10 Signs of Tyranny in America


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
1. Rule by force, not by law: This is where it all begins; when the legal framework that serves to define a country and its behavior is dismantled and intimidation tactics take over. In the most extreme case, drone bombings and assassinations have begun of non-citizens, as well as U.S. citizens, leading only to a debate over whether U.S. citizens should be stripped of citizenship before assassination. Governmental assassinations are in complete opposition to the laws of America and all international laws and agreements. In the last week we have also seen the official elimination of the 4th Amendment in Indiana, which is a clear precedent-setting ruling to say that the State now believes that it owns the property and person of its citizens. As a result, the militarized police have been granted unlimited access, which will only cause an escalation in cases of police brutality and misconduct. This is yet another addition to the precedent set by TSA groping and sexual harassment in airports, Child Protective Services kidnapping children of activists in pro-liberty causes, public school surveillance, and the lawless detention of activists who videotape the police. All areas of society are now ruled top-down through state legislation adopted to justify federal grants that have installed a police state apparatus in America. And these federal agencies such as the TSA actually believe they rule supreme over the states. We now live in a country where CIA abductions, overseas detention, torture and assassinations can be carried out against anyone without due process and without recourse if later cleared; in fact, the Supreme Court has just ended the legal debate by refusing to even consider appeals. Consequently, an atmosphere has been created where the government is permitted to break countless laws, like warrantless GPS tracking of activists by the FBI, while average citizens are guilty of pre-crimes. The increase in executive power under the aegis of National Security is our greatest threat and has led to all that follows.

It was interesting and I was falling for it, until this;

and the ongoing travesty of the torture and incarceration of Bradley Manning, and we can begin to see through the propaganda of White House officials when they talk about terrible dictators in other nations crushing dissent.

Manning is not, not by any fucking streatch of the 2nd most bizarre imagination, being tortured.
It was interesting and I was falling for it, until this;

and the ongoing travesty of the torture and incarceration of Bradley Manning, and we can begin to see through the propaganda of White House officials when they talk about terrible dictators in other nations crushing dissent.

Manning is not, not by any fucking streatch of the 2nd most bizarre imagination, being tortured.

The evil side of me however wouldn't care if he was, little bastard needs to be put on a wall and shot for treason. But he has rights, and I respect those rights. He's just lucky Truman isn't president right now.
It was interesting and I was falling for it, until this;

and the ongoing travesty of the torture and incarceration of Bradley Manning, and we can begin to see through the propaganda of White House officials when they talk about terrible dictators in other nations crushing dissent.

Manning is not, not by any fucking streatch of the 2nd most bizarre imagination, being tortured.

The evil side of me however wouldn't care if he was, little bastard needs to be put on a wall and shot for treason. But he has rights, and I respect those rights. He's just lucky Truman isn't president right now.

He's getting everything any high risk prisoner gets.

The only thing different is no other prisoners are allowed close, physicall proximity.

And that loss is to keep his ass alive.

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