17th Anniversary of the Muzzie Terrorist Attack on America


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

As the article points out, it wasn’t a “tragedy,” it was an act of war. An act of war by an enemy everyone knows but the Left and its lapdog media refuse to admit.



And in watching all the tributes, I could not help but notice the only person who used the words, “Extremist Islam” was President Trump. A lot of others may not get it but he certainly does.

It’s been 17 years since almost 3000 people were murdered by muslims on our soil, but in case you’ve forgotten, we are still at war with subhuman cutthroats who want to turn the West into a subservient Caliphate.

Islamic shitbags have increased their body count by the thousands. Their bloody attacks across Europe have skyrocketed thanks to their suicidal open borders/’refugee’ policies.

Then there’s the daily carnage throughout the rest of the world in the name of their ‘allah’.

Now that President Trump is in office, there’s been a drastic change in the way we handle the Islamic threat. He’s reversing the damage that Barky did to national security . He’s unleashed the military and let them finish the mission to eradicate Obama’s “JV Team”. He’s banned travel into the country from Islamofascist nation-states, stopped Obama’s disastrous Iranian nuke deal and cut off aid to the PLO terrorists.

He needs to understand that there is no such thing as Arab ‘allies’ and playing patty-cake with the pigs will not make us safer or stop the jihad.

Could not have been said better.

More @ 17th Anniversary of the Muzzie Terrorist Attack on America
OP, just look at all the pieces of shit who will troll this topic and disrespect our country.


As the article points out, it wasn’t a “tragedy,” it was an act of war. An act of war by an enemy everyone knows but the Left and its lapdog media refuse to admit.



And in watching all the tributes, I could not help but notice the only person who used the words, “Extremist Islam” was President Trump. A lot of others may not get it but he certainly does.

It’s been 17 years since almost 3000 people were murdered by muslims on our soil, but in case you’ve forgotten, we are still at war with subhuman cutthroats who want to turn the West into a subservient Caliphate.

Islamic shitbags have increased their body count by the thousands. Their bloody attacks across Europe have skyrocketed thanks to their suicidal open borders/’refugee’ policies.

Then there’s the daily carnage throughout the rest of the world in the name of their ‘allah’.

Now that President Trump is in office, there’s been a drastic change in the way we handle the Islamic threat. He’s reversing the damage that Barky did to national security . He’s unleashed the military and let them finish the mission to eradicate Obama’s “JV Team”. He’s banned travel into the country from Islamofascist nation-states, stopped Obama’s disastrous Iranian nuke deal and cut off aid to the PLO terrorists.

He needs to understand that there is no such thing as Arab ‘allies’ and playing patty-cake with the pigs will not make us safer or stop the jihad.

Could not have been said better.

More @ 17th Anniversary of the Muzzie Terrorist Attack on America
Way to politicize September 11th! Only an incurious Trumpian could find a way to praise The Donald on this particular day! While he bragged about his buildings being the tallest after the World Trade Center collapse and told tal tales about 'thousands of Muslims dancing on the rooftops', America was safe from attack and bin Laden was killed.

As the article points out, it wasn’t a “tragedy,” it was an act of war. An act of war by an enemy everyone knows but the Left and its lapdog media refuse to admit.



And in watching all the tributes, I could not help but notice the only person who used the words, “Extremist Islam” was President Trump. A lot of others may not get it but he certainly does.

It’s been 17 years since almost 3000 people were murdered by muslims on our soil, but in case you’ve forgotten, we are still at war with subhuman cutthroats who want to turn the West into a subservient Caliphate.

Islamic shitbags have increased their body count by the thousands. Their bloody attacks across Europe have skyrocketed thanks to their suicidal open borders/’refugee’ policies.

Then there’s the daily carnage throughout the rest of the world in the name of their ‘allah’.

Now that President Trump is in office, there’s been a drastic change in the way we handle the Islamic threat. He’s reversing the damage that Barky did to national security . He’s unleashed the military and let them finish the mission to eradicate Obama’s “JV Team”. He’s banned travel into the country from Islamofascist nation-states, stopped Obama’s disastrous Iranian nuke deal and cut off aid to the PLO terrorists.

He needs to understand that there is no such thing as Arab ‘allies’ and playing patty-cake with the pigs will not make us safer or stop the jihad.

Could not have been said better.

More @ 17th Anniversary of the Muzzie Terrorist Attack on America
Way to politicize September 11th! Only an incurious Trumpian could find a way to praise The Donald on this particular day! While he bragged about his buildings being the tallest after the World Trade Center collapse and told tal tales about 'thousands of Muslims dancing on the rooftops', America was safe from attack and bin Laden was killed.
And that make you mad doesn't it. Are you going to take flying lessons?

