11 Facts About Obamacare That No Conservative Knows About, Cares About, Or Will Read

Yep. All means all.

That's not what taxes should be, but that is how we use them. Taxes should be used to finance government, not to reward or penalize people based on whether they do as they are told or not.

Freeloaders are bad though, right? that's why Conservatives hate welfare? Correct?

What?? Or, rather, what does this have to do with what we've been talking about?

Oh, I'll tell you. The "Tax" in Obamacare, it's meant to curb freeloading. Because that's what it is if you eschew health insurance, get dramatically ill and have to use emergent care and can't afford it. That's freeloading where I come from. Look, I'd be all for Universal Health Care where we don't have to use taxes to curb shitty behavior, but we're not there yet, so I think the mandate at least helps get more people into the system which will help pay for this without having to further tax the middle class, which this bill DOES NOT do anyway.
You know what your problem is, Conserva? You don't have the faintest idea what conservatives ARE in this country. Everything that you post here is based on misconceptions.

I have every idea. I consume Conservative media. I have two very staunchly conservative parents. I was brought up in the culture my friend. I speak from truth and experience, and that's what you don't like. So you deny what I say which is fine, but it doesn't make what I say any less true.

Take the Tea Party. Where did you come up with the notion that the number one priority of the Tea Party was ensuring that Barack Obama "fails"?

Out of their own mouths, dude. They've said it. Almost those exact words. Didn't McConnell say it? I'll go find the link, but I'm pretty sure he did. And before you say McConnell isn't a Tea Partier, save it. The Tea Party controls that party right now, so they're ALL up to it.

The number one priority of the Tea Party has always been shrinking the size of government and getting rid of the waste that is SO prevalent in our government.

That's fine, and I heartily disagree with the need to drastically shrink the government, but here's the problem: they are not willing to COMPROMISE. That is what makes them so fucking toxic you see. It's not their ideologies. We all have them, for fuck's sake and we're all entitled to them.

But they are not entitled as legislators to block the country from recovering. Which is what their obstructionism has done.

Do the people in the Tea Party think Barack Obama is the man to do that? Quite obviously NO. Barack Obama is a progressive who believes that more government is the answer to all problems. THAT is the Tea Party's problem with Obama.

Except government hasn't exploded in size since he was President. You may blame that or actually in your case give credit for that to the Tea Party/GOP but you know that Bush 2 would've created ten more government agencies if he wanted to. He'd have told the Republicans and Democrats all to fuck themselves because Jesus told him to do it. So no, he's not a big government progressive. He's not even been that much of a Progressive, really.

You think he has because he said two dudes should be able to get married and he said that we shouldn't send children of illegal aliens off if they aren't fucking our society up, but he's not a progressive. Obamacare isn't a fucking socialized medicine program. It's a stimulus program for the health insurance industry.

Calling them "obstructionists" and "fiscal terrorists" because they don't believe that government IS the answer to all problems is quite frankly, a cheap shot.

If that's why I said it; sure. But it's not why I've said it. They are obstructionists. You may not like HEARING it, but they are. They have blocked ANYTHING getting through that they didn't ONE HUNDRED PERCENT agree with. That's not being a good legislator, and if you don't know that: fuck you. You should.

These are people that care just as deeply about this country as you do...they simply don't believe as you do, that spending more and more money on a dis-functional Federal Government is a wise course of action.

If they care, they should stop being so obstinate. They're making things MORE fucked up.

You've repeatedly put forth the notion that Tea Party politicians have deliberately sabotaged economic recovery because they want to see Barack Obama "fail". What you can't seem to grasp is that those politicians were ELECTED by an electorate that were unhappy with the policies of Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, an electorate that wanted them reined in.

They have deliberately sabotaged the President which has led to sabotaging the country. What you can't seem to grasp is that they aren't the only party politics, and they're constituents aren't the only constituents who matter. That's what I HATE about Conservatives. You're so fucking conceited and egomaniacal you truly think that you're the only people who have morals, and ethics and principles worth defending.

The party and the GOP is NOT the majority in the Senate, but they have blocked bill after bill by filibustering. That's playing the game, sure. But it's playing it unnecessarily dirty. And I thought in this country we had better standards than that, that's all. But fuck your indignation, and fuck the Tea Party's indignation. You don't get to hog the ball. You have to fucking SHARE it.

It's your fellow Americans that "sabotaged" Barack Obama's agenda, Conserva because they don't agree with it. THAT is democracy. Those Tea Party freshmen now in Congress and the Senate are not there to further the progressive agenda ...they are there at the behest of the electorate to STOP that agenda.

