$100,000 Tuition: The Modern Women's Dowry

SOOOOooooOOOO....Are you suggesting that ALL women go to college only to find a "good," job?
Not at all, but I am supporting this assertion:

Columbus wasn't sailing west because he was bored.

Ford didn't build cars because he was tired of walking.

Greed has been around more than 30 years, amigo.

Now, that being said, I have met more than one nurse who went to nursing school, so that she could go to work in a hospital, where she would find a doctor to marry.:)



I know- some of us can be quite irrational and exasperating, but we have our good sides too. Personally, I find this no more irritating than the man who marries a trophy, so there's plenty of blame to spread around.:)
they only go to college to get degree's?


I'm not faulting them for going to college to meet men that will be able to have a better chance to provide for them and their offspring.

Its a wise choice.

It's kind of a double-edged sword imo. I'm all for higher education, and imo, it's one of the few federally-funded social projects that is worth the money. With the advance of higher education for women, the intactness of the family unit has deteriorated. It's good that women have options and opportunities, but on the other hand, it makes them more inclined to dump their husbands in search of greener fields (which in reality usually don't exist). It's empowered women to be their best and their worst at the same time.
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they only go to college to get degree's?


I'm not faulting them for going to college to meet men that will be able to have a better chance to provide for them and their offspring.

Its a wise choice.

It's kind of a double-edged sword imo. I'm all for higher education, and imo, it's one of the few federally-funded social projects that is worth the money. With the advance of higher education for women, the intactness of the family unit has deteriorated. It's good that women have options and opportunities, but on the other hand, it makes them more inclined to dump their husbands in search of greener fields (which in reality usually don't exist). It's empowered women to be their best and their worst at the same time.

Agreed: The Federal Govenment should try to match-make people with similar ambitions.
Student Defaults on Federally-Guaranteed Loans Highest Since 1998
According to new numbers from the U.S. Department of Education, more students are defaulting on their federally guaranteed student loans

Government Vastly Undercounts Defaults
The share of borrowers who default on their student loans is bigger than the federal government's short-term data suggest, with thousands more facing damaged credit histories and millions more tax dollars being lost in the long run.
These questions remind me why children don't like education today. It doesn't concern them, it only concerns money, and if money is your gawd then why not sports or entertainment? Where have our values gone when life is measured by piles of bucks?

One response, and it must be rambling nonsense.

Our values have always been measured by a pile of bucks.

Aww not so much so.

The greed phenomena has been growing for the last 30 years or so.
We place much more emphasis on money compared to other things in our lives now that we did in the past.

The phenom of government subsidized loans driving an education bubble is what started 30 years ago bub.
One response, and it must be rambling nonsense.

Our values have always been measured by a pile of bucks.

Aww not so much so.

The greed phenomena has been growing for the last 30 years or so.
We place much more emphasis on money compared to other things in our lives now that we did in the past.

The phenom of government subsidized loans driving an education bubble is what started 30 years ago bub.

Heh.....and I suppose it coincidentally began with the apex of the "Women's Liberation" movement.
I disagree. The problem is not that parents and students are willing to pay huge sums, but that the government and banks are manipulating the system for profit. Under your scenario the only real degree is one in finance. This would mean that universities would be subsidizing financial corporations at the expense of the humanities and arts. Each person should be able to choose the major that fits one's talents. If the problem is greedy government and banks, maybe we should change to a system like that in France where college is free? The first two years of college were free in California where I was raised. Yes, it cost the state money, but California is first in technological advancement and in almost every other field, it seems. The question is:"Do we want an educated populace?" If so, we must change the student loan system and the real cost of college. Sadly. you have missed the entire purpose of the university which is the free exchange of ideas which creates new webs of neural pathways in students and actually elevates and enlightens the human race.


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I disagree. The problem is not that parents and students are willing to pay huge sums, but that the government and banks are manipulating the system for profit. Under your scenario the only real degree is one in finance. This would mean that universities would be subsidizing financial corporations at the expense of the humanities and arts. Each person should be able to choose the major that fits one's talents. If the problem is greedy government and banks, maybe we should change to a system like that in France where college is free? The first two years of college were free in California where I was raised. Yes, it cost the state money, but California is first in technological advancement and in almost every other field, it seems. The question is:"Do we want an educated populace?" If so, we must change the student loan system and the real cost of college. Sadly. you have missed the entire purpose of the university which is the free exchange of ideas which creates new webs of neural pathways in students and actually elevates and enlightens the human race.