As the article points out, it wasn’t a “tragedy,” it was an act of war. An act of war by an enemy everyone knows but the Left and its lapdog media refuse to admit.



And in watching all the tributes, I could not help but notice the only person who used the words, “Extremist Islam” was President Trump. A lot of others may not get it but he certainly does.

It’s been 17 years since almost 3000 people were murdered by muslims on our soil, but in case you’ve forgotten, we are still at war with subhuman cutthroats who want to turn the West into a subservient Caliphate.

Islamic shitbags have increased their body count by the thousands. Their bloody attacks across Europe have skyrocketed thanks to their suicidal open borders/’refugee’ policies.

Then there’s the daily carnage throughout the rest of the world in the name of their ‘allah’.

Now that President Trump is in office, there’s been a drastic change in the way we handle the Islamic threat. He’s reversing the damage that Barky did to national security . He’s unleashed the military and let them finish the mission to eradicate Obama’s “JV Team”. He’s banned travel into the country from Islamofascist nation-states, stopped Obama’s disastrous Iranian nuke deal and cut off aid to the PLO terrorists.

He needs to understand that there is no such thing as Arab ‘allies’ and playing patty-cake with the pigs will not make us safer or stop the jihad.

Could not have been said better.

More @ 17th Anniversary of the Muzzie Terrorist Attack on America
Way to politicize September 11th! Only an incurious Trumpian could find a way to praise The Donald on this particular day! While he bragged about his buildings being the tallest after the World Trade Center collapse and told tal tales about 'thousands of Muslims dancing on the rooftops', America was safe from attack and bin Laden was killed.
You are a fucking retard.

9-11 is precisely because of our politics.


As the article points out, it wasn’t a “tragedy,” it was an act of war. An act of war by an enemy everyone knows but the Left and its lapdog media refuse to admit.



And in watching all the tributes, I could not help but notice the only person who used the words, “Extremist Islam” was President Trump. A lot of others may not get it but he certainly does.

It’s been 17 years since almost 3000 people were murdered by muslims on our soil, but in case you’ve forgotten, we are still at war with subhuman cutthroats who want to turn the West into a subservient Caliphate.

Islamic shitbags have increased their body count by the thousands. Their bloody attacks across Europe have skyrocketed thanks to their suicidal open borders/’refugee’ policies.

Then there’s the daily carnage throughout the rest of the world in the name of their ‘allah’.

Now that President Trump is in office, there’s been a drastic change in the way we handle the Islamic threat. He’s reversing the damage that Barky did to national security . He’s unleashed the military and let them finish the mission to eradicate Obama’s “JV Team”. He’s banned travel into the country from Islamofascist nation-states, stopped Obama’s disastrous Iranian nuke deal and cut off aid to the PLO terrorists.

He needs to understand that there is no such thing as Arab ‘allies’ and playing patty-cake with the pigs will not make us safer or stop the jihad.

Could not have been said better.

More @ 17th Anniversary of the Muzzie Terrorist Attack on America
Way to politicize September 11th! Only an incurious Trumpian could find a way to praise The Donald on this particular day! While he bragged about his buildings being the tallest after the World Trade Center collapse and told tal tales about 'thousands of Muslims dancing on the rooftops', America was safe from attack and bin Laden was killed.
And that make you mad doesn't it. Are you going to take flying lessons?
It makes me disappointed in the mindset of those who seek to blow Trump's horn through the mouthpiece of September 11th.

As the article points out, it wasn’t a “tragedy,” it was an act of war. An act of war by an enemy everyone knows but the Left and its lapdog media refuse to admit.



And in watching all the tributes, I could not help but notice the only person who used the words, “Extremist Islam” was President Trump. A lot of others may not get it but he certainly does.

It’s been 17 years since almost 3000 people were murdered by muslims on our soil, but in case you’ve forgotten, we are still at war with subhuman cutthroats who want to turn the West into a subservient Caliphate.

Islamic shitbags have increased their body count by the thousands. Their bloody attacks across Europe have skyrocketed thanks to their suicidal open borders/’refugee’ policies.

Then there’s the daily carnage throughout the rest of the world in the name of their ‘allah’.

Now that President Trump is in office, there’s been a drastic change in the way we handle the Islamic threat. He’s reversing the damage that Barky did to national security . He’s unleashed the military and let them finish the mission to eradicate Obama’s “JV Team”. He’s banned travel into the country from Islamofascist nation-states, stopped Obama’s disastrous Iranian nuke deal and cut off aid to the PLO terrorists.

