100,000 PLUS in Madison today?

Of COURSE this protest and all protests like these are ORGANIZED and FUNDED by some group or the other.


Do you expect people to simply intuit that its time to take to the streets?

I objected when liberals tried to dismiss the TP movement for organizing, and I'm making the same objection to this complaint, too

Grow up, folks and put down your partisan pipedreams.

Mass rallies and public demonstartions are ORGANIZED.

That's no big deal.

But no amount of orgnization is going to get people on the streets if they do not care about the issue.

editec, you are the king of the false equivalency.

There was a PERSONAL reason schoolteachers, nurses and other public employees took to the streets; their rights, their pay and supporting their families was under attack.

The TP said 'we want our country back'...it turns out to be BUSH. What polls show us about the ‘tea party’ is that they are a fringe group diametrically opposed to mainstream America. Among all Americans, George W. Bush has a 27/58 positive/negative favorable rating. Among the ‘tea party’ he's viewed favorably, 57/27. An almost perfect diametrical difference.

The TP kicked off their first national convention with a racist, xenophobe diatribe.


The TP was organized to shout out the lies of insurance cartels at town hall meetings and given a strategy memo authored by Dick Armey's FreedomWorks, the industry funded group that helps organize and support the tea party protests.

“Those who stand for nothing fall for anything.”
Alexander Hamilton
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Hey Jethro,
WHO picked a racist xenophobe to kick off their first national convention?
WHO wildly cheered his racist xenophobe speech?
WHO answered the CBS News/NY Times poll on BOOOOOOSH with the exact opposite favoritism as the rest of America?

Oh, go take your Paxil and make a new tin foil hat.

Yea, it's all just a fantasy of the left Jethro. There is no proof that can penetrate your dogma and your ignorance. The tea party is who they are, not according to me, but according to THEM.

Here's some advice Jethro; don't become a dairy farmer. All your cows will die from digesting plastic grass.
Just can't wait to see what's coming next?

"Swinging a sledge hammer, Pennsylvania's first-term Republican Governor Tom Corbett, smashed into educational spending and state worker jobs during his first-ever budget address, following in the footsteps of his conservative cost-cutting confederates across the nation.

"While Corbett proposes slashing over a billion dollars in fundis for pre-K through college, he spares the Keystone State's burgeoning billion-dollar Marcellus Shale natural gas industry from his call for 'shared sacrifice' to close a $4-billion gap in the state's budget."

Yesterday's outpouring in Madison was bigger than the Tea Party rally in DC in September 2009.

Tea Party or Main Street Movement?

Who's got the power?

You completely miss the point of the Tea Party movement. It's not one of massive centralization landing at some Ground Zero event. It is made up of local groups, with much attention on local and county policies as well as the national issues. The April 15th events have had totals of close to hundreds of thousands of participants, quite a feat without astroturf.
In your opinion, has Americans for Prosperity played a critical role in Tea Party success?

"As ThinkProgress has documented, the lobbyist-run Americans for Prosperity (AFP) has been instrumental in orchestrating the Tea Party movement.

"The group coordinated 'grassroots protests around the country and provided organizations and communications support to the Tea Parties. AFP staffers are also regular presence at Tea Party rallies.

"The man behind AFP is David Koch, who is one of the richest men in the world thanks to his oil, chemicals, and manufacturing conglomerate Koch Industries. In 2009, AFP President Tim Phillips said he 'launched our organization.'”

Without astroturf?
There are literally hundreds of local Tea Party Groups. Some of them coordinate activities through various larger organizations.

They are not paid by such organizations the way SEIU thugs are turned into astroturf by the various barackobama.com affiliates.
Didn't watch much of the Wisconsin protests today. Watched how the Japanese are taking the catastrophe that struck their country. The earthquake, tsunami, loss of life, possible radiation and life as they know it for the next decades. The are so stoic and know they will adapt. What a civil society.

And those who lose some rights here in America like collective bargaining are going nuts and panicking like their first born is on life support. Go figure.
"When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

"When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

"When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

"When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out."

