12/3 Afghan War poll


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009
Americans Split on Whether Goals in Afghanistan Will Be Met

"The unveiling of President Obama's new military strategy for Afghanistan has not left Americans overly confident that it will succeed -- 48% say the U.S. is certain or likely to achieve its goals in the war, while 45% say the U.S. is unlikely to do so or is certain not to achieve its aims."

Obama is starting out with less than half.
Not a very convincing poll. 50-50 split on success. After 8-years of "dithering" another 18-months of concentrated effort before leaving is worth a shot. Bonus points if they get OBL.
What are the goals? I don't know too many Americans who even know what the goals are over there at this point. This latest plan is no plan at all. A "Surge" and Surrender plan? Why send 30,000 more kids over there to me killed and maimed if we're leaving in 2011? It just makes no sense. Al Qaeda and the Taliban have won. I can understand a surge but to announce a withdrawal at the same time just seems ludicrous. Al Qaeda and the Taliban are dancing in the streets over this latest plan. That War is over so there is no need to get more of our kids killed for nothing.
What are the goals? I don't know too many Americans who even know what the goals are over there at this point. This latest plan is no plan at all. A "Surge" and Surrender plan? Why send 30,000 more kids over there to me killed and maimed if we're leaving in 2011? It just makes no sense. Al Qaeda and the Taliban have won. I can understand a surge but to announce a withdrawal at the same time just seems ludicrous. Al Qaeda and the Taliban are dancing in the streets over this latest plan. That War is over so there is no need to get more of our kids killed for nothing.

Did you even listen to Obama's speech? He laid out the goals very plainly, unlike his predecessor. If you do not understand them, it is either because you are too stupid, or because you simply choose not to. Either way, I don't care. Go fuck yourself.
A "Surge"/Surrender Plan is no Plan at all. This latest plan is definitely a Win/Win for Al Qaeda and the Taliban. 2011 will come quick and they both know this. No need to send more of our kids to be killed and maimed. That War is over and even Al Qaeda and the Taliban understand this. Their so-called "Goals" just seem to be delusional fantasies at this point. I don't know anyone who understands what the goals are over there at this point. What a shame.
What are the goals? I don't know too many Americans who even know what the goals are over there at this point. This latest plan is no plan at all. A "Surge" and Surrender plan? Why send 30,000 more kids over there to me killed and maimed if we're leaving in 2011? It just makes no sense. Al Qaeda and the Taliban have won. I can understand a surge but to announce a withdrawal at the same time just seems ludicrous. Al Qaeda and the Taliban are dancing in the streets over this latest plan. That War is over so there is no need to get more of our kids killed for nothing.

Did you even listen to Obama's speech? He laid out the goals very plainly, unlike his predecessor. If you do not understand them, it is either because you are too stupid, or because you simply choose not to. Either way, I don't care. Go fuck yourself.

Yank - you've been here long enough to realize that Libo doesn't respond to any post that disproves his. He/she just re-posts the same old cut-n-paste hate speech over and over.
Their "Goals" are just so convoluted and delusional at this point. If you're leaving in 2011 than so be it. Sending 30,000 more kids over there to be killed and maimed just seems completely unnecessary. Al Qaeda and the Taliban really are dancing in the streets over this latest decision. The finish line is now in sight as far as they're concerned. 2011 isn't all that far away. Al Qaeda and the Taliban know this War is over and now it's time for all Americans to accept this as well.
Suceed in what?

They won't destroy the Taliban nor will they make Afghanistan 'safer.'

All they will do is take casualties and increase the deficeit.

End this idiot war now.

do you think it was a good idea or a bad idea for Obama to announce that (afghanistan) policy at this time?
good idea=39% bad idea=59%

do you think conditions in Afghanistan will or will not be good enough in the summer of 2011 for the U.S. to start removing troops?
good enough=33% not good enough=61%

Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as president?
approve=48% disapprove=50%
Never ask a people not directly fighting or planning a war what they think of it, who cares?

I bet if you pulled the Roman people after Hannibal kicked ass at Cannae they would all have squealed surrender too.

Cooler heads in the senate and the legions stayed in the fight and won.

Wars are not won on polls (though as Vietnam shows too much concern with polls can loose wars), they are won by superior military power, perseverance, adaptation, and most importantly of all, the will to stay and win.
Never ask a people not directly fighting or planning a war what they think of it, who cares?

I bet if you pulled the Roman people after Hannibal kicked ass at Cannae they would all have squealed surrender too.

Cooler heads in the senate and the legions stayed in the fight and won.

Wars are not won on polls (though as Vietnam shows too much concern with polls can loose wars), they are won by superior military power, perseverance, adaptation, and most importantly of all, the will to stay and win.
I'd take that bet.

Losing in the BCs was not exactly the same as today.
Good point, being enslaved and or annihilated is a bit different to sitting on your ass and listening to a Bob Dylan song.

The former brings a kind of clarity to the mind.
Good point, being enslaved and or annihilated is a bit different to sitting on your ass and listening to a Bob Dylan song.

The former brings a kind of clarity to the mind.
The only thing you learn from Bob Dylan is that people have to be really high to think he's a good singer.

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