Why does America borrow dollars that we print?

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Why does America borrow dollars that we print?​

Because the entire concept of fiat currency is the impossible attempt to turn debt into wealth.

With currency of substance a "bill" is something that you can exchange for specie....Hence the nomenclature.

With the Fed fiat system, everybody is passing around IOUs (debt) as value, yet there's nothing of any inherent value to be "owed"...The Fed has no checking account with any kind of tangible funds on hand, just a big checkbook.....They issue the BigBanks the "check" (at interest, of course), the banks say "thank you, Lewis", and pass that debt on to you as "notes"....Also at an interest rate.

Nice work if you can get it.
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Why does America borrow dollars that we print?​

I thought we borrowed dollars that we don't print. Our deficits over the past couple of years approaches $4 trillion, but we only print about $300 billion in new money in each of the last 2 years. So, the rest has to be borrowed.
ALL the "dollars" are borrowed....Every one of them since 1913.
"Government securities" are among the lowest yielding investment instruments, albeit among the safest.
"Gubmint securities" are the "collateral" given the Fed, so that they can print up the loot, which they spend irresponsibly because all they need to do is print up more "securities" to get more loot...It's the financial self-licking ice cream cone.

At no point is there a "there" there.
Nice work if you can get it.

Oh, well, you're gonna love this...

If you call people who think that you can play the fiat 3-card Monte game, and keep it out of the hands of the rapaciously avaricious, "honest".

Hopelessly naive is what I call it.
they're honest about not even caring about employment numbers, as Keynesians claim to do as part of their policies.

you know the fed always says they keep employment in mind when making qe/rate decisions.

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