History may not repeat.
But it often rhymes.

There's an economic earthquake shaking this planet.
For the last 5000 years ALL governments have redistributed wealth by socializing cost and privatizing profit for the benefit of a select few.

Should I give this history a name?


A tsunami of democracy MAY be building from Cairo to Madison and beyond. If so, any natural disaster anywhere on this planet pales in comparison.
Didn't watch much of the Wisconsin protests today. Watched how the Japanese are taking the catastrophe that struck their country. The earthquake, tsunami, loss of life, possible radiation and life as they know it for the next decades. The are so stoic and know they will adapt. What a civil society.

And those who lose some rights here in America like collective bargaining are going nuts and panicking like their first born is on life support. Go figure.
"When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

"When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

"When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

"When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out."

History may not repeat.
But it often rhymes.

There's an economic earthquake shaking this planet.
For the last 5000 years ALL governments have redistributed wealth by socializing cost and privatizing profit for the benefit of a select few.

Should I give this history a name?


A tsunami of democracy MAY be building from Cairo to Madison and beyond. If so, any natural disaster anywhere on this planet pales in comparison.

There are literally hundreds of local Tea Party Groups. Some of them coordinate activities through various larger organizations.

They are not paid by such organizations the way SEIU thugs are turned into astroturf by the various barackobama.com affiliates.
Do the Koch brothers qualify as thugs?

When you consider that pollution from coal fired power plants kills 18,000 Americans every year, I would say 'thug' does not apply...murderer does.
Good God...How do you unhinged whackaloons not end up boring yourselves to death? :lol::lol::lol:

Do you live in a cave Jethro?

Dirty Air Dirty Power

Key findings include:

* Fine particle pollution from U.S. power plants cuts short the lives of nearly 24,000 people each year, including 2800 from lung cancer.

* The average number of life-years lost by individuals dying prematurely from exposure to particulate matter is 14 years.

* Hundreds of thousands of Americans suffer each year from asthma attacks, cardiac problems, and respiratory problems associated with fine particles from power plants. These illnesses result in tens of thousands of emergency room visits, hospitalizations, and lost work days each year.

* Power plant pollution is responsible for 38,200 non-fatal heart attacks per year.

* The elderly, children, and those with respiratory disease are most severely affected by fine particle pollution from power plants.

* People who live in metropolitan areas near coal-fired plants feel their impacts most acutely . their attributable death rates are much higher than areas with few or no coal-fired plants.

* The vast majority (at least 90 percent or 22,000) of the deaths due to fine particle pollution could be avoided by capping power plant sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide pollution at levels consistent with the installation of today's best available emissions controls.

* Compared with the requirements of current law, the Bush Administration's so-called "Clear Skies" proposal would result in 4,000 additional preventable premature deaths each year while repealing the very safeguards that could save those additional lives.

CATF Death Disease Dirty Power



The Link between Power Plant Pollution and Human Health

There are literally hundreds of local Tea Party Groups. Some of them coordinate activities through various larger organizations.

They are not paid by such organizations the way SEIU thugs are turned into astroturf by the various barackobama.com affiliates.
Do the Koch brothers qualify as thugs?

I don't know. Do you have any evidence that they have vandalized buildings, beaten up people, and left massive amounts of trash lying around in parks and public places?

Why don't you go live in a cave, heat it with burning wood and trundle around on horseback, you bloody Luddite.

Yea, it's all left wing propaganda. None of it is true, right Jethro?
"...(Y)esterday's rally in Madison is noteworthy because at 85,000-100,000, it was bigger than the biggest tea party protest, the September 12, 2009 rally in Washington, D.C., which turned out only an estimated 60,000-70,000."

Tea Party or Main Street?

Who's gonna win?
Tea party rallys don't have the advantage of union bosses and community instigators (up to and including the prez himself) busing in paid rent-a-mobs from out of state, nor local ne'er do-well college boys with too much time on their hands.

You're right. They have the Koch brothers and corporations busing in people. But you're right true american outrage :lol:

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