Fuck them. And fuck the Tea Party. You can ruin the Republican party all you want, but Progressives are going to fight you cocksuckers tooth and nail to keep you from fucking the country up. I respect Conservatives. Real, honest-to-God conservatives. I don't respect Tea Partiers. Obstructionists fuck EVERYTHING up for EVERYONE.
Oh, I'll tell you. The "Tax" in Obamacare, it's meant to curb freeloading.

The point I'm making is that that is an abuse of the taxation power. If you are that bent out of shape about freeloaders, make a law that directly addresses that issue and punishes the perpetrators. Don't monkey with the tax code in a half-assed attempt to manipulate how people in general pay for their health care.
Oh, I'll tell you. The "Tax" in Obamacare, it's meant to curb freeloading.

The point I'm making is that that is an abuse of the taxation power. If you are that bent out of shape about freeloaders, make a law that directly addresses that issue and punishes the perpetrators. Don't monkey with the tax code in a half-assed attempt to manipulate how people in general pay for their health care.

Ah. So if we want to use the tax code to just gently nudge people in the right direction, that's abuse now?
Oh, I'll tell you. The "Tax" in Obamacare, it's meant to curb freeloading.

The point I'm making is that that is an abuse of the taxation power. If you are that bent out of shape about freeloaders, make a law that directly addresses that issue and punishes the perpetrators. Don't monkey with the tax code in a half-assed attempt to manipulate how people in general pay for their health care.

Ah. So if we want to use the tax code to just gently nudge people in the right direction, that's abuse now?

Exactly. That's not the purpose of taxation. Using it as such has evaded constitutional limits on government power and brought us to the place where corporations or other powerful lobbying groups can now use the law to coerce us into buying their products or otherwise bending to their will. Does that really seem right to you?
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You know what your problem is, Conserva? You don't have the faintest idea what conservatives ARE in this country. Everything that you post here is based on misconceptions.

I have every idea. I consume Conservative media. I have two very staunchly conservative parents. I was brought up in the culture my friend. I speak from truth and experience, and that's what you don't like. So you deny what I say which is fine, but it doesn't make what I say any less true.

Take the Tea Party. Where did you come up with the notion that the number one priority of the Tea Party was ensuring that Barack Obama "fails"?

Out of their own mouths, dude. They've said it. Almost those exact words. Didn't McConnell say it? I'll go find the link, but I'm pretty sure he did. And before you say McConnell isn't a Tea Partier, save it. The Tea Party controls that party right now, so they're ALL up to it.

That's fine, and I heartily disagree with the need to drastically shrink the government, but here's the problem: they are not willing to COMPROMISE. That is what makes them so fucking toxic you see. It's not their ideologies. We all have them, for fuck's sake and we're all entitled to them.

But they are not entitled as legislators to block the country from recovering. Which is what their obstructionism has done.

Except government hasn't exploded in size since he was President. You may blame that or actually in your case give credit for that to the Tea Party/GOP but you know that Bush 2 would've created ten more government agencies if he wanted to. He'd have told the Republicans and Democrats all to fuck themselves because Jesus told him to do it. So no, he's not a big government progressive. He's not even been that much of a Progressive, really.

You think he has because he said two dudes should be able to get married and he said that we shouldn't send children of illegal aliens off if they aren't fucking our society up, but he's not a progressive. Obamacare isn't a fucking socialized medicine program. It's a stimulus program for the health insurance industry.

If that's why I said it; sure. But it's not why I've said it. They are obstructionists. You may not like HEARING it, but they are. They have blocked ANYTHING getting through that they didn't ONE HUNDRED PERCENT agree with. That's not being a good legislator, and if you don't know that: fuck you. You should.

If they care, they should stop being so obstinate. They're making things MORE fucked up.

You've repeatedly put forth the notion that Tea Party politicians have deliberately sabotaged economic recovery because they want to see Barack Obama "fail". What you can't seem to grasp is that those politicians were ELECTED by an electorate that were unhappy with the policies of Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, an electorate that wanted them reined in.

They have deliberately sabotaged the President which has led to sabotaging the country. What you can't seem to grasp is that they aren't the only party politics, and they're constituents aren't the only constituents who matter. That's what I HATE about Conservatives. You're so fucking conceited and egomaniacal you truly think that you're the only people who have morals, and ethics and principles worth defending.

The party and the GOP is NOT the majority in the Senate, but they have blocked bill after bill by filibustering. That's playing the game, sure. But it's playing it unnecessarily dirty. And I thought in this country we had better standards than that, that's all. But fuck your indignation, and fuck the Tea Party's indignation. You don't get to hog the ball. You have to fucking SHARE it.

It's your fellow Americans that "sabotaged" Barack Obama's agenda, Conserva because they don't agree with it. THAT is democracy. Those Tea Party freshmen now in Congress and the Senate are not there to further the progressive agenda ...they are there at the behest of the electorate to STOP that agenda.

