16 Demos that voted Yes Obamacare now say "NO"!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Now, the very actors who are most responsible for ignoring public demands and jamming through Obamacare are trying to "delay" or repeal a major element of their law, warning that it could stifle medical innovation and kill jobs.
Welcome to the party, guys. You're about two years too late:

U.S. Sen. Bob Casey and 16 other Senate Democrats want the medical device tax - included in the 2010 healthcare reform law that they supported - postponed.
Democratic Senators Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken pointed to thousands of high-paying jobs that device companies support in Minnesota, headquarters to such giant devicemakers as Medtronic and St. Jude Medical. The industry has painted the tax as a job killer that would hurt innovation.
"The delay would give us the opportunity to repeal or reduce that tax," said Klobuchar, co-author of a letter sent to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid seeking the delay. Repeal is the ultimate goal of the letter's 18 signers,

Senate Democrats: Um, Let's "Postpone" Obamacare's Medical Device Tax - Guy Benson

Remember Congress members.. Pelosi said" we have to pass to know what's in it!!!"

AND REMEMBER you idiots that voted YES???
There WERE NEVER 50 million "uninsured" when 10 million are NOT citizens, 14 million are ALREADY COVERED and 18 million that never needed,wanted health insurance!

8 million truly that want and need could have been covered by the simple taxing of 10% of Lawyers $100 billion (JUST AS Obamacare is taxing tanning salons..) and use that to pay the claims of those truly "uninsured"!

But it was just total LIE.. there were never 50 million "uninsured" yet these congress members NEVER knew that or else they wouldn't have thought they were doing something good that is obviously SO bad!!!!
this is typical liberal BS. The MFERs should be made to swollow the whole thing.
No.. they didn't know these provisions were in it! Again Pelosi.. have to pass to know what's in it!
But more importantly... WHY didn't any of these 16 or for that fact even conservatives QUESTION WHY the need for Obamacare when the number of 50 million "uninsured" was phony in the first place! I mean the Census told us 10 million of 50 were not citizens!
Studies have shown 14 million are already covered but don't know it under Medicaid!
and using 18 million who DON"T NEED or WANTED are under 34 and make over $50K... counted as uninsured was totally bogus!

But what was known was health care costs of $650 billion was driven as the experts report, (physicians!!) they send duplicate tests, specialist referrals and why???
FEAR of lawsuits! Think about it! 10% tanning salon taxes because cancer caused by tanning.. YET not one effort to reduce $650 billion in fear of lawsuits!
Why couldn't they have taxed 10% on lawyers $100 billion a year and used to pay the claims of the truly 8 million uninsured?
Problem solved because the tax would be tied to declining $650 billion defensive medicine and THAT would also reduce the health care costs!
That and Medicare wouldn't be overbilled sometimes by 6,000% by hospitals making up for "unreimbursed" expenses that they cover by padding and passing on to Medicare/insurance!
Tax it and you get less of it, always works that way, always will. The commies voted for it, let them own it. The same thing will happen with the tax increases Maobama is demanding now, he knows it, he doesn't care, it's all about the win with him.
It would have helped if they read it before voting for it.

Of course they read it

If they knew this provision was in the law why did they not complain when it was proposed? Why at the last minute is it suddenly noticed?

...they did.

Senate amendment would alter medical device tax
December 14, 2009 by MassDevice staff

An amendment to the Senate's healthcare reform bill would delay a tax on medical device manufacturers and exempt companies with less than $100 million in annual sales.

Two senators from states with hefty medical device clusters sponsored an amendment to healthcare reform legislation that would exempt companies with less than $100 million in annual sales from a proposed medical device tax, delaying its implementation until 2013.

The amendment is being sponsored by Sen. Evan Bayh (D-Ind.), along with Senators John Kerry (D-Mass.), Amy Klobuchar (D.-Minn.), Al Franken (D.-Minn.), Herb Kohl (D.-Wis.), Debbie Stabenow (D.-Mich.) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.).

Win some, lose some.
No.. they didn't know these provisions were in it! Again Pelosi.. have to pass to know what's in it!
But more importantly... WHY didn't any of these 16 or for that fact even conservatives QUESTION WHY the need for Obamacare when the number of 50 million "uninsured" was phony in the first place! I mean the Census told us 10 million of 50 were not citizens!
Studies have shown 14 million are already covered but don't know it under Medicaid!
and using 18 million who DON"T NEED or WANTED are under 34 and make over $50K... counted as uninsured was totally bogus!

