will not get down to the mean's high points prior to 1998.

Latest Global Temps « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

Thats whats great about this scam........its brilliant. Virtually foolproof. The religion can mainipulate ANYTHING to serve their ends!!! Fascinating shit...........if it warms, its the trend. If it cools, its the trend. :lol:If its up and down, its a trend.:lol::lol: Natural variations? Its a trend. :lol::lol::lol:More hurricanes? Its a trend. :lol::lol::lol::lol:Less hurricanes? Its a trend.:lol::lol::rofl: Few tornado's? Its a trend............mega tornado's? A HUUUUUUUUUUUGE ass trend. Strong LaNina's? Guess what? Its a trend!!!:rofl::rofl::lol:

Because Dr Spencer says so......................

Now Kooky, we realize that you are incapable of thought before posting, but Dr. Spencer is the person that our ol' junkie, Limpbaugh, claims as the leading climatologist.

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