Fuck them. And fuck the Tea Party. You can ruin the Republican party all you want, but Progressives are going to fight you cocksuckers tooth and nail to keep you from fucking the country up. I respect Conservatives. Real, honest-to-God conservatives. I don't respect Tea Partiers. Obstructionists fuck EVERYTHING up for EVERYONE.

Fuck the electorate? Sorry but you don't get to make that call. Simply because someone doesn't agree with YOUR political philosophy doesn't mean that you can tell them to fuck off. If you think that your way is the right way. then convince people with a logical argument...don't just tell them that YOU KNOW BEST!!! and if they don't like they can take a hike. You want to know why the Democrats got their asses handed to them in the 2010 mid-terms? Because they didn't listen to the people. They were so convinced of their "rightness" on all these things that they basically told the people who sent them to Washington that THEIR opinions didn't count because the Progressive leadership was smarter than they were and would be calling the shots. (Between you and me, Conserva? Nancy Pelosi has the IQ of a potted plant...I don't want her deciding what happens with my life.)

You say you respect Conservatives? Funny, I've never EVER seen you demonstrate that.

Oh, and Conserva? Talking about the GOP obstructing things with what's going on in the Senate right now is almost farce. Since the Democrats lost control of the House THEY have become the Party of NO. It's one thing to filibuster legislation...Harry Reid won't even let Republican bills onto the Senate floor for DISCUSSION!!!
Fuck the electorate? Sorry but you don't get to make that call. Simply because someone doesn't agree with YOUR political philosophy doesn't mean that you can tell them to fuck off. If you think that your way is the right way. then convince people with a logical argument...don't just tell them that YOU KNOW BEST!!! and if they don't like they can take a hike. You want to know why the Democrats got their asses handed to them in the 2010 mid-terms? Because they didn't listen to the people. They were so convinced of their "rightness" on all these things that they basically told the people who sent them to Washington that THEIR opinions didn't count because the Progressive leadership was smarter than they were and would be calling the shots. (Between you and me, Conserva? Nancy Pelosi has the IQ of a potted plant...I don't want her deciding what happens with my life.)

You say you respect Conservatives? Funny, I've never EVER seen you demonstrate that.

Oh, and Conserva? Talking about the GOP obstructing things with what's going on in the Senate right now is almost farce. Since the Democrats lost control of the House THEY have become the Party of NO. It's one thing to filibuster legislation...Harry Reid won't even let Republican bills onto the Senate floor for DISCUSSION!!!

No, not fuck the electorate. Fuck the Tea Party. Fuck the Tea Party right in there obstinate, tri-corner hat wearing, science hating, homophobic, Birther-Believing, mouth-breathing faces. That's what I meant. Was I not clear?

I do respect Conservatives. I don't respect Teabaggers. Teabaggers have scared off real Conservatives from the Republican party. Fuck Teabaggers. Did I say that already? Fuck them. I just want to make sure I'm clear: fuck them.

Sorry buddy, but those "jobs" bills are just deregulation bills. And besides, I thought you were all for duly elected officials representing their constituents. So you should be okay with Henry looking out for his Progressive voters who elected him by making sure we don't rape the earth to give rich people more money.

Fuck the Tea Party.
Fuck the electorate? Sorry but you don't get to make that call. Simply because someone doesn't agree with YOUR political philosophy doesn't mean that you can tell them to fuck off. If you think that your way is the right way. then convince people with a logical argument...don't just tell them that YOU KNOW BEST!!! and if they don't like they can take a hike. You want to know why the Democrats got their asses handed to them in the 2010 mid-terms? Because they didn't listen to the people. They were so convinced of their "rightness" on all these things that they basically told the people who sent them to Washington that THEIR opinions didn't count because the Progressive leadership was smarter than they were and would be calling the shots. (Between you and me, Conserva? Nancy Pelosi has the IQ of a potted plant...I don't want her deciding what happens with my life.)

You say you respect Conservatives? Funny, I've never EVER seen you demonstrate that.

Oh, and Conserva? Talking about the GOP obstructing things with what's going on in the Senate right now is almost farce. Since the Democrats lost control of the House THEY have become the Party of NO. It's one thing to filibuster legislation...Harry Reid won't even let Republican bills onto the Senate floor for DISCUSSION!!!

No, not fuck the electorate. Fuck the Tea Party. Fuck the Tea Party right in there obstinate, tri-corner hat wearing, science hating, homophobic, Birther-Believing, mouth-breathing faces. That's what I meant. Was I not clear?

I do respect Conservatives. I don't respect Teabaggers. Teabaggers have scared off real Conservatives from the Republican party. Fuck Teabaggers. Did I say that already? Fuck them. I just want to make sure I'm clear: fuck them.

