12 black felons start riot in new york jail

I like the attempt to make it sound as bad as you can by adding the felon part.

😂 😂 They are in jail they obviously did something to be held in their.

These right wingers are funny.
BLM and AntiFa have rioted everywhere else, so what.
Those riots were instigated by a 9 minute torture/murder video and the perp is in jail for the next 22 years. They weren`t trying to overthrow Democracy. Are you trying to justify beating up 130 cops and smearing crap on the walls of the Capitol? Try harder.
Those riots were instigated by a 9 minute torture/murder video and the perp is in jail for the next 22 years. They weren`t trying to overthrow Democracy. Are you trying to justify beating up 130 cops and smearing crap on the walls of the Capitol? Try harder.
The January 6th Capitol building break in wasn't an armed insurrection to overthrow the government.
1. You can't overthrow the United States government with several hundred "unarmed" people.
2. The only person actually murdered during that demonstration was an unarmed female Air Force veteran.
3. Most of those that actually went into the Capitol building, walked through, even staying inside the ropes and one person initially charged with rioting there, was judged "not guilty" when video evidence showed the Capitol Police actually waving the guy into the building.
The January 6th Capitol building break in wasn't an armed insurrection to overthrow the government.
1. You can't overthrow the United States government with several hundred "unarmed" people.
2. The only person actually murdered during that demonstration was an unarmed female Air Force veteran.
3. Most of those that actually went into the Capitol building, walked through, even staying inside the ropes and one person initially charged with rioting there, was judged "not guilty" when video evidence showed the Capitol Police actually waving the guy into the building.
So far, 315 of trump`s domestic terrorist goons have pleaded guilty.

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