1969, 14 have come from Republican presidents, and only four from Democrats.

Is that like Dems fellating Russia until Hillary needed an excuse for losing?
No we still support our former president's.

You know what's funny about you brainwashed Republicans? You can't see that it was actually Carter/Clinton/Obama who cared about middle class America and it was indeed deep state globalist RINO's who obstructed every one of them.

You guys love to say Carter was a shitty president. Yea, because he was a good man and the globalist deep state Republicans sabotaged his presidency. But this you will laugh off. And then in the next breath claim this is what happened to Trump. What a joke. Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan and all the other Republicans protected the Trump crime family for 4 years. Trump should have been thrown out of office at least 5 times. And he doubled the number of mega corporations that now pay zero taxes. You guys cried Obama gave GE tax breaks. Trump DOUBLED the number of companies who now pay zero taxes.

And Trump himself was an illegal employer. I bet Carter didn't hire illegals on his peanut farm.
Sure after butterfly ballots and hanging chads correct.

Hanging chads should count? What about dimpled chads? Why?
What about the butterfly ballots?

And if that's true, why did Republicans send operatives down to disrupt the recount?

Dems were trying to keep changing the counts until they won.
They finally got that to work with Franken.

This year's insurrection was not your first.

You've always been drama queens.
You can't see that it was actually Carter/Clinton/Obama who cared about middle class America

Is that why CLinton raised middle class taxes, after promising to cut them?
He cared?

You guys love to say Carter was a shitty president.

Yeah, it's safe to say he sucked. So weak, but he cared all right.

Yea, because he was a good man

And a terrible president.

And he doubled the number of mega corporations that now pay zero taxes.

I know, deducting business expenses is horrible!!! LOL!
Is that why CLinton raised middle class taxes, after promising to cut them?
He cared?

You guys love to say Carter was a shitty president.

Yeah, it's safe to say he sucked. So weak, but he cared all right.

Yea, because he was a good man

And a terrible president.

And he doubled the number of mega corporations that now pay zero taxes.

I know, deducting business expenses is horrible!!! LOL!
He doubled the number of corporations who now pay no taxes. That's good? Idiot. Well I guess it's true if the debt really doesn't matter.

Trump was a bad man and even worse president.
Is that why CLinton raised middle class taxes, after promising to cut them?
He cared?

You guys love to say Carter was a shitty president.

Yeah, it's safe to say he sucked. So weak, but he cared all right.

Yea, because he was a good man

And a terrible president.

And he doubled the number of mega corporations that now pay zero taxes.

I know, deducting business expenses is horrible!!! LOL!
I don't cry about the taxes I paid in the 1990's. That was the best decade of our lives. Maybe in all of human history. 8 great boom years. Dot com or not. He did a great job. Only he gave in to Republicans too much. He signed their media deregulations bill. Now the media is no longer free. It's controlled by corporations. He signed Bush's NAFTA. And a few other times Clinton went along with Republicans and really fucked us good.
I don't cry about the taxes I paid in the 1990's. That was the best decade of our lives. Maybe in all of human history. 8 great boom years. Dot com or not. He did a great job. Only he gave in to Republicans too much. He signed their media deregulations bill. Now the media is no longer free. It's controlled by corporations. He signed Bush's NAFTA. And a few other times Clinton went along with Republicans and really fucked us good.

I don't cry about the taxes I paid in the 1990's.

And I don't care about your claims that Dems "cared" about the middle class.

Dot com or not. He did a great job. Only he gave in to Republicans too much.

Well, after you do such a great job that you lose 10 seats in the Senate and 54 seats in the House,
you can't expect to carry on as before, eh?
Why do you feel that?
What possible way is there for a corporation to pay no taxes? Spell it out.
Be as specific as you can.

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act lowered the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent. In its first year, the number of companies paying no taxes went from 30 to 60.

This story was originally published by The Center for Public Integrity, a nonprofit, nonpartisan investigative news organization in Washington, D.C.

At least 60 companies reported that their 2018 federal tax rates amounted to effectively zero, or even less than zero, on income earned on U.S. operations

Among them are household names like technology giant Amazon.com Inc. and entertainment streaming service Netflix Inc., in addition to global oil giant Chevron Corp., pharmaceutical manufacturer Eli Lilly and Co., and farming and commercial equipment manufacturer Deere & Co.

The identified companies were "able to zero out their federal income taxes on $79 billion in U.S. pretax income," according to the ITEP report, which was released today. "Instead of paying $16.4 billion in taxes, as the new 21 percent corporate tax rate requires, these companies enjoyed a net corporate tax rebate of $4.3 billion, blowing a $20.7 billion hole in the federal budget last year."

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act lowered the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent. In its first year, the number of companies paying no taxes went from 30 to 60.

This story was originally published by The Center for Public Integrity, a nonprofit, nonpartisan investigative news organization in Washington, D.C.

At least 60 companies reported that their 2018 federal tax rates amounted to effectively zero, or even less than zero, on income earned on U.S. operations

Among them are household names like technology giant Amazon.com Inc. and entertainment streaming service Netflix Inc., in addition to global oil giant Chevron Corp., pharmaceutical manufacturer Eli Lilly and Co., and farming and commercial equipment manufacturer Deere & Co.