Sorry buddy, but those "jobs" bills are just deregulation bills. And besides, I thought you were all for duly elected officials representing their constituents. So you should be okay with Henry looking out for his Progressive voters who elected him by making sure we don't rape the earth to give rich people more money.

Fuck the Tea Party.

There you go again, Conserva...

In your myopic view of the world, ALL Tea Party people are "science hating, homophobic, Birther believing, mouth breathing faces" and that's makes you look ignorant. Are there SOME people who are part of the Tea Party who are all of those things? Without a doubt! But the fact is...most people who joined the movement known as the Tea Party were simply ordinary Americans who were fed up with how badly their government functioned and wanted something done about the wasteful and inefficient way that their tax dollars were being spent.

I'm part of the Tea Party movement. But I'm an agnostic...have zero problem with gays or their having same sex rights...couldn't care LESS about where Barry was born...and I don't even know what the heck you're babbling about with the "mouth breather" thing. The point I'm making is that the average Tea Party person is not the stereotype that's been put out there by the main stream media in an attempt to discredit the movement and when you try to put the stereotype out as fact it just makes you look silly.

As for what Harry Reid is doing? He's got over 40 bills now that the GOP controlled House has sent over to the Senate that he won't even let come to the floor for discussion because he doesn't want Democrats to be on the record voting against them. That isn't "representing" their constituents...that's hiding from them. If progressives in the Senate REALLY feel that what the House has sent them are bad bills then have the BALLS to vote them down.
There you go again, Conserva...

In your myopic view of the world, ALL Tea Party people are "science hating, homophobic, Birther believing, mouth breathing faces" and that's makes you look ignorant. Are there SOME people who are part of the Tea Party who are all of those things? Without a doubt! But the fact is...most people who joined the movement known as the Tea Party were simply ordinary Americans who were fed up with how badly their government functioned and wanted something done about the wasteful and inefficient way that their tax dollars were being spent.

Then I would suggest you do a much, much better job of policing your own and controlling the message. Because right now they are controlling EVERYTHING that people think. I happen to think the larger majority of Teabaggers fit that description either in whole, or very, very closely anyway. And if they don't, then they're doing a SHITTY job in making that side of the Tea Party known.

I'm part of the Tea Party movement. But I'm an agnostic...have zero problem with gays or their having same sex rights...couldn't care LESS about where Barry was born...and I don't even know what the heck you're babbling about with the "mouth breather" thing. The point I'm making is that the average Tea Party person is not the stereotype that's been put out there by the main stream media in an attempt to discredit the movement and when you try to put the stereotype out as fact it just makes you look silly.

Then again, you had better get out there in the protests, act normally, behave in a civilized way, and encourage your representatives to COMPROMISE. Until then you are part of the exact problem that is killing politics in America.

As for what Harry Reid is doing? He's got over 40 bills now that the GOP controlled House has sent over to the Senate that he won't even let come to the floor for discussion because he doesn't want Democrats to be on the record voting against them.

First, those aren't jobs bills. They are mostly deregulation bills, which do not promise new jobs AT ALL. You want to know what just created a shit load of jobs? The highway bill that Obama signed. It's total bullshit for Teabaggers to claim Reid is sitting on a bunch of jobs bills. They're pro-business deregulation bills. And Reid is likely sitting on them so that we don't sacrifice our planet for a couple extra bucks.

If those bills had guaranteed money, earmarked for ACTUAL jobs, that'd be a different story. But the thing is, it doesn't take a lot of research on those bills to realize that Progressives/Liberals probably wouldn't want those bills passed anyway.

That isn't "representing" their constituents...that's hiding from them. If progressives in the Senate REALLY feel that what the House has sent them are bad bills then have the BALLS to vote them down.

Oh, I see. So when Tea Bagger Congressmen kill actual jobs bills, bills earmarked with money to create new jobs, they're representing THEIR constituents, but when Reid and the Democrats don't just rubber stamp pollution bills, they're hiding from them?

Fuck that dude. Neither side is blameless, but the fact that you'd castigate the Left but not the Right for doing the same exact thing show's where your politics really are.
There you go again, Conserva...

In your myopic view of the world, ALL Tea Party people are "science hating, homophobic, Birther believing, mouth breathing faces" and that's makes you look ignorant. Are there SOME people who are part of the Tea Party who are all of those things? Without a doubt! But the fact is...most people who joined the movement known as the Tea Party were simply ordinary Americans who were fed up with how badly their government functioned and wanted something done about the wasteful and inefficient way that their tax dollars were being spent.

Then I would suggest you do a much, much better job of policing your own and controlling the message. Because right now they are controlling EVERYTHING that people think. I happen to think the larger majority of Teabaggers fit that description either in whole, or very, very closely anyway. And if they don't, then they're doing a SHITTY job in making that side of the Tea Party known.