But what was known was health care costs of $650 billion was driven as the experts report, (physicians!!) they send duplicate tests, specialist referrals and why???
FEAR of lawsuits! Think about it! 10% tanning salon taxes because cancer caused by tanning.. YET not one effort to reduce $650 billion in fear of lawsuits!
Why couldn't they have taxed 10% on lawyers $100 billion a year and used to pay the claims of the truly 8 million uninsured?
Problem solved because the tax would be tied to declining $650 billion defensive medicine and THAT would also reduce the health care costs!
That and Medicare wouldn't be overbilled sometimes by 6,000% by hospitals making up for "unreimbursed" expenses that they cover by padding and passing on to Medicare/insurance!

Pelosi was correct...

Of course she didn't know what was going to be in the bill. There were two bills at the time, one in the House and one in the Senate. Until the bill passed reconciliation she had no way of knowing what was in it

Og course, Retard Republicans think it means you vote on bills you haven't read
Now, the very actors who are most responsible for ignoring public demands and jamming through Obamacare are trying to "delay" or repeal a major element of their law, warning that it could stifle medical innovation and kill jobs.
Welcome to the party, guys. You're about two years too late:

U.S. Sen. Bob Casey and 16 other Senate Democrats want the medical device tax - included in the 2010 healthcare reform law that they supported - postponed.
Democratic Senators Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken pointed to thousands of high-paying jobs that device companies support in Minnesota, headquarters to such giant devicemakers as Medtronic and St. Jude Medical. The industry has painted the tax as a job killer that would hurt innovation.
"The delay would give us the opportunity to repeal or reduce that tax," said Klobuchar, co-author of a letter sent to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid seeking the delay. Repeal is the ultimate goal of the letter's 18 signers,

Senate Democrats: Um, Let's "Postpone" Obamacare's Medical Device Tax - Guy Benson

Remember Congress members.. Pelosi said" we have to pass to know what's in it!!!"

AND REMEMBER you idiots that voted YES???
There WERE NEVER 50 million "uninsured" when 10 million are NOT citizens, 14 million are ALREADY COVERED and 18 million that never needed,wanted health insurance!

8 million truly that want and need could have been covered by the simple taxing of 10% of Lawyers $100 billion (JUST AS Obamacare is taxing tanning salons..) and use that to pay the claims of those truly "uninsured"!

But it was just total LIE.. there were never 50 million "uninsured" yet these congress members NEVER knew that or else they wouldn't have thought they were doing something good that is obviously SO bad!!!!

I wonder if these 17 Democrat Senators would be willing to take responsibility and pay for their mistakes.?
No.. they didn't know these provisions were in it! Again Pelosi.. have to pass to know what's in it!
But more importantly... WHY didn't any of these 16 or for that fact even conservatives QUESTION WHY the need for Obamacare when the number of 50 million "uninsured" was phony in the first place! I mean the Census told us 10 million of 50 were not citizens!
Studies have shown 14 million are already covered but don't know it under Medicaid!
and using 18 million who DON"T NEED or WANTED are under 34 and make over $50K... counted as uninsured was totally bogus!

But what was known was health care costs of $650 billion was driven as the experts report, (physicians!!) they send duplicate tests, specialist referrals and why???
FEAR of lawsuits! Think about it! 10% tanning salon taxes because cancer caused by tanning.. YET not one effort to reduce $650 billion in fear of lawsuits!
Why couldn't they have taxed 10% on lawyers $100 billion a year and used to pay the claims of the truly 8 million uninsured?
Problem solved because the tax would be tied to declining $650 billion defensive medicine and THAT would also reduce the health care costs!
That and Medicare wouldn't be overbilled sometimes by 6,000% by hospitals making up for "unreimbursed" expenses that they cover by padding and passing on to Medicare/insurance!

