1,600 Boots On The Ground


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Oh yeah? What happened to the “No boots on the ground!” statement?

Well, here's a story about what those boots are doing @ feedly your news. delivered.

And, it does suggest there are a whole lot more “CIA contractors” actually engaged in combat.

Can we believe ANYTHING the Obama administration tells us?
Far more than what you tell us. Now start over, tell us objectively waht you have found out.
Obama's a pathological liar.

If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period

Only his die-hard base, the true believers like Starkey, still listen when Obama talks
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1,600 boots? So is that 800 people? That's less than an Obama travel entourage.....
As the companies involved don't want the numbers known, the only thing I can post is this site which lists job opportunities in Iraq. You have to read between the lines to see what they actually are.

Iraq 2014
Oh yeah? What happened to the “No boots on the ground!” statement?

Well, here's a story about what those boots are doing @ feedly your news. delivered.

And, it does suggest there are a whole lot more “CIA contractors” actually engaged in combat.

Can we believe ANYTHING the Obama administration tells us?

Seriously, we should just bomb the crap out of the Middle East. They want to live like it's the Middle Ages, let's send them back there. :biggrin: I'm so tired of them.
When are troops 'advisers' and when are they 'boots on the ground'?

When are troops advisers when boots on the ground - CNN.com
But if Obama were to approve putting military advisers in "close combat roles," the risk of American casualties would increase -- regardless of whether those troops are firing weapons themselves or advising Iraqi forces who are.

That's because a combat support role can turn into combat "in a heartbeat," retired Gen. James "Spider" Marks said.

"Enemy advances are not distinctive, you could suddenly be in the midst of a really hairy dogfight and you think you're just refueling trucks," Marks said.

Ultimately the distinction between boots on the ground and troops in advisory roles is semantic, retired Lt. Col. Rick Francona said on CNN.

"Right now we've got young American men and women putting their lives on the line dropping bombs," Francona said. "We've got people in combat, I think we should just say that."

And Dempsey produced a quick and direct response when Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, ranking member of the Armed Services Committee, asked Dempsey whether U.S. pilots dropping bombs over Iraq are in a combat mission and whether the U.S. would "put boots on the ground" to rescue a downed pilot.

"Yes and yes," Dempsey confirmed.

Inhofe also lasered in on Obama's "boots on the ground" distinction later Tuesday in an interview with CNN.

"The President's just flat not telling the truth. We already have boots on the ground there," said Inhofe, a chief political antagonist of the White House. "He knows we're going to have to have boots on the ground. Let's just go ahead and face it and admit we're in a war and you just don't win a war unless you're out there fighting."
and watching the news it sounds like everyone is calling for ' boots on the ground ' !! [FOX]

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