I'm part of the Tea Party movement. But I'm an agnostic...have zero problem with gays or their having same sex rights...couldn't care LESS about where Barry was born...and I don't even know what the heck you're babbling about with the "mouth breather" thing. The point I'm making is that the average Tea Party person is not the stereotype that's been put out there by the main stream media in an attempt to discredit the movement and when you try to put the stereotype out as fact it just makes you look silly.

Then again, you had better get out there in the protests, act normally, behave in a civilized way, and encourage your representatives to COMPROMISE. Until then you are part of the exact problem that is killing politics in America.

As for what Harry Reid is doing? He's got over 40 bills now that the GOP controlled House has sent over to the Senate that he won't even let come to the floor for discussion because he doesn't want Democrats to be on the record voting against them.

First, those aren't jobs bills. They are mostly deregulation bills, which do not promise new jobs AT ALL. You want to know what just created a shit load of jobs? The highway bill that Obama signed. It's total bullshit for Teabaggers to claim Reid is sitting on a bunch of jobs bills. They're pro-business deregulation bills. And Reid is likely sitting on them so that we don't sacrifice our planet for a couple extra bucks.

If those bills had guaranteed money, earmarked for ACTUAL jobs, that'd be a different story. But the thing is, it doesn't take a lot of research on those bills to realize that Progressives/Liberals probably wouldn't want those bills passed anyway.

That isn't "representing" their constituents...that's hiding from them. If progressives in the Senate REALLY feel that what the House has sent them are bad bills then have the BALLS to vote them down.

Oh, I see. So when Tea Bagger Congressmen kill actual jobs bills, bills earmarked with money to create new jobs, they're representing THEIR constituents, but when Reid and the Democrats don't just rubber stamp pollution bills, they're hiding from them?

Fuck that dude. Neither side is blameless, but the fact that you'd castigate the Left but not the Right for doing the same exact thing show's where your politics really are.

Gee, I wasn't aware the Tea Party events NEEDED "policing". Tea Party rallies have been peaceful events that obtained permits, hired police to maintain order and even cleaned up after themselves once the event was over. Now lets contrast THAT with YOUR progressive Occupy Wall Street events! You remember those don't you? The illegal events that sent thousands to jail, shut down traffic and made regular Americans struggle to get to work, cost millions of dollars in added costs for police and sanitation? You actually have the nerve to come on here and tell me that I need to "police" the Tea Party movement? That's the epitome of gall, my friend. Where were your cries for the OWS events to be "policed"?

You know what else is the epitome of gall? People like you accusing the GOP of being "obstructionists" because they voted down bad legislation...while Harry Reid won't even let over 40 bills come to the floor of the Senate TO BE DISCUSSED!!! You make the claim that ALL of those bills are deregulation that will cause massive pollution? That's laughable. Bad regulations are strangling the economy and the GOP tried to get rid of some of them. You speak of "compromise"? Where is the Democratic compromise when they won't even allow GOP bills on the floor for discussion? Just how IS IT that you can compromise on something that you won't even allow discussion on?

The fact is, Harry Reid is protecting his fellow Democrats in an election year by not bringing those bills to the floor for a vote. It's the very same cowardly approach to governing that he took when he refused to pass a budget. What does it say about the Democrats that they feel the need to HIDE what they are trying to do from the American people? If your budget is out of control then fix it! If regulations don't work...fix them! If ObamaCare is going to cost X then why cook the books and tell the public it's going to cost Y? Why does "your side" lie so much about costs, Conserva?
There you go again, Conserva...

In your myopic view of the world, ALL Tea Party people are "science hating, homophobic, Birther believing, mouth breathing faces" and that's makes you look ignorant. Are there SOME people who are part of the Tea Party who are all of those things? Without a doubt! But the fact is...most people who joined the movement known as the Tea Party were simply ordinary Americans who were fed up with how badly their government functioned and wanted something done about the wasteful and inefficient way that their tax dollars were being spent.

Then I would suggest you do a much, much better job of policing your own and controlling the message. Because right now they are controlling EVERYTHING that people think. I happen to think the larger majority of Teabaggers fit that description either in whole, or very, very closely anyway. And if they don't, then they're doing a SHITTY job in making that side of the Tea Party known.

Then again, you had better get out there in the protests, act normally, behave in a civilized way, and encourage your representatives to COMPROMISE. Until then you are part of the exact problem that is killing politics in America.

First, those aren't jobs bills. They are mostly deregulation bills, which do not promise new jobs AT ALL. You want to know what just created a shit load of jobs? The highway bill that Obama signed. It's total bullshit for Teabaggers to claim Reid is sitting on a bunch of jobs bills. They're pro-business deregulation bills. And Reid is likely sitting on them so that we don't sacrifice our planet for a couple extra bucks.

