12 years left until we face our doom...


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
Experts Warn We Have Only 12 Years Left Until They Change The Timeline On Global Warming Again

Climate experts have solemnly warned that we only have twelve years left until they change the dates on global warming again.
"If we don't take action, then in 12 years we will have to explain why the world hasn't ended and come up with a new number," one UN scientist warned. "This is a very serious threat, and we urge everyone to hand control of the economy to the government immediately before we have no more time left to change the timeline again."

I think they just need better PR folks, because when you hear "people" like AOC talk, you wonder how they have escaped natural selection long enough to reach puberty.

The scientific consensus is that roughly 10-12 years from now, the world will be flooded with new doomsday predictions. This can all be avoided if we overhaul the economy and become socialists, according to non-political, unbiased sciencey type guys.

If there is a consensus among scientists it is that they need to make sure the research funding from congress never dries up or they will have to get real jobs, rather than paid trips to the arctic looking for polar bear shit while riding snow mobiles and generally having fun.

The fact is, I've been hearing this shit all my cognitive life that humans were going to destroy the earth. Either with nuclear weapons, nuclear power, industrial pollution, genetic warfare, and of course ice ages or global warming. While a nuclear holocaust is a real threat, it was a much more plausible threat 40 years ago than it is now. MMGW and all of it's similar hoaxes have been a huge source of funding for pointless study and self aggrandizement in the academic community. They will never allow that cash cow to be slaughtered on the public altar like it should be.


So why should they expect us to turn our income over to them?

Eat, drink be merry, for tomorrow we shall die.
the IPCC doesn't have a point of no return. Wonder which eco-blogger started this newest craze
Another doomsday clock. The last one sure was accurate. The nuclear doomsday clock has been stuck at 5 minutes to midnight for about 50 years. Look for similar "stuck" behavior from the climate doomsday clock.
I bet it wouldn't take much to convince Democrats to eat their babies to prevent global warming.
It was all in the making years ago. The Globalist wants to have control of our lives. In order for them to do that. It is to bankrupt the economy so that we will be slaves to them. And if we don't obey them? That there will not be no soup for us.


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