The identified companies were "able to zero out their federal income taxes on $79 billion in U.S. pretax income," according to the ITEP report, which was released today. "Instead of paying $16.4 billion in taxes, as the new 21 percent corporate tax rate requires, these companies enjoyed a net corporate tax rebate of $4.3 billion, blowing a $20.7 billion hole in the federal budget last year."

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act lowered the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent.

That doesn't explain how they paid zero.


Depreciation and stock options reduce corporate income.
So they had zero taxable income.

How much tax should be paid on zero income?
Despite what Gore claimed, I have never believed what he said of wanting "every vote counted". There is no question in my mind that all he wanted was to count the votes over and over and over again in Florida until it produced a vote count in that state that showed him as the winner. Likewise, there is no reason for Trump to demand recount after recount and audit after audit of so many different states unless he's desperate to do anything to cling to power when the math just isn't there. I'd like to say it's every bit as asinine as the stunt the Gore campaign team tried to pull twenty years ago, but the sad reality is that he seems desperate to flip one state, any state, and the EC college result would still have Biden as the winner,, so what Trump's doing is even more pathetic. I'd like to hope that someday he'd finally come to terms with the fact that the American people didn't want him to be their president after 2020, but I very much doubt it.
Fair about Gore. I think I read analysis back when that recounts wouldn't have helped Gore anyway, though that wasn't known until later; too bad SCOTUS set such bad precedent to block them from happening. But yes, a single challenge is massively less bad than an across-the-board legal and PR assault on every exercise of democracy the loser's ego can't stand.
A lot of people looked into the Florida vote in 2000. If you counted all the votes, including the ones tossed because of Hanging Chads, Gore won Florida. They did so many shady things in Florida. But ultimately, the Brooks Brother Riot ended the recount. Yes that's right, 2020 wasn't the first time Republicans rioted because they didn't like the election results. So then it went to the Supreme Court and they decided who our president would be in 2000. Not Florida voters. Sad but true.

Some say Bush would have won but that's bullshit. Jeb and Katherine Harris and

I find this very interesting.

In 1996 LePore changed her political party registration to Democratic after deciding to run for the position of Supervisor of Elections.

She designed the infamous "butterfly ballot" used in the 2000 presidential election.
There's certainly no doubt I'm aware of that the butterfly ballot and the ludicrous concentration of Buchanan voters changed the results, and that more voters were *attempting* to vote for Gore than for Bush. Amazing how much history turns on crappy ballot design. And, as to the paid khaki mob, yeah, that was a sad joke. Rs do always seem willing to violate every foundational norm that matters and rely on adults to somehow preserve democracy in the face of their gamesmanship; it's a sad pattern that has grown much more dramatic in the Trump era. Maybe they could be the adults for once, instead of playing along with a con man would-be dictator and making excuses for insurrection that threaten our entire way of life.
There's certainly no doubt I'm aware of that the butterfly ballot and the ludicrous concentration of Buchanan voters changed the results, and that more voters were *attempting* to vote for Gore than for Bush. Amazing how much history turns on crappy ballot design. And, as to the paid khaki mob, yeah, that was a sad joke. Rs do always seem willing to violate every foundational norm that matters and rely on adults to somehow preserve democracy in the face of their gamesmanship; it's a sad pattern that has grown much more dramatic in the Trump era. Maybe they could be the adults for once, instead of playing along with a con man would-be dictator and making excuses for insurrection that threaten our entire way of life.

It was a terrible ballot design. I think we can all agree on that. I can't think of any arrangement of the names of candidates where placing Buchanan between Bush and Gore would make any sense. But I do also think that voters did bear some responsibility to be careful and take the time to ensure that they were indeed indicating on the ballot which candidate they had wanted to vote for, and not going so fast and jumping to conclusions about how the candidates were listed.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act lowered the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent.

That doesn't explain how they paid zero.

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Depreciation and stock options reduce corporate income.
So they had zero taxable income.

How much tax should be paid on zero income?
They pay zero Federal. Maybe you should ask an accountant how this works. Loopholes, deductions, write offs, etc.
Of the 18 justices confirmed since 1969, 14 have come from Republican presidents, and only four from Democrats. A few GOP appointees, notably Harry Blackmun and David Souter, in time voted consistently with the liberal wing. But conservatives have dominated. (Senate Republicans in 2016 prevented a vote on Democrat Barack Obama's nomination of Merrick Garland.)

If they repeal Roe verses Wade, that would make the judges in error when they ok'd it, or would deny it. They were right the first time.

The reality is that in 1973, Roe vs. Wade was decided by a Court that was comprised of a majority of justices who were nominated by Republican presidents. The vote on Roe vs. Wade was 7-2.Nov 6, 2016
Roe v. Wade Was Decided By A Republican-Nominated Supreme Court

Roe v. Wade Was Decided By A Republican-Nominated ...


and its been republican nominated ever since.
If our government doesn't represent everyone it is hardly a democracy. Ours is in need of some serious fixing.

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