10 Reasons to legalise all drugs

You know shit about drugs. These things CAN cause deaths, they don't always. In fact some very rarely do.

Anyway I thought you were against the nanny state? I can do what I want with my own body.

Yep thats the truth in a nutshell. Well put.

The government tried to abolish the production and use of ALCOHOL, less than 100 years ago, and within 6 months, found out that that approach was completely wrong, in spite of the fact that every year people die from DUIs, chirrosis of the liver, alcohol related violence (liquor store robberies, etc), and all the rest...

I dont agree with adding another "sin tax" to the long list of taxes we already pay. It certainly hasnt helped me to quit smoking cigarettes, so I doubt that it would help any other person quit getting high or down on whatever their substance of choice is, lol...

My biggest point in this is that people need to be held responsible for THEIR ACTUAL CRIMES, and drug laws act as sort of a veil that covers them from accountability for their wrongdoings. They are held accountable for their drug use instead of the fact that they ran a red light, killed someone, held a store up, beat up their parents, etc, etc... THATS the REAL crime. That is where the victims came into the picture.
A person can do all those things without being high (or drunk) but in todays extremely anti substance abuse mindset, there is far too much focus on blaming the SOMETHING (the drugs/ or alcohol) instead of blaming the PERSON.

ANYONE can get as high as a kite on any given substance and maintain some composure, at least enough composure to not commit a violent crime on another person- but the violent criminals do not end up feeling badly about hurting someone else BECAUSE they are charged with drug use and only ordered something ridiculous like forced rehab. What happens is, the drugs get blamed for the crime, instead of the person... the conversations go something like this:

"You know why I pulled you over?"

"Yeah I ran a red light and hit that car, okay."

(cop takes a big whiff)

"Hey man you got any pot in there?"


"Lets take a look, cause I smell it"

"Oh looky what we got here... CANNABIS!!! -Well that explains it! You high?"

"Yeah I guess"

"Well, Im going to charge you NOT with a hit and run, which is what the real problem is, but with possession of marijuana, and give you a ticket for running a red light."


He could have just said "Ok high or not, you ran from the scene of an accident, and you could have really hurt someone. Im taking you in for hit and run." -Cop
"Hit and run is a bigger charge than marijuana." - Driver

OMFG. Can you believe this???
THEY are the ones that are high, for NOT doing things the right way, imo....

Why are you so much in favor of a nanny state?

That was nice use of hype and hyperbole. There should be moderation in practically everything. I used to be totally opposed to any nanny state legislation until I did some serious thinking. Do you think that people should be allowed to drive as fast as they with no speed limits? Do you think that bestiality and prostitution should be allowed nation wide? At what age should people be allowed to engage in these activities – 16, 18, 21? Do you think that people should be allowed to consume any chemical that they want? Do you support removing the FDA and OSAH? Should all governmental agencies involved in oversight be disbanded? Should there be no SEC. Think of all of the nanny-state agencies that America has. There might be too many, but do you really want to remove every single one of them?
That was nice use of hype and hyperbole. There should be moderation in practically everything. I used to be totally opposed to any nanny state legislation until I did some serious thinking. Do you think that people should be allowed to drive as fast as they with no speed limits? Do you think that bestiality and prostitution should be allowed nation wide? At what age should people be allowed to engage in these activities – 16, 18, 21? Do you think that people should be allowed to consume any chemical that they want? Do you support removing the FDA and OSAH? Should all governmental agencies involved in oversight be disbanded? Should there be no SEC. Think of all of the nanny-state agencies that America has. There might be too many, but do you really want to remove every single one of them?

the point is: republicans whine about the liberal nanny state all the time, but are quite willing to have the state perform that function as long as it is enforcing the moral issue that THEY endorse. THAT is the hypocrisy of it all.
the point is: republicans whine about the liberal nanny state all the time, but are quite willing to have the state perform that function as long as it is enforcing the moral issue that THEY endorse. THAT is the hypocrisy of it all.

