What is your opinion of the MLB pitch clock?

Tigers got to be good or I’ll wait for the World Series.

I can’t even watch entire nba games anymore.

even football I dvr then watch so I can not only ff commercials but also in between plays. After the play I hit ff 15 seconds and it works out perfect. They’re just about ready to line up and snap the ball. It’s wonderful. I dvr all games on tv. Every team. Some games I ff till I see they scored then rewind and go see how they did it. I hate 3 and outs.
I can't watch a taped game. I can barely watch if the radio or tv feed is 30 seconds behind. I will look for a radio feed that is not behind by much.

I like a 3 & out on tv. If I am at the game, then I like scoring. Same with baseball. I like a good pitcher's battle on TV, but I want to see mega runs at the game.
I am not a fan. I inadvertently saw a piece about it the other day. The article was mostly comments from pitchers. Most said it was contributing to more pitcher injuries this season. The pitchers said that rushing can throw off one's timing, and hence, cause injuries.

A few discussed recovery time between pitches. An example is just getting one's wind. They compared it to a weightlifter taking a few minutes between max lifts.
I love the pitch count. The game needs to speed up.
I can't watch a taped game. I can barely watch if the radio or tv feed is 30 seconds behind. I will look for a radio feed that is not behind by much.

I like a 3 & out on tv. If I am at the game, then I like scoring. Same with baseball. I like a good pitcher's battle on TV, but I want to see mega runs at the game.

Yea, me and all my friends know not to text or call about any big news of any games happening because none of us watch live anymore. I just play on the internet for an hour. I'm doing it right now. The Boston Celtics game is on. So is Big Time Wrestling. If it gets late, which will probably happen, I may watch the Boston game tomorrow morning. But just the last 5 minutes. If it's close. And ff all time outs and commercials.

I don't have time to watch a whole game or every minute of a wrestling match. You know the match is going to go to commercial, so I don't need to see the match that takes place before the commercial. Unless I like the performers and they are funny in the ring. Then I watch the matches. Or women wrestlers. I watch every second. In fact I rewind and watch again. LOL. And when a commercial comes, I ff x 3 and in about 10 seconds I'm back to restling, or football.

My god how many time outs, commercials, breaks, replays, challenges. Fuck all that. Live sucks.
I was at a double A game a couple of weeks ago. One of the opposing pitchers was in his wind-up with 10 seconds to go into the clock. Like he was pitching a backyard game.

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