20% who voted for Biden want their vote back & ~50% of his Twitter followers are fake

I doubt Trump or Biden will be elected. Old fucks
The Dems secretly hope Trump IS the nominee. If it turns out to be DeSantis, though they'll try the same scorched earth media/propaganda against him, there won't be any traction and he won't give them nearly as much mindless ammo. I'm pretty sure they'd truly fear DeSantis. He isn't a billionaire but he damned sure doesn't seem to care about the lies of the Left and their media whores. (no offense to the working ladies).
Nice try. There is also an obligation of the seller to honestly assess the true value before the sale.
Elon is already overpaying for Twitter......so spare me the whole "True value" bullshit....

"As billionaire and hopeful Twitter owner Elon Musk put it: "how do advertisers know what they’re getting for their money? This is fundamental to the financial health of Twitter,” As someone ostensibly interested in running a social media company, it’s difficult to believe that he would not have performed some basic due diligence on the types of metrics that the industry uses to keep track of these things."

So either Elon is a moron or he is lying to create some type of pre-text for backing out of the deal without having to pay anything....and we know he isn't a moron, or you would be a bigger moron for worshiping him...so I am going with lying...
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Short of some kind of successful cheat in November, they will not have control of Congress in November of '24 and if we see the same issues occurring, they can immediately cry foul and present evidence of the efforts of the Left. Any who refuse will be primaried and removed. IF they use the Fed's authority to interfere with state electoral rules and demand the same kind of insecure balloting that they used in '20, there needs to be an INSTANT, NATIONWIDE PROTEST where the path to true, dedicated civil disobedience will be outlined and if they won't allow investigations, then the CD needs to be implemented.
Ha ha ha ha ‘short of a cheat?’

Maybe Americans become sick and tired of the lunacy that has taken over much of the GOP.
There are about 50-60 million voters who disagree. Just a heads up, Cletus, try it again and watch the country burn. Your masters in DC would be fine with that outcome but I doubt their rank and file will be as chuffed.
Joe Biden is the duly elected President of the United States of America End of story
Biden may not even run in 2024 but I do think Trump has a strong chance of winning.....

Then it will be fun to see Trumpers IMMEDIATELY take credit for low unemployment numbers before their cult leader enters office....like last time...

Ain't happening.
Joey is a life-long taker corrupt politician who hasn't created or built anything, except for America's demise.
oh, so you crying like a bitch because I said "no support" ??


Trump's approval rating on the economy during 2020 (You know, the year of the election) was well below 50%

For context, Obama's approval rating on the economy in his final year in office was 50% but it didn't stop dic suckers like you then from claiming the economy was a disaster...

So that tells me morons like you don't really give a fuck about approval ratings in any way that is consistent or grounded....just emotional, like a bitch...
2020 was due to COVID19 you race baiting sissy.
Are you ever not a complete tard?
Elon is already overpaying for Twitter......so spare me the whole "True value" bullshit....

"As billionaire and hopeful Twitter owner Elon Musk put it: "how do advertisers know what they’re getting for their money? This is fundamental to the financial health of Twitter,” As someone ostensibly interested in running a social media company, it’s difficult to believe that he would not have performed some basic due diligence on the types of metrics that the industry uses to keep track of these things."

So either Elon is a moron or he is lying to create some type of pre-text for backing out of the deal without having to pay anything....and we know he isn't a moron, or you would be a bigger moron for worshiping him...so I am going with lying...
Because some obscure web source tells you he is overpaying it means he is? Lol

What is the value of Twitter in your opinion?

This is coming from Newsweek, a leftist site. LOL. -

According to the Fake Followers tool, which is available to use for free online, the @POTUS Twitter account has about 10.9 million “fake followers” out of 22.2 million total, which make up 49.3% of the account’s followers. That number is relatively high for an account of that size. The median percentage of “fake followers” for an account of similar size is 41%, putting the @POTUS account on the high end of the spectrum. The low end of the spectrum for an account of similar size is about 25% “fake followers.”

81mil voted for him and many seem ashamed by it. --- One in five Americans want to give their vote for Biden BACK

Approval rating is sinking

View attachment 646359

Under Biden’s immigration policies, illegal border crossings have soared to all-time highs.

In Fiscal Year 2021 alone, U.S. Customs and Border Protection experienced 1.7 million encounters with aliens at the southern border, the highest number ever recorded in a single year.

That number does not include people who evaded border patrol officers. o According to the internal Border Patrol estimates from January through August of 2021, more than 273,000 migrants avoided apprehension and entered our country illegally.

These are new records. Fiscal Year 2022 is already sharply outpacing 2021’s record-breaking numbers.

U.S. Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz anticipates in the next few days, the U.S. will hit one million encounters with migrants attempting to illegally cross our Southern border since October 1. • That’s one million encounters in the last six months, outpacing last year’s record-breaking numbers. • Last month, CBP encountered nearly 165,000 illegal immigrants at the border. o That was the highest total for February in the Department of Homeland Security’s history.

For the last 12 months in a row, there have been over 150,000 encounters at the Southern border; eight of which broke records.

November cannot come soon enough
Thiers one leftist retard who was shocked to find out he was only tweeting to 80 people ....thousands of his followers were bots

This is coming from Newsweek, a leftist site. LOL. -

According to the Fake Followers tool, which is available to use for free online, the @POTUS Twitter account has about 10.9 million “fake followers” out of 22.2 million total, which make up 49.3% of the account’s followers. That number is relatively high for an account of that size. The median percentage of “fake followers” for an account of similar size is 41%, putting the @POTUS account on the high end of the spectrum. The low end of the spectrum for an account of similar size is about 25% “fake followers.”

81mil voted for him and many seem ashamed by it. --- One in five Americans want to give their vote for Biden BACK

Approval rating is sinking

View attachment 646359

Under Biden’s immigration policies, illegal border crossings have soared to all-time highs.

In Fiscal Year 2021 alone, U.S. Customs and Border Protection experienced 1.7 million encounters with aliens at the southern border, the highest number ever recorded in a single year.

That number does not include people who evaded border patrol officers. o According to the internal Border Patrol estimates from January through August of 2021, more than 273,000 migrants avoided apprehension and entered our country illegally.

These are new records. Fiscal Year 2022 is already sharply outpacing 2021’s record-breaking numbers.

U.S. Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz anticipates in the next few days, the U.S. will hit one million encounters with migrants attempting to illegally cross our Southern border since October 1. • That’s one million encounters in the last six months, outpacing last year’s record-breaking numbers. • Last month, CBP encountered nearly 165,000 illegal immigrants at the border. o That was the highest total for February in the Department of Homeland Security’s history.

For the last 12 months in a row, there have been over 150,000 encounters at the Southern border; eight of which broke records.

November cannot come soon enough
81 miiiiiiiilion votes
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
81,268,924 actually.
Is that how many babies Joe is going to kill through abortion and shutting down baby formula plants and from violence committed by felons he releases and illegals and terrorists brought in to the country to set on fire our food warehouses?

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