Why are Democrats against Voter ID?

Why has Biden flooded the USA with illegals?

They are votes for him. Even if he gets half of them, they are his voters. He welcomes illegals. Watch this video and tell me if Chris Cuomo is a Democrat or Republican. Listen to him go all out to have no voter ID. HE knows who they vote for.

This is a discussion among those who want no Voter ID vs those who want it and explain why it is needed.

Democrats are against voter ID because it would make it more difficult to cheat.
Why has Biden flooded the USA with illegals?

They are votes for him. Even if he gets half of them, they are his voters. He welcomes illegals. Watch this video and tell me if Chris Cuomo is a Democrat or Republican. Listen to him go all out to have no voter ID. HE knows who they vote for.

This is a discussion among those who want no Voter ID vs those who want it and explain why it is needed.
Speaking only for me, I don't believe it has ever been shown that there is recent, serious, voter fraud or that illegals vote in significant numbers, if at all. Given that, voting should be easy, not hard.
No such thing as voter suppression.
Why has Biden flooded the USA with illegals?

They are votes for him. Even if he gets half of them, they are his voters. He welcomes illegals. Watch this video and tell me if Chris Cuomo is a Democrat or Republican. Listen to him go all out to have no voter ID. HE knows who they vote for.

This is a discussion among those who want no Voter ID vs those who want it and explain why it is needed.

If only they could vote in presidential elections....you may have a point instead of your usual pack of lies.
Biden is also trying to block conservatives. So are the 5 women on the View. Democrats are raising a hell of a lot of money. All to block conservatives as you call them. Biden is active in promoting election interference by illegal aliens.
I think onset senility is a bummer.
Did you forget you answered the same post previously--4 minutes before?

Yeah...you’re losing it.

Do they have The View on on the dayroom and nobody will let you change it?
Hell no. My recall is excellent. I recall all the shit you pull. I have a magnificent 65" TV that I use to keep an eye on the View. Trouble with them is they spend every day hating Trump. The guy they should hate lets in millions of illegal people from the world.
You either support voter ID or you enable voter fraud. As far as illegal aliens are concerned, their immediate effect is to add fraudulent names and addresses to voter eligibility lists which can't be traced back to the originators. In the medium term, they will add to certain states' proportional representation in Congress and enhance district gerrymandering. In the long run, they will reproduce more Democrat voters.
And those added names can be turned into illegal votes. And now can be put in the mail.

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