16 Truths About Israel That Debunk Palestinian Beliefs

Truth hurts, don't it, Billo?

View attachment 63989
Only for those who are afraid to face it. Which, in this case, would be you.

I just proved 3 of your claims to be false. You have not proven my argument to be wrong.

I do like the picture, BTW.

Here, I'll do another one for good measure...

From your link:
2. "Zionism is Racism. Israel by Definition is Undemocratic."
When the UN recommended establishing a Jewish state in 1947 and admitted Israel as a member in 1949, it saw no contradiction between Israel’s Jewish and Democratic identity.

That is a lie. Lord Balfour's "declaration" included the caveat...

"...it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine..."

So right out of the gate, they saw there was a "big" contradiction between a "Jewish state" and its "non-Jewish citizens".
Seal impression of King Hezekiah, found in situ, proving that Jerusalem was the royal administration for the Jewish people 2700 years ago.


No, it proves that someone dropped a 1cm piece of clay impressed with the seal of Hezekiah found in a demolished building. No reason to assume anything of he sort unless you are part of the Zionist Anenerbe.

Is this artifact authentic or not, in your estimation? Or is it a forgery?

Authenticity is not the issue, interpretation is.
We always hear claims about Israel doing this, that and the other but here are the facts that debunk the lies.

"Jews in Israel are White European Colonialists"


The Jewish people are indigenous to Israel, the birthplace of their identity and unique culture, and have maintained a documented presence there for over 3,000 years. Half of modern Israel’s Jews returned home to Israel from the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. Jews who came from Europe were not colonialists. They did not represent a foreign power and rejected any identification with European nations. They were idealists who sought to restore and preserve their unique heritage and fought for the same rights that are granted to all peoples: self-determination and independence in their ancestral home. over 150 years ago, jews returned in ever-larger numbers, again became the majority in Jerusalem in the 1860s, and established Tel Aviv in 1909. In 1920 the international community officially recognized the indigenous rights of the Jewish people and endorsed the restoration of the Jewish Homeland.

Read more at 16 Things That Give Israel a Bad Name But Aren't Really True
Slapping a Menorah on to your coat of arms does not make you indigenous, what documented presence outside of their own fantasy novel documents their presence for over 3000 years? In 1920 the "international community" rubber stamped the British imperialist idea of establishing a national home for Jewish people in Palestine; the British had no intention of allowing the creation of an independant Jewish state.

Another Hasbarist "de-bunk fail".

Sunni Man, you are part of an illustrious religion that is sovereign in 57 countries. Why does Israel, the one Jewish country, bother you so much? Why did you applaud Challenger's post?

Religion isn't sovereign in any country with the possible exceptions of Iran and IS...oh, forgot...Zionist Israel.
We always hear claims about Israel doing this, that and the other but here are the facts that debunk the lies.

"Jews in Israel are White European Colonialists"


The Jewish people are indigenous to Israel, the birthplace of their identity and unique culture, and have maintained a documented presence there for over 3,000 years. Half of modern Israel’s Jews returned home to Israel from the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. Jews who came from Europe were not colonialists. They did not represent a foreign power and rejected any identification with European nations. They were idealists who sought to restore and preserve their unique heritage and fought for the same rights that are granted to all peoples: self-determination and independence in their ancestral home. over 150 years ago, jews returned in ever-larger numbers, again became the majority in Jerusalem in the 1860s, and established Tel Aviv in 1909. In 1920 the international community officially recognized the indigenous rights of the Jewish people and endorsed the restoration of the Jewish Homeland.

Read more at 16 Things That Give Israel a Bad Name But Aren't Really True
Slapping a Menorah on to your coat of arms does not make you indigenous, what documented presence outside of their own fantasy novel documents their presence for over 3000 years? In 1920 the "international community" rubber stamped the British imperialist idea of establishing a national home for Jewish people in Palestine; the British had no intention of allowing the creation of an independant Jewish state.

Another Hasbarist "de-bunk fail".

It's called archeology.

No it's called "Bible-Archaeology", there's a difference.
He/she has been presented with numerous articles and examples of archeology that supports the view the Judaic people have inhabited Judaea for at least 7000 years.

he's just not emotionally capable of facing the simple truth

its an element of cognitive dissonance when someone can't face the facts because they directly refute a preferred belief.

Challenged is a perfect example

The truth is obvious, archeology bears it out.
See post #24
No Challenged, real archeology isn't nonsecular. Its just in your little world it must be because it doesn't even remotely support your fantasies.

Its that whole cognitive dissonance thing again.

Its a sickness

Long story short the lies about Israel are very easily exposed for what they are. This ludicrous claim that the Judaic people aren't native to the area they've inhabited since the dawn of history is one of the easiest to dispel.

You and racists like you simply have a hard time believing it, its not however unbelievable.

cheers ;--)
We always hear claims about Israel doing this, that and the other but here are the facts that debunk the lies.

"Jews in Israel are White European Colonialists"


The Jewish people are indigenous to Israel, the birthplace of their identity and unique culture, and have maintained a documented presence there for over 3,000 years. Half of modern Israel’s Jews returned home to Israel from the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. Jews who came from Europe were not colonialists. They did not represent a foreign power and rejected any identification with European nations. They were idealists who sought to restore and preserve their unique heritage and fought for the same rights that are granted to all peoples: self-determination and independence in their ancestral home. over 150 years ago, jews returned in ever-larger numbers, again became the majority in Jerusalem in the 1860s, and established Tel Aviv in 1909. In 1920 the international community officially recognized the indigenous rights of the Jewish people and endorsed the restoration of the Jewish Homeland.

Read more at 16 Things That Give Israel a Bad Name But Aren't Really True
Slapping a Menorah on to your coat of arms does not make you indigenous, what documented presence outside of their own fantasy novel documents their presence for over 3000 years? In 1920 the "international community" rubber stamped the British imperialist idea of establishing a national home for Jewish people in Palestine; the British had no intention of allowing the creation of an independant Jewish state.

Another Hasbarist "de-bunk fail".

And yet another example of rat boy being forced on the ropes and having to use hasbara to try and escape the punishment he is receiving.

As you have been told the British had no say in the matter and so had to follow orders
Seal impression of King Hezekiah, found in situ, proving that Jerusalem was the royal administration for the Jewish people 2700 years ago.


No, it proves that someone dropped a 1cm piece of clay impressed with the seal of Hezekiah found in a demolished building. No reason to assume anything of he sort unless you are part of the Zionist Anenerbe.

Read the linik again as the evidence shows it was dropped during the period of its existence, and not later. Like the fake archeology ruins in wales that were dated by a piece of barbed wire underneath the antiquities that dated their placement sometime after the mid 1960's
No Challenged, real archeology isn't nonsecular.

I'm well aware of what real archaeology is, thank you. Real archaeologists find a potential site; survey and dig there to see what they can find out about the site and go where the evidence leads them. Zionist Ahnenerbe/Biblical archaeologists read the Torah/Bible then look for anything to support what it says; rather like sticking an arrow into a tree then drawing a target around it, declaring to one and all, you've scored a bull's eye.

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