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  • Oh o...sealybobo hasn't been seen for quite sometimes. That's the greatest news i have heard all year. You Barack Obamaing it.
    I always come back a year before the elections.
    Thanks for the pos rep. Yes, Publius Douchebag is a loudmouth moron - all hat and no cattle.
    SeaBoob, I have been reading over some more of your recent dribble. Have you ever considered professional help? Most counties offer free mental services.
    I learn right on finance, not social issues dickhead. I see you didn't learn your lesson the last time, so more neg rep for you, useless.
    Felling it dickhead? good, it's going to get worse, each time you post it, untill all you will see by your name is red, bitch.
    Accept what you are, dickhead. Before long you piddling rep will be nothing, so either learn or suffer, your choice asshole, as is always said to you, mine is far bigger then yours.
    i was hoping you were....cause to say ANY white guys....thanks for the rep dude....i dont care what Sinatra says about ya....your OK...once in a while :lol:

    You have stated one of the many reasons our economy is in such a dismal mess. We have exported the manufacturing, and imported people from other countries to work here. Whether they work here a month of indefinitely, either a worker is an immigrant and goes through the process to stay and contribute to build America or our Politicians need to keep them OUT.

    Going to work these days is like the United Nations in the depressed section ... ok ok .. the depressed are all the American workers who are training these foreigners how to do our jobs, yes we train them as we are getting the boot to the street AKA unemployment.

    What is wrong with our Politicians? Nationalism? You bet! When you have to fix a problem, you fix your own home first. If we get our US in order then we can help other countries ... right Nationalism seems like the right path.

    BRING BACK OUR FUTURES JOBS DREAMS ... politicians are destroying America.
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