If those bills had guaranteed money, earmarked for ACTUAL jobs, that'd be a different story. But the thing is, it doesn't take a lot of research on those bills to realize that Progressives/Liberals probably wouldn't want those bills passed anyway.

That isn't "representing" their constituents...that's hiding from them. If progressives in the Senate REALLY feel that what the House has sent them are bad bills then have the BALLS to vote them down.

Oh, I see. So when Tea Bagger Congressmen kill actual jobs bills, bills earmarked with money to create new jobs, they're representing THEIR constituents, but when Reid and the Democrats don't just rubber stamp pollution bills, they're hiding from them?

Fuck that dude. Neither side is blameless, but the fact that you'd castigate the Left but not the Right for doing the same exact thing show's where your politics really are.

Gee, I wasn't aware the Tea Party events NEEDED "policing". Tea Party rallies have been peaceful events that obtained permits, hired police to maintain order and even cleaned up after themselves once the event was over. Now lets contrast THAT with YOUR progressive Occupy Wall Street events! You remember those don't you? The illegal events that sent thousands to jail, shut down traffic and made regular Americans struggle to get to work, cost millions of dollars in added costs for police and sanitation? You actually have the nerve to come on here and tell me that I need to "police" the Tea Party movement? That's the epitome of gall, my friend. Where were your cries for the OWS events to be "policed"?

You know what else is the epitome of gall? People like you accusing the GOP of being "obstructionists" because they voted down bad legislation...while Harry Reid won't even let over 40 bills come to the floor of the Senate TO BE DISCUSSED!!! You make the claim that ALL of those bills are deregulation that will cause massive pollution? That's laughable. Bad regulations are strangling the economy and the GOP tried to get rid of some of them. You speak of "compromise"? Where is the Democratic compromise when they won't even allow GOP bills on the floor for discussion? Just how IS IT that you can compromise on something that you won't even allow discussion on?

The fact is, Harry Reid is protecting his fellow Democrats in an election year by not bringing those bills to the floor for a vote. It's the very same cowardly approach to governing that he took when he refused to pass a budget. What does it say about the Democrats that they feel the need to HIDE what they are trying to do from the American people? If your budget is out of control then fix it! If regulations don't work...fix them! If ObamaCare is going to cost X then why cook the books and tell the public it's going to cost Y? Why does "your side" lie so much about costs, Conserva?

No, you boob. Police your own means don't let racist idiots who want to obstruct progress be your mouth piece.
For a brief time in our history the conservative party was out of business. The time in history was called The Era of Good Feelings and its time was brief. But America needs a conservative party, the rich need representation just as the poor, and conservative money makes the battle maybe a little more than even.
Then I would suggest you do a much, much better job of policing your own and controlling the message. Because right now they are controlling EVERYTHING that people think. I happen to think the larger majority of Teabaggers fit that description either in whole, or very, very closely anyway. And if they don't, then they're doing a SHITTY job in making that side of the Tea Party known.

Then again, you had better get out there in the protests, act normally, behave in a civilized way, and encourage your representatives to COMPROMISE. Until then you are part of the exact problem that is killing politics in America.

First, those aren't jobs bills. They are mostly deregulation bills, which do not promise new jobs AT ALL. You want to know what just created a shit load of jobs? The highway bill that Obama signed. It's total bullshit for Teabaggers to claim Reid is sitting on a bunch of jobs bills. They're pro-business deregulation bills. And Reid is likely sitting on them so that we don't sacrifice our planet for a couple extra bucks.

If those bills had guaranteed money, earmarked for ACTUAL jobs, that'd be a different story. But the thing is, it doesn't take a lot of research on those bills to realize that Progressives/Liberals probably wouldn't want those bills passed anyway.

Oh, I see. So when Tea Bagger Congressmen kill actual jobs bills, bills earmarked with money to create new jobs, they're representing THEIR constituents, but when Reid and the Democrats don't just rubber stamp pollution bills, they're hiding from them?

Fuck that dude. Neither side is blameless, but the fact that you'd castigate the Left but not the Right for doing the same exact thing show's where your politics really are.

Gee, I wasn't aware the Tea Party events NEEDED "policing". Tea Party rallies have been peaceful events that obtained permits, hired police to maintain order and even cleaned up after themselves once the event was over. Now lets contrast THAT with YOUR progressive Occupy Wall Street events! You remember those don't you? The illegal events that sent thousands to jail, shut down traffic and made regular Americans struggle to get to work, cost millions of dollars in added costs for police and sanitation? You actually have the nerve to come on here and tell me that I need to "police" the Tea Party movement? That's the epitome of gall, my friend. Where were your cries for the OWS events to be "policed"?

