Zone1 Why the term 'DEI' is being weaponized as a racist dog whistle

I have heard these pathetic talking points so many times. Can't you tell me something I've never heard before? First of all, there is no demographic called Negro. There is no country called Negro. That name was given to African people by the parasites who took them from their ancestral homes.
Whites have colonized, enslaved, murdered, raped and pillaged EVERY race/nationality of people they have ever came in contact with. Europe was poor, so Whites left Europe on ships to search for riches and natural resources of other lands and peoples. And they found: the Americas, Africa, Australia, Asia, the Middle East. They did the same thing to ALL of them.
So, when you talk about the wealth of Whites, remember where that wealth came from. Europe always been POOR as far as natural resources are concerned. Everything they have has been stolen.
It's been a pleasure talking to you, Hector12. Have a nice day. Bye.

P.S. Do you know a guy named JackDallas?

If you think it's been "stolen" then why aren't you giving back everything you own to the poor Negroes?

Or are you just one more fake liberal, pretending like you really care, so the brothers won't beat you up on the playground and steal your lunch money?
I have heard these pathetic talking points so many times. Can't you tell me something I've never heard before? First of all, there is no demographic called Negro. There is no country called Negro. That name was given to African people by the parasites who took them from their ancestral homes.
Whites have colonized, enslaved, murdered, raped and pillaged EVERY race/nationality of people they have ever came in contact with. Europe was poor, so Whites left Europe on ships to search for riches and natural resources of other lands and peoples. And they found: the Americas, Africa, Australia, Asia, the Middle East. They did the same thing to ALL of them.
So, when you talk about the wealth of Whites, remember where that wealth came from. Europe always been POOR as far as natural resources are concerned. Everything they have has been stolen.
It's been a pleasure talking to you, Hector12. Have a nice day. Bye.

P.S. Do you know a guy named JackDallas?
What little Negroes have achieved they lave learned from whites. We would be better off without Negroes. They would be lost without us.
What little Negroes have achieved they lave learned from whites. We would be better off without Negroes. They would be lost without us.

We even had to give them a disproportionate head start, like with LBJ's Great Society, Affirmative Action, welfare, EBT cards, Obamaphones, school bussing, DEI, and kowtowing and butt-kissing by the liberal left.
It's the same bigoted people w/the same sad schtick all the time.

You talking IM2 or some local cracker here?

Anytime someone is for DEI instead of skill...they are a filthy, commie dem!

clown DC.jpg

Oh really? Being happily married, kids grown up, and owning a three bedroom, two bath, two car garage on 100 acres of land, I'd say I'm pretty much secure in my own manhood.

Great for you!
Get some fruit & nut trees planted.
I could "create" wealth too if I were allowed to enslave other humans, steal land and rob natural resources. :auiqs.jpg:
Allowing the slave trade was the worst mistake European settlers and their descendants in the Americas made. We would be far better of if Negroes had not been brought here as slaves, and if free Negroes had not been allowed to move here.

Currently Negroes steal from us at gun point. We pay for their welfare checks.
I have heard these pathetic talking points so many times. Can't you tell me something I've never heard before? First of all, there is no demographic called Negro. There is no country called Negro. That name was given to African people by the parasites who took them from their ancestral homes.
Whites have colonized, enslaved, murdered, raped and pillaged EVERY race/nationality of people they have ever came in contact with. Europe was poor, so Whites left Europe on ships to search for riches and natural resources of other lands and peoples. And they found: the Americas, Africa, Australia, Asia, the Middle East. They did the same thing to ALL of them.
So, when you talk about the wealth of Whites, remember where that wealth came from. Europe always been POOR as far as natural resources are concerned. Everything they have has been stolen.
It's been a pleasure talking to you, Hector12. Have a nice day. Bye.

P.S. Do you know a guy named JackDallas?
That’s quite a racist statement to say everything whites have has been stolen. There was a time when that may have been true for some people, certainly not all and not today.
That’s quite a racist statement to say everything whites have has been stolen. There was a time when that may have been true for some people, certainly not all and not today.
Yup. What about the mass of poor immigrants (legal) who came here long after slavery with nothing but a pair of Shabbos candles, the clothes on their back, and $10 in the pocket? By the next generation, their kids were mostly successful college graduates or small business owners.

It really does no service to black people to lie to themselves and say that whites got nothing they didn’t steal. Not only is it a racist lie, but it encourages blacks to feel entitled to steal because they‘re told that‘s how white folks succeeded.
If you think it's been "stolen" then why aren't you giving back everything you own to the poor Negroes?

Or are you just one more fake liberal, pretending like you really care, so the brothers won't beat you up on the playground and steal your lunch money?
Why don't you give back everything your ancestors stole from the Native Americans?
Allowing the slave trade was the worst mistake European settlers and their descendants in the Americas made. We would be far better of if Negroes had not been brought here as slaves, and if free Negroes had not been allowed to move here.

Currently Negroes steal from us at gun point. We pay for their welfare checks.
I bet the Native Americans say the same thing about the European settlers. "Wow. Letting those pale skin people into our land was the worst mistake we ever made. After they got in they genocided us, stole our land and forced us onto reservations. Hindsight vision is always 20/20".

P.S. You pay for the welfare checks of other Whites. There are more Whites on welfare than Blacks.
That was smooth how you changed the subject from the criminality of Whites in world history to Blacks being on welfare. :shutupsmiley:
Blacks have a much higher crime rate than whites, or Orientals. They are more likely to have illegitimate children, and to be on welfare. While I am on the subject, Negroes tend to be quite a bit less intelligent, too.

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