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  • Cats do indeed rule - even if only by "that look" :lol: I find they keep my life in balance. Cats remind me that I'm not as special as I think I am and dogs think the sun rises and sets with me .... balances the ego ;)
    Wow, he looks great for 20 - that's a wonderfully well loved feline :) I lost my last of many cats 3 years ago, at the age of 18...I miss them, but with my current mix of six dogs it's hard to add a cat :(
    Thanks for the rep :) I enjoy the give and take of different points of view like yours...I end up learning something and having a bit of verbal fun too ;) I like your cat - he looks like he has a bit of attitude :)
    Why thank you, it was so unexpected...So what the heck you never drop by, never write and after all we've been through...:lol:
    Dropped by, noticed you where a message virgin ...:ack-1:... feel different now...?
    Just kidding with you...Lumpy....:smoke:
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