10 years...1 decade... "Healthmyths" what caused me to use "Healthmyths" to begin with!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Coming up 10 years 10 days from the greatest attack on the USA, far exceeding Pearl Harbor I started posting (with links, substantiation, not my personal opinion) on this forum.
I chose this name "Healthmyths" because I like millions of Americans were bombarded by the MSM support of Obama's exaggerations to help pass Obamacare.
Obama said: "Nearly 46 million Americans don't have health insurance coverage today."
A gross exaggeration as proven by Politifact who said
"So Obama is sloppy by saying it is for "Americans" but not accounting for the noncitizens, which leaves him off by about 22 percent."
10 million of the 46 million were illegals leaving 36 million.
But wait.... of those 36 million HOW many really didn't have any possibility of getting health coverage?
FACT: 14 million people PER THE CENSUS were counted as "UNINSURED" BUT THEY WERE eligible for Medicaid/SCHIP they just didn't know it because OBAMA's administration never went after them! Think about that... means instead of
46 million Obama state... it is now down to 22 million Americans without coverage. BUT wait... do all those 22 million WANT health insurance?
18 million people that make over $50k and UNDER 34 don't want health insurance even though many of their employers offer!
That leave 4 million! NOT 46 million which was used to pass Obamacare! But the MSM continues to use 46 million...
Another grossly exaggerated statement that was totally blown way way out of proportion!
Obama claimed:
FALSEHOOD: President Barack Obama made misleading and exaggerated claims in a speech boasting of the accomplishments of the Affordable Care Act. “129 million people who could have otherwise been denied or faced discrimination now have access to coverage.”
But most of those individuals already had “access to coverage” — they got it through their employers before the ACA’s marketplaces were launched.
But in BOTH these gross exaggerations... WAS Obama EVER held accountable by the MSM?
Of course not. To this day the MSM will tout 46 million uninsured over half Americans have pre-existing conditions (as if these people didn't have coverage!)!!!!
Coming up 10 years 10 days from the greatest attack on the USA, far exceeding Pearl Harbor I started posting (with links, substantiation, not my personal opinion) on this forum.
I chose this name "Healthmyths" because I like millions of Americans were bombarded by the MSM support of Obama's exaggerations to help pass Obamacare.
Obama said: "Nearly 46 million Americans don't have health insurance coverage today."
A gross exaggeration as proven by Politifact who said
"So Obama is sloppy by saying it is for "Americans" but not accounting for the noncitizens, which leaves him off by about 22 percent."
10 million of the 46 million were illegals leaving 36 million.
But wait.... of those 36 million HOW many really didn't have any possibility of getting health coverage?
FACT: 14 million people PER THE CENSUS were counted as "UNINSURED" BUT THEY WERE eligible for Medicaid/SCHIP they just didn't know it because OBAMA's administration never went after them! Think about that... means instead of
46 million Obama state... it is now down to 22 million Americans without coverage. BUT wait... do all those 22 million WANT health insurance?
18 million people that make over $50k and UNDER 34 don't want health insurance even though many of their employers offer!
That leave 4 million! NOT 46 million which was used to pass Obamacare! But the MSM continues to use 46 million...
Another grossly exaggerated statement that was totally blown way way out of proportion!
Obama claimed:
FALSEHOOD: President Barack Obama made misleading and exaggerated claims in a speech boasting of the accomplishments of the Affordable Care Act. “129 million people who could have otherwise been denied or faced discrimination now have access to coverage.”
But most of those individuals already had “access to coverage” — they got it through their employers before the ACA’s marketplaces were launched.
But in BOTH these gross exaggerations... WAS Obama EVER held accountable by the MSM?
Of course not. To this day the MSM will tout 46 million uninsured over half Americans have pre-existing conditions (as if these people didn't have coverage!)!!!!
So, immigrants are not "Americans" and having access to health insurance is the same as having insurance.
I remember republicans spending a decade saying how the ACA was going to collapse on its own. But then after all that time sabotaging it because it wasn't collapsing on its own, it still didn't collapse.
But none of your retorts answered the point I was making!
The two major healthmyths i.e. never were 46 million uninsured Americans nor were there over half of all Americans couldn't get health insurance due to their having pre-existing conditions. Both of these MAJOR MYTHS were used to persuade as the architect of Obamacare Jonathan Gruber to say because
"This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes,"
he said during a panel discussion at the University of Pennsylvania in October, 2013.
"Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the 'stupidity of the American voter' or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass.”
So to those of you who have responded without addressing the falsehoods,
how does it feel to be considered a "stupid American voter"???
I remember republicans spending a decade saying how the ACA was going to collapse on its own. But then after all that time sabotaging it because it wasn't collapsing on its own, it still didn't collapse.
Worse, Republicans had nothing to replace it with – they were perfectly happy with allowing millions of Americans to again not have access to affordable healthcare.
But none of your retorts answered the point I was making!
The two major healthmyths i.e. never were 46 million uninsured Americans nor were there over half of all Americans couldn't get health insurance due to their having pre-existing conditions. Both of these MAJOR MYTHS were used to persuade as the architect of Obamacare Jonathan Gruber to say because
"This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes,"
he said during a panel discussion at the University of Pennsylvania in October, 2013.
"Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the 'stupidity of the American voter' or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass.”
So to those of you who have responded without addressing the falsehoods,
how does it feel to be considered a "stupid American voter"???
Look, you did not show that the number of uninsured Americans was wrong. The only "myth" is the one that you were perpetuating. That immigrants are not Americans and having access to health insurance is the same as having health insurance. Because that is what you did. First, you said a portion of the uninsured were illegal immigrants. But they encounter health care bills just like everyone else. I suppose you want to say that they are not "Americans", but when they show up at the hospital with no health insurance and can't pay the bill it is Americans that are paying for them.

