Zone1 Young people now among the most antisemitic

You're outraged enough to make a whole thread about the youth being antisemitic....but now that you find out your friends minimized will too now...and suddenly your outrage is gone.

Meh. I think it was just an opportunity taken to distribute ADL propaganda on the part of the OP.

I figured out that one's shtick a long time ago.

OP's basically just running a divide and conquer operation around here.

But, if you're gonna run an operation like that, this is probably the place to run it.

Few think things through all the way around here.

It's unfortunate.

But it's a USA Today type of demographic and easily...oh...let's call it ''led.''

I'm collectively, speaking, of course, as it wouldn't be fair to paint too broad of a brush.

Ultimately, the only thing that will come from this whole exercise in scope is less freedom in America.

Watch and see...
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An example of this live operation against your freedom and sovereignty would be what we just witnessed with a foreign established, non-legislative body in the form of some ''International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance'' define and dictate to the US government the terms in our laws as well the enforcement thereof by way of that so-called Antisemitism Awareness Act.

An organization which has no business or authority whatsoever dictating American legislation or defining the terms in our laws or the terms of their enforcement.

It's not surprising that this whole operation is being run in order to usurp your First Amendment (for starters,) but now they're getting so brazen as to just spit all over your sovereignty right in front of you while they're flipping you the bird in broad daylight.

Think that shit through all of the way, people. Please? Pretty please?
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We just witnessed a foreign, non-legislative body in the form of some ''International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance define and dictate to the US government the terms in our laws as well the enforcement thereof by way of that so-called Antisemitism Awareness Act

An organizaton which has no business or authority whatsoever dictating American legislation or defining the terms in our laws or the terms of their enforcement.

Think that shit through all of the way, people. Please? Pretty please?
It was a symbolic BS move.

Laws on the books already deal with those who try and abuse others. Throw them in jail.

This is Red Flags starting to take hold like Europe til the 1st dies from a thousand paper cuts
In an alarming trend, there has been a reversal in which Americans are the most antisemitic. Whereas previously it has been older Americans (who are less likely to be educated), it is now most prominent in young adults.

This is clearly a result of the antisemitic brainwashing being done in the Arab-funded liberal American universities. Tragically, the next generation of Congress is now in the wings, ready to enact anti-Jew legislation within the next 15 or so years.

Survey is here:

Just look at all these anti-Semites...

Have the Congregations at Temples across the Country figured out they were bamboozled into believing 20th Century Boogiemen ( Kluxers & Southern White Males & Neo Nazis ...) were their biggest threat in America ?
It was a symbolic BS move.

Alright. Well let me ask this. What's the intended symbolism being illustrated by what we just witnessed with a foreign established, non-legislative body in the form of some ''International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance'' defining and dictating to the US government the terms in our laws as well the enforcement thereof by way of that so-called Antisemitism Awareness Act?

Laws on the books already deal with those who try and abuse others. Throw them in jail.

This is Red Flags starting to take hold like Europe til the 1st dies from a thousand paper cuts

Like I said. Watch and see how this all goes down in the end, after the reality show that all of the NGOs (on both so-called ''sides'' of the operation are funding) has run its course and served its usefulness and is thereby no longer televised. That's probably all I have to say about it.
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Watch & See the Protestors give shade to the Terrorists who are now ready to Strike and cripple America .

Your government is what is going to cripple you.

The well-funded sideshow being run is just the easiest path to success in the endeavor, and ultimately how they'll justify it.
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Your government is what is going to cripple you.

Edit to add: with respectful consideration given to the fact that I don't even know when I'm talking to an actual single-citizenship American on here any more, whose ''homeland'' is primarily defined as such, and whose commitment is to protecting its sovereignty and all of that good stuff that so few who compose the mainstream demograph ever seem to be interested in talking about any more.

So, then, my thought there was pertaining to the orchestrated erosion of American sovereignty and civil liberties, peace, prosperity and all of that pursuit of happiness stuff.
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Your government is what is going to cripple you.

The well-funded sideshow being run is just the easiest path to success in the endeavor, and ultimately how they'll justify it.

They just don't get it. I hate to say this, but they have zero discernment when it comes to this sort of thing. They don't recognize or grok Problem-Reaction-Solution, or Order out of Chaos.... and they don't understand that they're being played and manipulated, like marionettes.

When more unconstitutional authoritarian legislation comes out, it's going to be harder for them to deny that you were right... at least those who are intellectually honest and not so deeply brainwashed as to be completely hopeless.

Not surprising at all.

If you are a Boomer, you grew up with WWII and the Holocaust being a recent memory.

But it's hard to get a Gen Z upset about something that happened 60 years before he was born, when he's seeing fresh carnage on his TV every night being inflicted by Jews on people of color.
inflicted by Israelis. I see these as state actions, not the actions of a religious/tribal group.
Repost for thought.

'Between Fear and Resignation: How German Writers Reacted to [Trump's] Hitler’s Rise'

America lives in a similar moment, wake up.
what "extreme peril" is Trump?
They just don't get it. I hate to say this, but they have zero discernment when it comes to this sort of thing. They don't recognize or grok Problem-Reaction-Solution, or Order out of Chaos.... and they don't understand that they're being played and manipulated, like marionettes.

When more unconstitutional authoritarian legislation comes out, it's going to be harder for them to deny that you were right... at least those who are intellectually honest and not so deeply brainwashed as to be completely hopeless.

I don't really care about arguing over who was right and who was wrong.

By that time it's too late anyway.

But yeah. Hegelian dialectic 101. There's no doubt about it.
Alright. Well let me ask this. What's the intended symbolism being illustrated by what we just witnessed with a foreign established, non-legislative body in the form of some ''International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance'' defining and dictating to the US government the terms in our laws as well the enforcement thereof by way of that so-called Antisemitism Awareness Act?

Like I said. Watch and see how this all goes down in the end, after the reality show that all of the NGOs (on both so-called ''sides'' of the operation are funding) has run its course and served its usefulness and is thereby no longer televised. That's probably all I have to say about it.
That is the fault of weak politicians who fail in a time of faction.

Wasnt needed, and the blame isnt on the foteign group but our politicians who have long ago forgotten the intent of the founders.
I don't really care about arguing over who was right and who was wrong.

By that time it's too late anyway.

But yeah. Hegelian dialectic 101. There's no doubt about it.

I agree, but that's not why I said that. I just want the public to wake up. My point was that HOPEFULLY as they see what comes out of these types of events (erosion of American sovereignty and civil liberties) they'll realize they've been played... and they'll FINALLY turn off their damn TV.

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