Who wants to see Russia beat up over Ukraine?

Don't care for either but at least Russia serves a purpose. And really, Russia is just reclaiming what is theirs.

Russia is no babe in the woods but Ukraine is nothing but a hotbed of crime and corruption. For decades they just about been the most corrupt country in the world and it continues today as they soak up billions from other countries and no one really knows where it goes and their allies like blackrock are raking in the cash in contracts.

Russia is no babe in the woods but Ukraine is nothing but a hotbed of crime and corruption.

They learned from the USSR.
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As long as Ukraine is willing to fight for their country we should help them.

Why? How does us funding a losing war help anyone, Ukraine or the US?

Russia is fighting to do Putin’s bidding. The average Russian doesn’t give a shit about Ukraine . Losing sons and daughters and fathers and friends for Putin’s dreams is no better than what they did in Afghanistan and they eventually not only tired of that but it lead to the break up of the USSR

So? How is this an argument for continuing to spend money (and more importantly kill people) with zero prospect of actually getting to an end state that's favorable for to the US or the Ukrainians? Ideals and good intentions will do as much to win this war as rainbows and unicorn farts. This war was lost a while ago. Ukraine isn't going to get its land back, not in this war. Just because Zelensky doesn't realize it or more likely just won't admit it as I'm sure his Generals have told him as much doesn't make it less of a fact.
We ain’t financing Russia’s “futile efforts “ you fucking moron

Just the opposite and it’s nowhere close to hundreds of millions

Jesus dude. You really have dementia don’t you?
So you deny we are spending billions on this war? Russia is waging a futile war. You talk as if you have dementia, yes?
Why is the alternative to siding with Russia....decades more war?
because Ukraine's leaders (whom i seriously suspect of taking bribes) instituted the draft, and is keeping it's soldiers staunchely in the fight, for as long as it takes for ALL of the former Ukranian borders to fall back into control by Kyiv.

The Russians can all walk home to Russia and stay.
yeah, or we could just let the Russians have the Donbass, Crimea and Sea of Azov, with a pledge for Ukraine to remain a neutral state, that doesn't seek NATO or EU protection.

the blood of those dying in Ukraine is firmly on the records of leaders from all over the world.
because Ukraine's leaders (whom i seriously suspect of taking bribes) instituted the draft, and is keeping it's soldiers staunchely in the fight, for as long as it takes for ALL of the former Ukranian borders to fall back into control by Kyiv.

yeah, or we could just let the Russians have the Donbass, Crimea and Sea of Azov, with a pledge for Ukraine to remain a neutral state, that doesn't seek NATO or EU protection.

the blood of those dying in Ukraine is firmly on the records of leaders from all over the world.
We pledged to defend Ukraine when we talked them into giving up the nukes that were there after the USSR fell.
Glory to Ukraine...

To Russia, having to stay within its own, existing borders has always been considered being backed into a corner. That's what Russia is and always has been. And their current leader is steeped in this mythology.
Hahahahahahahaha. So dumb.

Knows all about imperialism by Russia, except there isn’t any. Yet knows absolutely nothing about the much greater damage caused by US imperialism. Hahahahahahahaha

Let's not beat the bush, let's pick a side.
Ukraine is who you want beat?
Russia is who you want beat?

Watch how grateful this Ukrainian is that at last they will get some F-16s fighters.

The russians deserve to get their aggressive assholes pushed back to the original lines of not further.

Anyone siding with them is a brainwashing victim.
When putin embraces gaza and provides security and starts moving against israel, libs will be wallowing in joy along with their propaganada cnn, msnbc, network news. It will be a major slobber fest.
Again , that’ll happen the day after Unicorns shit gold bricks on my lawn
I have no dog in the fight but if picking sides to root for I'd naturally go with the underdog Ukraine. I sure don't desire to add to our spending on interest payments to arm Ukraine and others.
We pledged to defend Ukraine when we talked them into giving up the nukes that were there after the USSR fell.
We also pledged to not move NATO east when the USSR broke up but every President since then has done so. When little Bush was President, the Russians told us that their red line was putting Ukraine into NATO, that they didnt want to go to war over it but they would. To which we said "yeah you can go fuck yourself".

We supported a coup to overthrow the democratically elected "pro Russian" government in an election monitored by the EU which they said was legitimate, to install a pro western Government. We've been sending weapons and war materials prior to the invasion.

The biggest reason why we should stop sending aid though is that Ukraine CAN NOT WIN at this point in the conflict. So what exactly are we funding?

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