No conservative, or Republican, supported Obamatax. Both were against the largest tax increase in history.
Now, the very actors who are most responsible for ignoring public demands and jamming through Obamacare are trying to "delay" or repeal a major element of their law, warning that it could stifle medical innovation and kill jobs.
Welcome to the party, guys. You're about two years too late:

U.S. Sen. Bob Casey and 16 other Senate Democrats want the medical device tax - included in the 2010 healthcare reform law that they supported - postponed.
Democratic Senators Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken pointed to thousands of high-paying jobs that device companies support in Minnesota, headquarters to such giant devicemakers as Medtronic and St. Jude Medical. The industry has painted the tax as a job killer that would hurt innovation.
"The delay would give us the opportunity to repeal or reduce that tax," said Klobuchar, co-author of a letter sent to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid seeking the delay. Repeal is the ultimate goal of the letter's 18 signers,

Senate Democrats: Um, Let's "Postpone" Obamacare's Medical Device Tax - Guy Benson

Remember Congress members.. Pelosi said" we have to pass to know what's in it!!!"

AND REMEMBER you idiots that voted YES???
There WERE NEVER 50 million "uninsured" when 10 million are NOT citizens, 14 million are ALREADY COVERED and 18 million that never needed,wanted health insurance!

8 million truly that want and need could have been covered by the simple taxing of 10% of Lawyers $100 billion (JUST AS Obamacare is taxing tanning salons..) and use that to pay the claims of those truly "uninsured"!

But it was just total LIE.. there were never 50 million "uninsured" yet these congress members NEVER knew that or else they wouldn't have thought they were doing something good that is obviously SO bad!!!!

I wonder if these 17 Democrat Senators would be willing to take responsibility and pay for their mistakes.?

Bob Casey won't because the democrats will never pull the ring in his nose in that direction. Casey is an embarrassment to his Father that was totally pro-life and a Democrat. Casey is a complete and utter empty suit. The only reason he gets elected is name recognition, his Dad's that is.
this is typical liberal BS. The MFERs should be made to swollow the whole thing.

the motherfuckers should be required to be covered under it.

The argument will be that they will be covered under Obamatax. The only thing is it will be th best plan available while the rest of us will have to make sacrifices to pay higher premiums on our policy to pay for those in Congress and those who will be getting a virtual free ride. And Congress' quality of care will not change, meanwhile you and I can count on long waits to see an over worked doctor.
this is typical liberal BS. The MFERs should be made to swollow the whole thing.

the motherfuckers should be required to be covered under it.

The argument will be that they will be covered under Obamatax. The only thing is it will be th best plan available while the rest of us will have to make sacrifices to pay higher premiums on our policy to pay for those in Congress and those who will be getting a virtual free ride. And Congress' quality of care will not change, meanwhile you and I can count on long waits to see an over worked doctor.

Who Stands To Lose From Health Care Law? Members Of Congress
Congressional Republicans' attempt to repeal President Barack Obama's health care law is about to become even more combative. That's because members of Congress themselves, somewhat ironically, have something to lose if the law is fully implemented -- their health insurance plans.

Within the Affordable Care Act is a provision that ends the participation of members of Congress and their aides in the Federal Employees Health Benefit Program (FEHBP). Instead, they would have to obtain coverage, like much of the nation, through insurance exchanges created by the health care law, something lawmakers are apparently thinking twice about.

But here's the catch: That change only came about as a result of a Republican-sponsored amendment to the law, introduced by Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma. In the thick of the debate over whether the ACA should create the public option -- a government-run health care plan -- during the summer of 2009, Coburn, along with Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, introduced the measure, supposedly to ensure lawmakers live under the same rules as their constituents.

Now, as House Republicans plan a Wednesday vote to repeal the entire ACA, some Democrats told The Hill they believe that, as reality sets in, some of the bill's opponents may be backing out of their promise to live by the same rules of the American people.
No.. they didn't know these provisions were in it! Again Pelosi.. have to pass to know what's in it!
But more importantly... WHY didn't any of these 16 or for that fact even conservatives QUESTION WHY the need for Obamacare when the number of 50 million "uninsured" was phony in the first place! I mean the Census told us 10 million of 50 were not citizens!
Studies have shown 14 million are already covered but don't know it under Medicaid!
and using 18 million who DON"T NEED or WANTED are under 34 and make over $50K... counted as uninsured was totally bogus!