I'm proud to call myself a Republican. This is one of the subjects I disagree with them on. It's mostly the waste of money we've spent to try and stop something that can not be stopped.
Absolute Hogwash. Republicans support "LEGIT" powers and responsibilities of our Government and oppose the ones that have no basis in law or the Constitution. That Maineman would make this ignorant claim is simply laughable. He is the Hypocrite.
That was nice use of hype and hyperbole. There should be moderation in practically everything. I used to be totally opposed to any nanny state legislation until I did some serious thinking. Do you think that people should be allowed to drive as fast as they with no speed limits? Do you think that bestiality and prostitution should be allowed nation wide? At what age should people be allowed to engage in these activities – 16, 18, 21? Do you think that people should be allowed to consume any chemical that they want? Do you support removing the FDA and OSAH? Should all governmental agencies involved in oversight be disbanded? Should there be no SEC. Think of all of the nanny-state agencies that America has. There might be too many, but do you really want to remove every single one of them?

Yes, you are right it was hype and hyperbole. But it was used to point out an obvious inconsistency in RGS's thinking. I am in favor of some limited state interference. I agree with some of those rules, but not all. Generally I favor the state not interfering in sexual or personal actions between consenting adults...but when it comes to society as a whole, I think there needs to be a guiding hand.
Absolute Hogwash. Republicans support "LEGIT" powers and responsibilities of our Government and oppose the ones that have no basis in law or the Constitution. That Maineman would make this ignorant claim is simply laughable. He is the Hypocrite.

so it is legit to be a nanny state about marijuana but it is utter hogwash to be a nanny state about nicotine?

it is legit to have government be able to intrude into your bedroom, but it is total hogwash to have government be able to intrude into the boardroom?

and I have to make the following observation:

supposedly, RGS has me on "ignore"..... but that doesn't seem to stop him from picking and chosing those comments of mine that he wants to snipe at, and simultaneously ignoring my direct replies to him...

where I come from, we call guys who hide like that....PUSSIES.

Certainly unlike any gunnery sergeant I ever knew!
Absolute Hogwash. Republicans support "LEGIT" powers and responsibilities of our Government and oppose the ones that have no basis in law or the Constitution. That Maineman would make this ignorant claim is simply laughable. He is the Hypocrite.

You can't legislate private choices. If it's hurting only me, what is it to you. If it's hurting someone outside of the user, then nail them on that. If a woman takes them while pregnant, take the child. Nail her to the wall for endangering a child. If they get behind the wheel while under the influence, nail them on those laws. Quit filling up our jails with drug charges and letting the ones that truly hurt us out. Why do drug offenders spend more time that sexual abuser? Because there's more money in busting the drugs. Why are so many of our prisons full of people who haven't hurt anyone but themselves?
You can't legislate private choices. If it's hurting only me, what is it to you. If it's hurting someone outside of the user, then nail them on that. If a woman takes them while pregnant, take the child. Nail her to the wall for endangering a child. If they get behind the wheel while under the influence, nail them on those laws. Quit filling up our jails with drug charges and letting the ones that truly hurt us out. Why do drug offenders spend more time that sexual abuser? Because there's more money in busting the drugs. Why are so many of our prisons full of people who haven't hurt anyone but themselves?

Seriously. And the result of this stupid policy? We have the highest incarceration rate in the world. By far. Here, read all about it. http://bostonreview.net/BR32.4/loury.html

Bit more data:

In 1985, our incarceration rate was 313 per 100,000 population. As of June 30, 2003 it was 715 per 100,000. The largest single factor contributing to this imprisonment wave is a ten-fold rise in drug convictions. In 1980, when illicit drug use was peaking, there were about 50,000 men and women in prison for violating drug laws. In 2002, there were about 500,000 incarcerated. (2)

2. Bureau of Justice Statistics: Bulletin NCJ 203947- Prison/Jail Inmates, Midyear 2003 & The Sentencing Project: Facts About Prisons and Prisoners [Briefing/Factsheet #1035] after USDOJ, Bureau of Justice Statistics.


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