Coolest April on record = tornado's s0ns!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
so much for the theories of the high priests of the religion..............

From the article..............

An interesting note is that the largest tornado event in U.S. history, the super tornado outbreak of April 3 - 4, 1974, occurred in a La Nina year, as we are this year.

Cliff Mass Weather Blog: Are the Eastern U.S. tornadoes and our cold weather connected?


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Yes, the cooler storms coming in from the Pacific are contributing to the increase in tornado's this year.
Yes, the cooler storms coming in from the Pacific are contributing to the increase in tornado's this year.

Thanks for helping make the point bro...........Rocks has been on here the past ten days talking about global warming and the tornados in the same breath!!!:funnyface:

Really? What else do you need to make a tornado, moron...clueless troll.

ps- I AM NOT YOUR BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My friends have a clue, you are the biggest delusional fuckstain here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, the cooler storms coming in from the Pacific are contributing to the increase in tornado's this year.

Thanks for helping make the point bro...........Rocks has been on here the past ten days talking about global warming and the tornados in the same breath!!!:funnyface:

Really? What else do you need to make a tornado, moron...clueless troll.

ps- I AM NOT YOUR BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My friends have a clue, you are the biggest delusional fuckstain here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Indeed..........but my side is winning s0n and not.

Heres to Captain Fcukkstain and the Fabulous Fcukkstains!!!:rock::rock::rock:

ps......western skiing is still gay s0n.
Winning what, you brainless troll?

THIS s0n.......................

On the rough April weather from the NOAA...............

"It's very consistent with La Nina; maybe we've had more extremes," Halpert said. "It's a shift of the jet stream, providing all that moisture and shifting it away from the south, so you've seen a lot of drought in Texas."

U.S. scientists also looked for the fingerprints of global warming and La Nina on last month's deadly tornadoes, but couldn't find evidence to blame those oft-cited weather phenomena.

The Associated Press: Fire and rain: Fed scientists point to wild April

Oh..........and ps..........I might point out that the high priests of the global warming religion have been falling all over themselves for two weeks making claims linking tornado's to global warming.............of course, providing links from every k00k science leader on the planet!!!!:D:D:D:D:boobies:

WINNING for the brainless!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for helping make the point bro...........Rocks has been on here the past ten days talking about global warming and the tornados in the same breath!!!:funnyface:

Really? What else do you need to make a tornado, moron...clueless troll.

ps- I AM NOT YOUR BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My friends have a clue, you are the biggest delusional fuckstain here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Indeed..........but my side is winning s0n and not.

Heres to Captain Fcukkstain and the Fabulous Fcukkstains!!!:rock::rock::rock:

ps......western skiing is still gay s0n.

Western skiing like with cowboy hats and chaps? Or western skiing vs eastern skiing?

Please elaborate. Do you ski? I ski AND ride, 34 seasons so far. The only true gay skiing was ballet skiing from the 70's and 80's.

Pathetic attempt at a cheap shot troll, very desperate. Funny thing is I have never heard you use fuckstain, now you repeat it, lol, braaaawck, polly wants a cracker.

Posting self portraits and overusing emoticons paints you as a teenager with acne and who is beaten on a regular basis. The only thing you blow up is your sex doll, and the only thing you've pwn'd is you own pecker.

OK, one more time on my position on GW (not AGW) since your attention span is shorter than your dick. My opinions are similar to Ian's, but not quite as closed minded.

1-the planets average mean temps have increased more rapidly lately, fact
2-co2 is a GHG and we put out too much of it, fact
3-cap and trade was a smoke and mirror ponzi scheme, epic fail, see #2
4-to say that humans have zero impact on the climate is just as stupid as saying co2 is the only reason our planets ave mean temps have increased, a factor...yes, but not the only reason, and we need to reduce pollution with an ever increasing population
5-a lot can be said for society on how we leave the planet for future generations, and right now we are not on a sustainable path
Yo, kooky pal...why is it you disappear whenever your gray matter is called upon? Pretty easy questions tho...even for a partisan hack troll like you.
Yo, kooky pal...why is it you disappear whenever your gray matter is called upon? Pretty easy questions tho...even for a partisan hack troll like you.

Yup.....ahhhhhhhhhhh >>takes long drag of ciggy in classic Denis Leary fashion <<:eusa_whistle:

A real partisan hack.....................

41% Now Say Global Warming is Caused By Human Activity, More Say Planetary Trends
Friday, December 10, 2010

Most U.S. voters continue to be concerned about global warming but still are more inclined to think it's caused by planetary trends rather than human activity.

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters finds that 41% think global warming is caused primarily by human activity, while 47% say long-term planetary trends are to blame. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

This is consistent with findings for nearly two years. A higher percentage of voters have consistently blamed global warming on planetary trends rather than human activity since early February 2009 despite the insistence of President Obama, the United Nations and a large part of the world scientific community that humans are the bigger culprits.

41% Now Say Global Warming is Caused By Human Activity, More Say Planetary Trends - Rasmussen Reports&#8482;

as in......................Majority s0n!!!

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