He needs to understand that there is no such thing as Arab ‘allies’ and playing patty-cake with the pigs will not make us safer or stop the jihad.

Could not have been said better.

More @ 17th Anniversary of the Muzzie Terrorist Attack on America
That’s when happens when social conservatism isn’t reigned in.

You forgot to note that’s the day you were defeated by the terrorists.

As the article points out, it wasn’t a “tragedy,” it was an act of war. An act of war by an enemy everyone knows but the Left and its lapdog media refuse to admit.



And in watching all the tributes, I could not help but notice the only person who used the words, “Extremist Islam” was President Trump. A lot of others may not get it but he certainly does.

It’s been 17 years since almost 3000 people were murdered by muslims on our soil, but in case you’ve forgotten, we are still at war with subhuman cutthroats who want to turn the West into a subservient Caliphate.

Islamic shitbags have increased their body count by the thousands. Their bloody attacks across Europe have skyrocketed thanks to their suicidal open borders/’refugee’ policies.

Then there’s the daily carnage throughout the rest of the world in the name of their ‘allah’.

Now that President Trump is in office, there’s been a drastic change in the way we handle the Islamic threat. He’s reversing the damage that Barky did to national security . He’s unleashed the military and let them finish the mission to eradicate Obama’s “JV Team”. He’s banned travel into the country from Islamofascist nation-states, stopped Obama’s disastrous Iranian nuke deal and cut off aid to the PLO terrorists.

He needs to understand that there is no such thing as Arab ‘allies’ and playing patty-cake with the pigs will not make us safer or stop the jihad.

Could not have been said better.

More @ 17th Anniversary of the Muzzie Terrorist Attack on America
Way to politicize September 11th! Only an incurious Trumpian could find a way to praise The Donald on this particular day! While he bragged about his buildings being the tallest after the World Trade Center collapse and told tal tales about 'thousands of Muslims dancing on the rooftops', America was safe from attack and bin Laden was killed.
You are a fucking retard.

9-11 is precisely because of our politics.

All the national unity that came from that tragedy has been squandered by those who seek to score cheap, insensitive political points.

As the article points out, it wasn’t a “tragedy,” it was an act of war. An act of war by an enemy everyone knows but the Left and its lapdog media refuse to admit.



And in watching all the tributes, I could not help but notice the only person who used the words, “Extremist Islam” was President Trump. A lot of others may not get it but he certainly does.

It’s been 17 years since almost 3000 people were murdered by muslims on our soil, but in case you’ve forgotten, we are still at war with subhuman cutthroats who want to turn the West into a subservient Caliphate.

Islamic shitbags have increased their body count by the thousands. Their bloody attacks across Europe have skyrocketed thanks to their suicidal open borders/’refugee’ policies.

Then there’s the daily carnage throughout the rest of the world in the name of their ‘allah’.

Now that President Trump is in office, there’s been a drastic change in the way we handle the Islamic threat. He’s reversing the damage that Barky did to national security . He’s unleashed the military and let them finish the mission to eradicate Obama’s “JV Team”. He’s banned travel into the country from Islamofascist nation-states, stopped Obama’s disastrous Iranian nuke deal and cut off aid to the PLO terrorists.

He needs to understand that there is no such thing as Arab ‘allies’ and playing patty-cake with the pigs will not make us safer or stop the jihad.

Could not have been said better.

More @ 17th Anniversary of the Muzzie Terrorist Attack on America
Way to politicize September 11th! Only an incurious Trumpian could find a way to praise The Donald on this particular day! While he bragged about his buildings being the tallest after the World Trade Center collapse and told tal tales about 'thousands of Muslims dancing on the rooftops', America was safe from attack and bin Laden was killed.
You are a fucking retard.

9-11 is precisely because of our politics.

All the national unity that came from that tragedy has been squandered by those who seek to score cheap, insensitive political points.
And all repeats of history come from fools seeking to erase it because it hurts their feelings.

Fuck that and fuck you.
9/11/01 was a false flag event that accomplished quite a few things for the global elites. The evidence is overwhelming that this was an orchestrated attack not by the CIA funded "al qaeda" but a stand down and allowing agents within Saudi intel and the mossad that were used as third party assets.
9/11/01 was a false flag event that accomplished quite a few things for the global elites. The evidence is overwhelming that this was an orchestrated attack not by the CIA funded "al qaeda" but a stand down and allowing agents within Saudi intel and the mossad that were used as third party assets.
Oh god....