You know what else is the epitome of gall? People like you accusing the GOP of being "obstructionists" because they voted down bad legislation...while Harry Reid won't even let over 40 bills come to the floor of the Senate TO BE DISCUSSED!!! You make the claim that ALL of those bills are deregulation that will cause massive pollution? That's laughable. Bad regulations are strangling the economy and the GOP tried to get rid of some of them. You speak of "compromise"? Where is the Democratic compromise when they won't even allow GOP bills on the floor for discussion? Just how IS IT that you can compromise on something that you won't even allow discussion on?

The fact is, Harry Reid is protecting his fellow Democrats in an election year by not bringing those bills to the floor for a vote. It's the very same cowardly approach to governing that he took when he refused to pass a budget. What does it say about the Democrats that they feel the need to HIDE what they are trying to do from the American people? If your budget is out of control then fix it! If regulations don't work...fix them! If ObamaCare is going to cost X then why cook the books and tell the public it's going to cost Y? Why does "your side" lie so much about costs, Conserva?

No, you boob. Police your own means don't let racist idiots who want to obstruct progress be your mouth piece.

Why is someone who doesn't buy into the whole progressive agenda a "racist"? Because Barry is half black? I frankly don't care if he's half purple, Conserva...his policies don't work and they're making the economy slide back towards another recession.

The truth is you people always accuse conservatives of "racism" when you fail at defending the merits of your position.
Gee, I wasn't aware the Tea Party events NEEDED "policing". Tea Party rallies have been peaceful events that obtained permits, hired police to maintain order and even cleaned up after themselves once the event was over. Now lets contrast THAT with YOUR progressive Occupy Wall Street events! You remember those don't you? The illegal events that sent thousands to jail, shut down traffic and made regular Americans struggle to get to work, cost millions of dollars in added costs for police and sanitation? You actually have the nerve to come on here and tell me that I need to "police" the Tea Party movement? That's the epitome of gall, my friend. Where were your cries for the OWS events to be "policed"?

You know what else is the epitome of gall? People like you accusing the GOP of being "obstructionists" because they voted down bad legislation...while Harry Reid won't even let over 40 bills come to the floor of the Senate TO BE DISCUSSED!!! You make the claim that ALL of those bills are deregulation that will cause massive pollution? That's laughable. Bad regulations are strangling the economy and the GOP tried to get rid of some of them. You speak of "compromise"? Where is the Democratic compromise when they won't even allow GOP bills on the floor for discussion? Just how IS IT that you can compromise on something that you won't even allow discussion on?

The fact is, Harry Reid is protecting his fellow Democrats in an election year by not bringing those bills to the floor for a vote. It's the very same cowardly approach to governing that he took when he refused to pass a budget. What does it say about the Democrats that they feel the need to HIDE what they are trying to do from the American people? If your budget is out of control then fix it! If regulations don't work...fix them! If ObamaCare is going to cost X then why cook the books and tell the public it's going to cost Y? Why does "your side" lie so much about costs, Conserva?

No, you boob. Police your own means don't let racist idiots who want to obstruct progress be your mouth piece.

Why is someone who doesn't buy into the whole progressive agenda a "racist"? Because Barry is half black? I frankly don't care if he's half purple, Conserva...his policies don't work and they're making the economy slide back towards another recession.

The truth is you people always accuse conservatives of "racism" when you fail at defending the merits of your position.

That seems to be the fallback position.
Gee, I wasn't aware the Tea Party events NEEDED "policing". Tea Party rallies have been peaceful events that obtained permits, hired police to maintain order and even cleaned up after themselves once the event was over. Now lets contrast THAT with YOUR progressive Occupy Wall Street events! You remember those don't you? The illegal events that sent thousands to jail, shut down traffic and made regular Americans struggle to get to work, cost millions of dollars in added costs for police and sanitation? You actually have the nerve to come on here and tell me that I need to "police" the Tea Party movement? That's the epitome of gall, my friend. Where were your cries for the OWS events to be "policed"?

You know what else is the epitome of gall? People like you accusing the GOP of being "obstructionists" because they voted down bad legislation...while Harry Reid won't even let over 40 bills come to the floor of the Senate TO BE DISCUSSED!!! You make the claim that ALL of those bills are deregulation that will cause massive pollution? That's laughable. Bad regulations are strangling the economy and the GOP tried to get rid of some of them. You speak of "compromise"? Where is the Democratic compromise when they won't even allow GOP bills on the floor for discussion? Just how IS IT that you can compromise on something that you won't even allow discussion on?

The fact is, Harry Reid is protecting his fellow Democrats in an election year by not bringing those bills to the floor for a vote. It's the very same cowardly approach to governing that he took when he refused to pass a budget. What does it say about the Democrats that they feel the need to HIDE what they are trying to do from the American people? If your budget is out of control then fix it! If regulations don't work...fix them! If ObamaCare is going to cost X then why cook the books and tell the public it's going to cost Y? Why does "your side" lie so much about costs, Conserva?

