11m unemployed, 16m losing healthcare, 17t in debt


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
wow...what 'great' numbers.....let's give the Demrats a big hand.....:eusa_clap:


11 million unemployed.....that figure doesn't include millions not counted anymore...
Employment Situation Summary

16 million individual plans being dropped because of Obamacare regulations...
Blog: 16 million may lose their health insurance plans because of Obamacare

17 trillion in debt.....an unspeakable level of debt....and those in power do not care....
US National Debt Breaks $17 Trillion | Saving the Republic: Video News & Opinion
Just remember these two magic words and you'll never be held accountable: Bush's fault.
The "16 million losing their health insurance" is a PREDICTION by a partisan hack. It is NOT a fact.

Be absolutely crystal clear about that. Don't be such a rube and start repeating it like a gullible parrot. Then you are being just as dumb and credulous as the leftie rubes who parroted the "46 million uninsured Americans" meme.
Bring Back Bush!

Why? Was one gigantic economic crash not enough for ya?

Do you miss the beatings and torture? The doubling of the national debt? You want the guy who ORIGINATED the DHS, warrantless wiretaps, suspension of habaes corpus for US citizens, and the spying on tens of millions of Americans back?

Were two wars not enough for you?

I guess it was all okay with you when a Republican was doing it.
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The "16 million losing their health insurance" is a PREDICTION by a partisan hack. It is NOT a fact.

Be absolutely crystal clear about that. Don't be such a rube and start repeating it like a gullible parrot. Then you are being just as dumb and credulous as the leftie rubes who parroted the "46 million uninsured Americans" meme.

splitting hairs are we.....?

do you REALLY think that those millions of individual plans conform to the new Obama requirements....?

pls step into reality....IT'S THE LAW....

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