But what was known was health care costs of $650 billion was driven as the experts report, (physicians!!) they send duplicate tests, specialist referrals and why???
FEAR of lawsuits! Think about it! 10% tanning salon taxes because cancer caused by tanning.. YET not one effort to reduce $650 billion in fear of lawsuits!
Why couldn't they have taxed 10% on lawyers $100 billion a year and used to pay the claims of the truly 8 million uninsured?
Problem solved because the tax would be tied to declining $650 billion defensive medicine and THAT would also reduce the health care costs!
That and Medicare wouldn't be overbilled sometimes by 6,000% by hospitals making up for "unreimbursed" expenses that they cover by padding and passing on to Medicare/insurance!

Pelosi was correct...

Of course she didn't know what was going to be in the bill. There were two bills at the time, one in the House and one in the Senate. Until the bill passed reconciliation she had no way of knowing what was in it

Og course, Retard Republicans think it means you vote on bills you haven't read

Well if they are "RETARDS" what are you because obviously YOU LIKE most idiots can't do simple math!
A) 10 million supposed uninsured are NOT CITIZENS!!!
C) 18 million NEVER wanted, never needed, and yet were feloniously counted and fraudulently used as a bogus 50 million!
Subtract 42 million from 50 and you get 8 million TRULY uninsured and YOU and other IDIOTS want to destroy:
1) 1,400 companies that employ 400,000 people and pay $100 billion a year in Federal/state/Local and property taxes!
FOR WHAT Bullshi...T!!!
No.. they didn't know these provisions were in it! Again Pelosi.. have to pass to know what's in it!
But more importantly... WHY didn't any of these 16 or for that fact even conservatives QUESTION WHY the need for Obamacare when the number of 50 million "uninsured" was phony in the first place! I mean the Census told us 10 million of 50 were not citizens!
Studies have shown 14 million are already covered but don't know it under Medicaid!
and using 18 million who DON"T NEED or WANTED are under 34 and make over $50K... counted as uninsured was totally bogus!

But what was known was health care costs of $650 billion was driven as the experts report, (physicians!!) they send duplicate tests, specialist referrals and why???
FEAR of lawsuits! Think about it! 10% tanning salon taxes because cancer caused by tanning.. YET not one effort to reduce $650 billion in fear of lawsuits!
Why couldn't they have taxed 10% on lawyers $100 billion a year and used to pay the claims of the truly 8 million uninsured?
Problem solved because the tax would be tied to declining $650 billion defensive medicine and THAT would also reduce the health care costs!
That and Medicare wouldn't be overbilled sometimes by 6,000% by hospitals making up for "unreimbursed" expenses that they cover by padding and passing on to Medicare/insurance!

Pelosi was correct...

Of course she didn't know what was going to be in the bill. There were two bills at the time, one in the House and one in the Senate. Until the bill passed reconciliation she had no way of knowing what was in it

Og course, Retard Republicans think it means you vote on bills you haven't read

Key word, "retard".

I don't hink the rw's know, even now, what Speaker Pelosi was referring to. They certainly keep retelling the lie.
the motherfuckers should be required to be covered under it.

The argument will be that they will be covered under Obamatax. The only thing is it will be th best plan available while the rest of us will have to make sacrifices to pay higher premiums on our policy to pay for those in Congress and those who will be getting a virtual free ride. And Congress' quality of care will not change, meanwhile you and I can count on long waits to see an over worked doctor.

Who Stands To Lose From Health Care Law? Members Of Congress
Congressional Republicans' attempt to repeal President Barack Obama's health care law is about to become even more combative. That's because members of Congress themselves, somewhat ironically, have something to lose if the law is fully implemented -- their health insurance plans.

Within the Affordable Care Act is a provision that ends the participation of members of Congress and their aides in the Federal Employees Health Benefit Program (FEHBP). Instead, they would have to obtain coverage, like much of the nation, through insurance exchanges created by the health care law, something lawmakers are apparently thinking twice about.

But here's the catch: That change only came about as a result of a Republican-sponsored amendment to the law, introduced by Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma. In the thick of the debate over whether the ACA should create the public option -- a government-run health care plan -- during the summer of 2009, Coburn, along with Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, introduced the measure, supposedly to ensure lawmakers live under the same rules as their constituents.

Now, as House Republicans plan a Wednesday vote to repeal the entire ACA, some Democrats told The Hill they believe that, as reality sets in, some of the bill's opponents may be backing out of their promise to live by the same rules of the American people.

This has tickled me ever since I first learned about it.

The bastards get their insurance paid for by us but won't allow us to get the same deal they get with our money.

And, now, they're pissed?


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