No, you boob. Police your own means don't let racist idiots who want to obstruct progress be your mouth piece.

Why is someone who doesn't buy into the whole progressive agenda a "racist"? Because Barry is half black? I frankly don't care if he's half purple, Conserva...his policies don't work and they're making the economy slide back towards another recession.

The truth is you people always accuse conservatives of "racism" when you fail at defending the merits of your position.

Do I really have to just go google image search "racist tea party signs," or can you do that for yourself?
No, you boob. Police your own means don't let racist idiots who want to obstruct progress be your mouth piece.

Why is someone who doesn't buy into the whole progressive agenda a "racist"? Because Barry is half black? I frankly don't care if he's half purple, Conserva...his policies don't work and they're making the economy slide back towards another recession.

The truth is you people always accuse conservatives of "racism" when you fail at defending the merits of your position.

Do I really have to just go google image search "racist tea party signs," or can you do that for yourself?

Did I not state that there WERE some racists in the Tea Party movement? There were also some anti-Semetics in the OWS movement...does that mean that the majority of the OWS crowd was anti-Semetic?

What I find amusing, Conserva is the lengths that people like you will go to to brand Americans who are simply fed up with a bloated and inefficient government as "racist" or "extreme" for having that viewpoint.

I notice that you have no come back for my comments about the OWS movement. I take it you finally realized just how silly you looked accusing the right of not "policing" themselves when the group that YOU supported was running wild in the streets?
Oh, I'll tell you. The "Tax" in Obamacare, it's meant to curb freeloading.

The point I'm making is that that is an abuse of the taxation power. If you are that bent out of shape about freeloaders, make a law that directly addresses that issue and punishes the perpetrators. Don't monkey with the tax code in a half-assed attempt to manipulate how people in general pay for their health care.

Ah. So if we want to use the tax code to just gently nudge people in the right direction, that's abuse now?

It certainly is!
Why is someone who doesn't buy into the whole progressive agenda a "racist"? Because Barry is half black? I frankly don't care if he's half purple, Conserva...his policies don't work and they're making the economy slide back towards another recession.

The truth is you people always accuse conservatives of "racism" when you fail at defending the merits of your position.

Do I really have to just go google image search "racist tea party signs," or can you do that for yourself?

Did I not state that there WERE some racists in the Tea Party movement? There were also some anti-Semetics in the OWS movement...does that mean that the majority of the OWS crowd was anti-Semetic?

What I find amusing, Conserva is the lengths that people like you will go to to brand Americans who are simply fed up with a bloated and inefficient government as "racist" or "extreme" for having that viewpoint.

I notice that you have no come back for my comments about the OWS movement. I take it you finally realized just how silly you looked accusing the right of not "policing" themselves when the group that YOU supported was running wild in the streets?

Say racist shit: get called a racist

Practice Obstructionism: get called an extremist

Not that hard to figure out.
The point I'm making is that that is an abuse of the taxation power. If you are that bent out of shape about freeloaders, make a law that directly addresses that issue and punishes the perpetrators. Don't monkey with the tax code in a half-assed attempt to manipulate how people in general pay for their health care.

Ah. So if we want to use the tax code to just gently nudge people in the right direction, that's abuse now?

It certainly is!

Especially when the sum total of all those "gentle nudges" adds up to billions of dollars in profits for the companies that successfully lobby for them. Worse yet, they let government radically expand its power beyond what the Constitution allows, dictating our behavior in a boundless range of contexts.
Do I really have to just go google image search "racist tea party signs," or can you do that for yourself?

Did I not state that there WERE some racists in the Tea Party movement? There were also some anti-Semetics in the OWS movement...does that mean that the majority of the OWS crowd was anti-Semetic?

What I find amusing, Conserva is the lengths that people like you will go to to brand Americans who are simply fed up with a bloated and inefficient government as "racist" or "extreme" for having that viewpoint.

I notice that you have no come back for my comments about the OWS movement. I take it you finally realized just how silly you looked accusing the right of not "policing" themselves when the group that YOU supported was running wild in the streets?

Say racist shit: get called a racist

Practice Obstructionism: get called an extremist

Not that hard to figure out.

What's not hard to figure out, Conserva...is that every time you get backed into a corner with the absurdity of your arguments you resort to labeling. You call people "racist" whether they have said "racist shit" or not. It's your "fall back position".

You still haven't explained how Harry Reid's not letting over 40 bills come to the Senate floor to be discussed ISN'T obstructionism yet the GOP taking part in the process and voting against bills they disagree with IS.

Why IS it that Harry Reid feels the need to protect his Democratic colleagues from having their votes on record? Why is it that he feels the need to not pass a budget that he and his fellow Democrats can be judged on?
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