Then, even more stupid, claiming that because someone has access to health insurance and doesn't purchase it, they can't be counted as, I mean imagine this, not having health insurance. Comical really. There was no myth, you changed the definition of "uninsured", you did not disprove the number of uninsured.
That's because you were and are on Welfare.

Working people got royally fucked.

  • The U.S. economy has gained nearly 14 million private sector jobs over five years. All of the net gain in employment has been in full-time work.
  • There are 5 million more people working now than during the peak level prior to the recession, and the unemployment rate has plummeted. Recent annual gains in jobs have been faster than gains in any year since the 1990s.
  • Still, labor force participation rates have yet to return to their pre-recession peak.
  • Inflation-adjusted economic growth in the United States in recent years has rivaled or exceeded that of many other high-income nations.
  • Health care spending growth per person—both public and private—has slowed for five years.
  • A number of ACA reforms, particularly related to Medicare, have likely contributed to the slowdown in health care spending growth by tightening provider payment rates and introducing incentives to reduce excess costs.
  • Faster-than-expected economic growth and slower-than-expected health care spending have led to multiple downward revisions of the federal deficit and projected deficits.
  • These trends have also been a boon to state and local government budgets, as job growth has improved state tax revenues while cost growth in health care programs has slowed. At the same time, expanding insurance to millions of people who were previously uninsured has supported local health systems and enhanced families’ ability to pay for necessities, including health care.
Coming up 10 years 10 days from the greatest attack on the USA, far exceeding Pearl Harbor I started posting (with links, substantiation, not my personal opinion) on this forum.
I chose this name "Healthmyths" because I like millions of Americans were bombarded by the MSM support of Obama's exaggerations to help pass Obamacare.
Obama said: "Nearly 46 million Americans don't have health insurance coverage today."
A gross exaggeration as proven by Politifact who said
"So Obama is sloppy by saying it is for "Americans" but not accounting for the noncitizens, which leaves him off by about 22 percent."
10 million of the 46 million were illegals leaving 36 million.
But wait.... of those 36 million HOW many really didn't have any possibility of getting health coverage?
FACT: 14 million people PER THE CENSUS were counted as "UNINSURED" BUT THEY WERE eligible for Medicaid/SCHIP they just didn't know it because OBAMA's administration never went after them! Think about that... means instead of
46 million Obama state... it is now down to 22 million Americans without coverage. BUT wait... do all those 22 million WANT health insurance?
18 million people that make over $50k and UNDER 34 don't want health insurance even though many of their employers offer!
That leave 4 million! NOT 46 million which was used to pass Obamacare! But the MSM continues to use 46 million...
Another grossly exaggerated statement that was totally blown way way out of proportion!
Obama claimed:
FALSEHOOD: President Barack Obama made misleading and exaggerated claims in a speech boasting of the accomplishments of the Affordable Care Act. “129 million people who could have otherwise been denied or faced discrimination now have access to coverage.”
But most of those individuals already had “access to coverage” — they got it through their employers before the ACA’s marketplaces were launched.
But in BOTH these gross exaggerations... WAS Obama EVER held accountable by the MSM?
Of course not. To this day the MSM will tout 46 million uninsured over half Americans have pre-existing conditions (as if these people didn't have coverage!)!!!!
Healthcare in general was relatively cheap until around 2000.
  • The U.S. economy has gained nearly 14 million private sector jobs over five years. All of the net gain in employment has been in full-time work.
  • There are 5 million more people working now than during the peak level prior to the recession, and the unemployment rate has plummeted. Recent annual gains in jobs have been faster than gains in any year since the 1990s.
  • Still, labor force participation rates have yet to return to their pre-recession peak.
  • Inflation-adjusted economic growth in the United States in recent years has rivaled or exceeded that of many other high-income nations.
  • Health care spending growth per person—both public and private—has slowed for five years.
  • A number of ACA reforms, particularly related to Medicare, have likely contributed to the slowdown in health care spending growth by tightening provider payment rates and introducing incentives to reduce excess costs.
  • Faster-than-expected economic growth and slower-than-expected health care spending have led to multiple downward revisions of the federal deficit and projected deficits.
  • These trends have also been a boon to state and local government budgets, as job growth has improved state tax revenues while cost growth in health care programs has slowed. At the same time, expanding insurance to millions of people who were previously uninsured has supported local health systems and enhanced families’ ability to pay for necessities, including health care.
You probably also fell for the whole Obamacare is going to save so much money it will pay down the deficit.
  • The U.S. economy has gained nearly 14 million private sector jobs over five years. All of the net gain in employment has been in full-time work.
  • There are 5 million more people working now than during the peak level prior to the recession, and the unemployment rate has plummeted. Recent annual gains in jobs have been faster than gains in any year since the 1990s.
  • Still, labor force participation rates have yet to return to their pre-recession peak.
  • Inflation-adjusted economic growth in the United States in recent years has rivaled or exceeded that of many other high-income nations.
  • Health care spending growth per person—both public and private—has slowed for five years.
  • A number of ACA reforms, particularly related to Medicare, have likely contributed to the slowdown in health care spending growth by tightening provider payment rates and introducing incentives to reduce excess costs.
  • Faster-than-expected economic growth and slower-than-expected health care spending have led to multiple downward revisions of the federal deficit and projected deficits.
  • These trends have also been a boon to state and local government budgets, as job growth has improved state tax revenues while cost growth in health care programs has slowed. At the same time, expanding insurance to millions of people who were previously uninsured has supported local health systems and enhanced families’ ability to pay for necessities, including health care.
All well and good.
BUT that still doesn't answer the myths of 46 million uninsured and over half of all Americans can't get insurance because of pre-existing conditions.
Rebuke those two myths because they were the primary selling point that appealed to as Gruber said
"And basically, call it the 'stupidity of the American voter' or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing (Obamacare) to pass.”
Prove those statements are correct.
Look, you did not show that the number of uninsured Americans was wrong. The only "myth" is the one that you were perpetuating. That immigrants are not Americans and having access to health insurance is the same as having health insurance. Because that is what you did. First, you said a portion of the uninsured were illegal immigrants. But they encounter health care bills just like everyone else. I suppose you want to say that they are not "Americans", but when they show up at the hospital with no health insurance and can't pay the bill it is Americans that are paying for them.