Sadly, your blithering response to the OP is nonsense.

Do you even comprehend what the thread is about?
I disagree. The problem is not that parents and students are willing to pay huge sums, but that the government and banks are manipulating the system for profit. Under your scenario the only real degree is one in finance. This would mean that universities would be subsidizing financial corporations at the expense of the humanities and arts. Each person should be able to choose the major that fits one's talents. If the problem is greedy government and banks, maybe we should change to a system like that in France where college is free? The first two years of college were free in California where I was raised. Yes, it cost the state money, but California is first in technological advancement and in almost every other field, it seems. The question is:"Do we want an educated populace?" If so, we must change the student loan system and the real cost of college. Sadly. you have missed the entire purpose of the university which is the free exchange of ideas which creates new webs of neural pathways in students and actually elevates and enlightens the human race.

There are other ways to pay for education, internships, work study, the problem is college education is inflated and business' and government require degrees in just about everything.

Really if there was not a required license or degree then people could learn on the job experience for most types of jobs (not all) and earn mastery from hard work.

No degree required.
I disagree. The problem is not that parents and students are willing to pay huge sums, but that the government and banks are manipulating the system for profit. Under your scenario the only real degree is one in finance. This would mean that universities would be subsidizing financial corporations at the expense of the humanities and arts. Each person should be able to choose the major that fits one's talents. If the problem is greedy government and banks, maybe we should change to a system like that in France where college is free? The first two years of college were free in California where I was raised. Yes, it cost the state money, but California is first in technological advancement and in almost every other field, it seems. The question is:"Do we want an educated populace?" If so, we must change the student loan system and the real cost of college. Sadly. you have missed the entire purpose of the university which is the free exchange of ideas which creates new webs of neural pathways in students and actually elevates and enlightens the human race.

There are other ways to pay for education, internships, work study, the problem is college education is inflated and business' and government require degrees in just about everything.

Really if there was not a required license or degree then people could learn on the job experience for most types of jobs (not all) and earn mastery from hard work.

No degree required.

Why, then, would anyone spend more than $200 for a degree in UnderWaterBasket Weaving?

Why would anyone get a BA in Elementary Education that costs $100,000???

Let's just get real a moment: These parents, and their kids aren't THAT STUPID.

They are paying what was once called a "Dowry." University costs began to soar when more women began to attend college than men...coincidence? I think not. Parents are paying to send little Muffy off to college to find a husband.
:tongue:I totally agree with your last post...and let's get rid of unnecessary licensing, too. I know more than the lawyers in my county and I cannot help people as my hands have been tied by the system....I believe it is a violation of my 1st Amendment right to free speech.

As for your first reply to me:" Sadly, your blithering response to the OP is nonsense.

Do you even comprehend what the thread is about?"

Yes...I understand as I am in the situation...now.. as a college graduate...and if you are asking if I agree that college expenses are a "dowry"....No, I do not...That is a term from the Middle Ages, or at least the Victorian Age... Are you a college graduate and if not, why do you think that you know so much about the issue?...Some of the people on this board are so rude...but attacking others, personally, does not reveal intelligence...quite the opposite... Blithering?...Sounds like another term from the Victorian Age...
Here is a link to my web page which I am building now: theglobaltreehouse.angelfire (add com) I can't post urls yet . Then you can critique my essays, too.
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:tongue:I totally agree with your last post...and let's get rid of unnecessary licensing, too. I know more than the lawyers in my county .

Do you have any credentials or proof of that beyond just declaring it so on an internet message board? You are proving the opposite point.
Yes...I understand as I am in the situation...now.. as a college graduate...and if you are asking if I agree that college expenses are a "dowry"....No, I do not...That is a term from the Middle Ages, or at least the Victorian Age... Are you a college graduate and if not, why do you think that you know so much about the issue?...Some of the people on this board are so rude...but attacking others, personally, does not reveal intelligence...quite the opposite... Blithering?...Sounds like another term from the Victorian Age...
Here is a link to my web page which I am building now: theglobaltreehouse.angelfire (add com) I can't post urls yet . Then you can critique my essays, too.

:lol: @ the undergrad with an overinflated sense of himself! You have a bachelor's degree and you expect people to believe that you know more about the law than licensed and credentialed attorneys? Delusional people like you are the reason why licensing is required.

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