I gotta get off the internet. Stop the world, I want off.
...I remember back in the mid 80s, reading a book on the Israelis and how they were trying to defend against just such an attack
...why were our people [ in the defense departments/CIA/FBI/etc ] so surprised by this method of attack?--at least that's what I read
...but I'm not surprised
a lot of people [ even cops/FBI/etc ] are not '''street wise'''
prime example is the Camp Chapman attack
Never forget how our leaders used this attack 2 years later to fuel the lies that led to an Iraqi invasion, that had nothing to do with 9-11, and those lies led to the deaths of 4,500 U.S. soldiers and another 25,000 wounded, hundreds of billions wasted and at least 200,000 Iraqi civilians killed by our deranged act. Yes, Never Again!
It's unbelievable how the pure hatred the liberals feel for Trump, has turned this thread into a forum for them to spew their hate for the President of the United States. The only thing I can liken these people to are those who danced in the street after the attacks on September 11, 2001.
It's unbelievable how the pure hatred the liberals feel for Trump, has turned this thread into a forum for them to spew their hate for the President of the United States. The only thing I can liken these people to are those who danced in the street after the attacks on September 11, 2001.

Who danced where?
9/11/01 was a false flag event that accomplished quite a few things for the global elites. The evidence is overwhelming that this was an orchestrated attack not by the CIA funded "al qaeda" but a stand down and allowing agents within Saudi intel and the mossad that were used as third party assets.
Oh god....

I gotta get off the internet. Stop the world, I want off.

You can do it if ya want Gramps. Rubin just got back after 30 days off from politics and news and he said it really helped him get squared with himself to pull out of the political hype bubble. I haven't watched TV news for like decades personally, it helped me a ton to turn off the bullshit from the media circus - for a few years I stopped politics all together and life was wayyyy happier (though for me personally, I feel like I have some civic duty to pay attention or some such so yay I have to filter all the sewage out of the bullshit.)

Still, a short break might do ya some good :)
...I remember back in the mid 80s, reading a book on the Israelis and how they were trying to defend against just such an attack
...why were our people [ in the defense departments/CIA/FBI/etc ] so surprised by this method of attack?--at least that's what I read
...but I'm not surprised
a lot of people [ even cops/FBI/etc ] are not '''street wise'''
prime example is the Camp Chapman attack

...I remember back in the mid 80s, reading a book on the Israelis and how they were trying to defend against just such an attack
...why were our people [ in the defense departments/CIA/FBI/etc ] so surprised by this method of attack?--at least that's what I read
...but I'm not surprised
a lot of people [ even cops/FBI/etc ] are not '''street wise'''
prime example is the Camp Chapman attack

Does anyone here know the story behind the man with the rifle in the picture?


The man on the cover of this book was not surprised. He was a friend, a battle buddy and one of the smartest men I ever knew. I knew him from mid 1965 until his death on 9-11-2001. Every November 14th we attended a reunion in Arlington, VA. From Nov' 93 until Nov 2000 he would talk about the danger of militant Islam. None of us doubted him and little did we know that his prediction would happen at his workplace. There was a documentary of him after 9/11 and he became known as the man who predicted 9/11. When the book photograph was taken I was walking directly behind the guy who took the picture.

His name is Cyril Richard Rick" Rescorla and he was chief of security for Morgan-Stanley at the WTC. He was responsible for saving the lives of many people before the towers fell. I will post an article and a Youtube video to do the explaining. I am fortunate to have known him.

Rick Rescorla

Cyril Richard Rescorla (May 27, 1939 – September 11, 2001) was a United States Army officer and private security officer of British origin who served as a commissioned officer in the Vietnam War, where he was a second lieutenant in the United States Army.[2]

As the director of security for the financial services firm Morgan Stanley at the World Trade Center, Rescorla anticipated attacks on the towers and implemented evacuation procedures credited with saving many lives.[3] He died during the attacks of September 11, 2001, while leading evacuees from the South Tower.

Early years
Rick Rescorla was born in Hayle, Cornwall, on May 27, 1939.[1][2] He grew up there with his grandparents and his mother, who worked as a housekeeper and companion to the elderly.[3] In 1943, his hometown of Hayle served as headquarters for the 175th Infantry Regiment of the U.S. 29th Infantry Division, largely composed of U.S. soldiers from Maryland and Virginia preparing for the D-Day invasion of Normandy.[4] Young Rescorla idolized the U.S. soldiers and wanted to become a soldier because of them.[5]

Rescorla was a natural sportsman, setting a school record in the shot put, and was an avid boxer. When a professional boxing match was scheduled between a British boxer and a U.S. heavyweight contender named Tami Mauriello, his friends backed the Briton. Rescorla stated, "I'm for Tammy" [sic] and after Mauriello won the fight everyone in Hayle knew him as "Tammy".[6]

Rick Rescorla | Revolvy

The video of The Man Who Predicted 9/11.


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