Then, even more stupid, claiming that because someone has access to health insurance and doesn't purchase it, they can't be counted as, I mean imagine this, not having health insurance. Comical really. There was no myth, you changed the definition of "uninsured", you did not disprove the number of uninsured.
Obama said "46 million uninsured" and dummies evidently like you don't seem to understand!
Illegals are not eligible because they are illegal .... 10 million
14 million Americans didn't know they were eligible for Medicaid and that again was proven as I'm linking which YOU haven't done!
Gruber proved that number was right.
Gruber and his coauthors, using data from the Census Bureau, estimate that Medicaid “produced 63% of the gains [in coverage] that we identified” for 2014. They also found that much of this gain was attributable to the enrollment in Medicaid of people who were eligible for the program under criteria that preceded the ACA’s Medicaid expansion:
So between 10 million illegals and 14 million eligible but didn't KNOW right there the 46 million reduced to 22 million...not 46!
FACTS:population of USA as of 2019 (date of the below article) was 328,239,523
More than half of the population had employer-sponsored coverage (55.1 percent), or 180,859,977 Americans
followed by Medicaid (17.9 percent), or 58,754,875 Americans
Medicare (17.8 percent), or 58,426,635 Americans
individual market coverage (10.8 percent), or 35,449,868 Americans and
military coverage (3.6 percent). 11,816,623 Americans.... hmmm that adds up to 345,307,978 Americans!
Strange isn't it. Supposedly 46 million uninsured Americans YET counting the military etc. ZERO!
Please explain where 46 million uninsured comes from???
Worse, Republicans had nothing to replace it with – they were perfectly happy with allowing millions of Americans to again not have access to affordable healthcare.
Millions of Americans??? Please explain then these two major discrepancies !

14 million Americans didn't know they were eligible for Medicaid and that again was proven as I'm linking which YOU haven't done! Gruber proved that number was right.
Gruber and his coauthors, using data from the Census Bureau, estimate that Medicaid “produced 63% of the gains [in coverage] that we identified” for 2014. They also found that much of this gain was attributable
Hmmm how many uninsured Americans?
FACTS:population of USA as of 2019 (date of the below article) was 328,239,523
(FACTS by the way which the stupid voter for Obamacare like YOU don't seem to use...just your opinion!)

More than half of the population had employer-sponsored coverage (55.1 percent), or 180,859,977 Americans
followed by Medicaid (17.9 percent), or 58,754,875 Americans
Medicare (17.8 percent), or 58,426,635 Americans
individual market coverage (10.8 percent), or 35,449,868 Americans and
military coverage (3.6 percent). 11,816,623 Americans.... hmmm
that adds up to 345,307,978 Americans!

Strange isn't it. Supposedly 46 million uninsured Americans YET counting the military etc.
Please explain where 46 million uninsured comes from???

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