11-year-old "girl" loses federal court challenge against state's trans sports ban


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Some momentary sanity.

A judge in the Southern District of West Virginia has upheld that state’s ban on transgender girls participating in school sports.
Judge Joseph R. Goodwin upheld H.B. 3293, known by proponents as the “Save Women’s Sports Bill,” a year and a half after issuing a temporary injunction of the law.

In June 2021, 11-year-old Becky Pepper-Jackson and the ACLU of West Virginia sued the state’s Department of Education, saying H.B. 3293, passed the previous April, violates both the Constitution and Title IX, the federal law that bans discrimination in education on the basis of sex. Pepper-Jackson had been denied the opportunity to run with the girls’ cross-country team at her middle school.

The U.S. Departments of Justice and Education filed a joint brief in support of the plaintiff, the Biden administration’s first such action addressing the wave of anti-trans legislation in 2021.

At the time, Goodwin said Pepper-Jackson had a good chance of winning her case and rejected the state’s argument that H.B. 3293 doesn’t discriminate against trans girls because it treats all people assigned male at birth in the same manner.

This is the difference between female and male athletes.
In unisex baton racing, what happens in this video is what happens every time.
You note at the beginning the female racer is well ahead... then the male runners takeover and you would think the world class top female runner was only jogging as the men blast past her.
Look at how far this girl was ahead.

Yes... which is why he lost.
In a couple more years he would have easily became the states top runner competing in GIRLS track.
And that would discriminate against every single female athlete so this one can pretend to be a girl.
Cause that makes sense.
That is not the definition of discrimination.
Discrimination is against the law.
what discrimination?

"Southern District of West Virginia Judge Joseph Goodwin, an appointee of former President Bill Clinton who initially blocked the law in July 2021, wrote in his ruling that "being transgender is natural and is not a choice" but ultimately affirmed that "sex is also natural, and it dictates physical characteristics that are relevant to athletics."

“The record does make clear that, in passing this law, the legislature intended to prevent transgender girls from playing on girls’ sports teams,” Goodwin wrote. “But acting to prevent transgender girls, along with all other biological males, from playing on girls’ teams is not unconstitutional if the classification is substantially related to an important government interest."

Nothing is keeping this person from partaking in a sport...the issue is she is really a he....so he must play sports with people of the same biology....not compete against the opposite sex.
How are the slow ones gonna learn to push themselves?
what discrimination?

"Southern District of West Virginia Judge Joseph Goodwin, an appointee of former President Bill Clinton who initially blocked the law in July 2021, wrote in his ruling that "being transgender is natural and is not a choice" but ultimately affirmed that "sex is also natural, and it dictates physical characteristics that are relevant to athletics."

“The record does make clear that, in passing this law, the legislature intended to prevent transgender girls from playing on girls’ sports teams,” Goodwin wrote. “But acting to prevent transgender girls, along with all other biological males, from playing on girls’ teams is not unconstitutional if the classification is substantially related to an important government interest."

And does it matters who appointed the judge? You don't think that a human has their own personal bias no matter what person they vote for?
And does it matters who appointed the judge? You don't think that a human has their own personal bias no matter what person they vote for?
who appointed the judge has nothing to do with his ruling.
How are the slow ones gonna learn to push themselves?
by competing with the same sex, fairly. That's what sad about this boy, instead of pushing himself and playing with folks with the same biology, his parents and dembots are trying to get him to compete against slower, not as strong females. It's truly sad, and not doing him any service. Thanks for recognizing that

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