
  1. Compost

    The Church of Facebook

    Facebook has a new mission! ..."a lot of of people who now need to find a sense of purpose and support somewhere else." said said, promoting Facebook's large community-support groups as a substitute. In fact, bringing people closer together is so important that "we're going to change...
  2. P@triot

    You can ALWAYS count on left-wing policy to end in collapse

    It always ends the same with left-wing policy: collapse. Nothing ends in collapse like left-wing policy. Articles: Berniegate: How Jane Sanders Offers a Window into Liberal Scheming
  3. P@triot

    There is a storm coming

    The horrible assaults, the riots and destruction of property, and the shooting yesterday is just the beginning. The left are intolerant fascists and since they can't have control from the voting booth, they will attempt to take control by force. We've won the war of ideas. They realize that...
  4. Octoldit

    Communism is the real threat spread by Bolshevism

    Bolshevism is the Zionist method of causing chaos within targeted regimes to overthrow it's leader. It's basically the Zionist way of stealing an entire government. Once the basic premise Bolshevism is recognized one easily see's color revolutions as the updated version of Bolshevism. Syria...
  5. AsianTrumpSupporter

    The Cult of Communism: Jim Jones and the Jonestown mass murder-suicide

    James Warren Jones (May 13, 1931 – November 18, 1978) was an American cult leader and communist.[1][2] Jones was ordained as a Disciples of Christ pastor, and he achieved notoriety as the founder and leader of the radical leftist Peoples Temple, which was often described as having cult-like...
  6. ShootSpeeders

    Zillionaire Zuckerberg wants a guaranteed basic income for everyone.

    This might be ok if those accepting the free money agreed to never have kids. The only answer to poverty is to stop the poor from breeding .
  7. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Liberals like to point to European-style socialism to justify so-called "democratic socialism"...

    It used to be that they could point to countries like Sweden as a counterpoint to countries like North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, etc. ("buh-buh-buh-but, they're not REALLY socialist/communist!"). Basically, liberals were saying that those Asian and Hispanic socialists/communists were doing it...
  8. Octoldit


    Note the imperiousness of Hillary Clinton and the pensiveness of Jesuit-controlled Bill Clinton and Jesuit-trained Tim Kaine of Liberation Theology fame. Clinton herself is looking up at the horizon at her future stolen [IMAGINARY] victory. The Purple Revolution Must Be Stopped Before It...
  9. American_Jihad

    The Left's Continuing Homage To Communism

    Why are the left so in love with communism, socialism, marxism, maoism, etc, etc??? Maybe they should move, GTF out... THE LEFT'S CONTINUING HOMAGE TO COMMUNISM Why progressives pay no price for clinging to their murderous ideology. May 5, 2017 Bruce Thornton ... One hundred days into...
  10. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Venezuela's socialists move closer to fascism as socialist Supreme Court shuts down Congress

    Venezuela court effectively shuts down congress as opposition cries ‘coup’ CUENCA, ECUADOR - In a move rejected throughout the region and decried as a “coup” by the opposition, Venezuela’s Supreme Court effectively shut down congress, saying it would assume all legislative functions amid its...
  11. ding

    Would you like for your government to regulate prices, profits and wages?

    Many here complain about income inequality. I can only assume these are the people who believe they are getting the shaft and need to blame someone else for their poor choices. I say this because men and women of reason typically take charge of their situation and change it for the better...
  12. American_Jihad

    How the Collapse of the USSR Felt from the Inside

    Bet they feel better now... How the Collapse of the USSR Felt from the Inside A reflection by a witness 25 years later. December 30, 2016 Oleg Atbashian 25 years ago George Bush Sr. was still in office, and so was Saddam Hussein. The European Union didn't exist and neither did China's...
  13. P@triot

    Obama's ideology

    For 8 years now, progressives have been denying Obama's entire ideology. He states in his autobiography that upon arriving at college, he "actively sought out the marxist professors", but the progressive minions deny he is a marxist. His wife states that (and I quote) "Barack knows that we have...
  14. Onyx

    What is your economics philosophy?

    I have been trending more towards mutualism lately. I am also a syndicalist, which I believe is superior to vertically organized companies. I believe it would be easier to speak for what I want though. I want to live in a society with voluntary capital interactions in a toned down sustainable...
  15. Octoldit

    United States Just Passed up Old Soviet Union Gulags For Largest Prison System

    For decades, the Soviet Gulags under Joseph Stalin had been considered some of the worst prisons in all of history. But now things have changed. The United States has far exceeded the horrific tolls of the gulags. In the Soviet example, there were more than 18 million victims during the gulags’...
  16. P@triot

    How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

    I have long been acquainted with liberalism and use to find them kind of adorable in a naive, idealistic, immature, yapping lapdog kind of way, bitching about freedom, hating the U.S. Constitution, and insisting that whatever anyone else had they somehow deserved at least half of, if not more...
  17. American_Jihad

    Black Patriot Down

    RIP... Black Patriot Down Fred Cherry defied Communist torture and leftist stereotypes. February 22, 2016 Lloyd Billingsley Fred Cherry, the African American U.S. Air Force pilot who spent seven years as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam, has passed away at 87. With all due respect to...
  18. American_Jihad


    "If" Bernie wins it's going to be fun watching his administration try to stop the money leaving the country... THE FIRST YEAR OF PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS What life will be like if Sanders wins. February 8, 2016 Daniel Greenfield On January 20, 2017, President Bernie Sanders was sworn into...
  19. American_Jihad


    "If" Bernie wins it's going to be fun watching his administration try to stop the money leaving the country... THE FIRST YEAR OF PRESIDENT BERNIE SANDERS What life will be like if Sanders wins. February 8, 2016 Daniel Greenfield On January 20, 2017, President Bernie Sanders was sworn into...

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