Auld Phart
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  • I don't trust that finger in your signature and I'm not going anywhere that it wants me to. O__o
    Why do you keep removing my threads?
    What is the difference? I know you mods get a hard time here. I couldn't do your job, but this seems to be singling out threads or issues for personal reasons. I disagree, this isn't a duplicate thread. its just one you personally dislike.
    Auld Phart
    Auld Phart
    nothing personal about it. There have been threads in Politics, (it's not political), in Current Events, and in Law and Justice. Most of the merged threads ended up in Law and Justice.

    It gets tiring to see the same topic in 8-10 different threads.

    The ones you have done might do better in Satire.
    • Thanks
    Reactions: MaryL
    At this point, who cant tell the difference?
    The thread,

    Anti-Science, Fully Vaccinated and Boostered, Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren and Cory "Spartacus" Booker Get Symptomatic COVID​

    Was about the single best post I have ever read?
    Other covid thread do not point out mRNA injections are not vaccines.
    wtf is wrong with you today ?
    Auld Phart
    Auld Phart
    You started that thread at 11:41. At 11:44 I asked you what it was about. You jerked my chain for 3 fucking hours, and still didn't give me any indication what the videos were about.

    The OP was, because of that, unclean, and I moved it.
    So this gets moved to badlands, but the post still on the front page, Jews and Democrats, like oil and water remains?

    With the Presidents own words as the gist of he article, at events that actually happened?


    No under handed right wing bias going on here.
    Auld Phart
    Auld Phart
    You're complaining about a thread over 2 1/2 years old?
    I do not see any other posts in top 40 posts in politics about Trump's comments on POWs and how that adds credence to current stories about Trump's comments on soldiers. Did you not like negativity towards Trump? Why did you not combine it with other similar posts if there are any.
    Auld Phart
    Auld Phart
    When starting a new Thread, please first check and confirm that there are not Current Threads, on the Same Topic, This will Avoid Merges.

    This means in ALL Forums.
    you did not answer my question, who is your boss? You should be fired for incompetence.
    You don't need a link for general knowledge , If you don't know about this comment from your Mentally ill leader, Then you need to catch up , this has been a daily incident and comment for weeks,
    Auld Phart
    Auld Phart
    you quoted, that needs a link.
    In response to your question about oklasusie's ip address and mine, I tried to respond to you four or more times but got error messages. I don't know who that person is or why we would have the same ip.
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