
  1. American_Jihad


    "If" Bernie wins it's going to be fun watching his administration try to stop the money leaving the country... THE FIRST YEAR OF PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS What life will be like if Sanders wins. February 8, 2016 Daniel Greenfield On January 20, 2017, President Bernie Sanders was sworn into...
  2. American_Jihad


    "If" Bernie wins it's going to be fun watching his administration try to stop the money leaving the country... THE FIRST YEAR OF PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS What life will be like if Sanders wins. February 8, 2016 Daniel Greenfield On January 20, 2017, President Bernie Sanders was sworn into...
  3. American_Jihad


    Poor liberal media, they have a fit when you dig up the truth... THE CURE FOR MEDIA BIAS Breaking the monopoly of the progressive gospel. February 3, 2016 Bruce Thornton ... As for “bully,” after seven years of Obama’s bullying racialist demagoguery, bullying of the Constitution, bullying...
  4. American_Jihad

    Teen Cruz video goes viral. Terror-coddler Obama video gets deep-sixed.

    Michelle Malkin tears up dat liberal ass... A TALE OF TWO TAPES Teen Cruz video goes viral. Terror-coddler Obama video gets deep-sixed. January 28, 2016 Michelle Malkin The crack media buzzed this week with the discovery of a totally front-page, news-breaking, breathtaking videotape. GOP...
  5. American_Jihad


    One is a socialist liar the other socialist commie... WHAT IS AT STAKE FOR AMERICA IN BERNIE VS. HILLARY The revolution will either destroy America or the Left. January 28, 2016 Daniel Greenfield Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are the same candidate. They’re both leftist radicals with...
  6. American_Jihad

    ISIS's Barbarity and Leftist Feminists

    Time to call these beatch's out... ISIS's Barbarity and Leftist Feminists' Callous Heart When will Naomi Wolf, Naomi Klein and other "feminists" hear the cries of the Islamic State's rape victims? January 25, 2016 Joseph Klein ... Naomi Klein’s 2004 article entitled “Bring Najaf to New...
  7. R

    How come Obama isn't standing up for the hundred thousand the GOP is poisoning in Flint?

    Obama visits Michigan amid Flint, Detroit crises - CNNPolitics.com Seems the president is meeting with the mayor of Flint the state's GOP governor has illegally bypassed. We call a dictatorship unconstitutional. Gov. Snyder has known about this since LAST YEAR when he was notified in...
  8. American_Jihad

    Jewish Students vs Palestinian/Leftist Propaganda

    Leave it to the left to indoctrinate everyone with their deviousness and sinisterism ... Open Hillel Welcomes the Enemy into the Jewish Tent Israel-hating academics want to force Palestinianism down Jewish students’ throats. Winston Churchill could have been observing the sorry state of...
  9. American_Jihad

    A feminism in thrall to the left is one of the biggest threats to women

    Leave it to the left and that Utopian pipe dream fail... Why Feminism Failed Cologne's Women A feminism in thrall to the left is one of the biggest threats to women. January 12, 2016 Daniel Greenfield Big Feminism, fresh from fighting pitched battles against swimsuit posters in European...
  10. American_Jihad

    This Is Bernie Sanders

    LOL this is the new demosocialist party, does he look presidential or more like a raving lunatic... This Is Bernie Sanders A disturbing look at the socialist senator's radical agendas, which are now mainstream in the Democratic Party. January 7, 2016 Discover The Networks Throughout his...
  11. American_Jihad

    The Only Freedom the Left Has Anymore

    They seem to fear a lot of things... Hating the Right is the Only Freedom the Left Has Anymore The left is living under a socio-political tyranny it created, that it loves, hates and fears. December 23, 2015 Daniel Greenfield It's a given that the Washington Post would not have run a...
  12. American_Jihad

    Donald Trump and the American Future

    President Trump, has a nice ring to it don't cha' think...:biggrin: Donald Trump and the American Future Republicans better wake up and remember who the enemy is. December 22, 2015 David Horowitz I have to confess that of late I have become increasingly pessimistic about the future of our...
  13. American_Jihad

    The Left's Muslim Replacement Theology for Jews

    And the left want to rule da world, lol... The Left's Muslim Replacement Theology for Jews Muslims are the new Jews; time to get rid of the old Jews. December 18, 2015 Daniel Greenfield ... The media compared the Syrian migrants to Joseph and Mary at the inn. When that social media meme...

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