What is the Crime???

That's what Nostra says, before I post an authoritative citation, which he either ignores or runs away from.

Are you going to stick around for the citation?
I waited more than an hour and a half. I have to think you're pranking me.

If not post it and I'll get to it later.
OK, I’ve been waiting more than an hour. There’s a time limit here.
I waited more than an hour and a half. I have to think you're pranking me.

If not post it and I'll get to it later.
In 2022, the Trump Organization was convicted of tax fraud and fined $1.6 million in an unrelated criminal case for helping executives dodge taxes on extravagant perks such as Manhattan apartments and luxury cars.

The Trump Organization has been ordered to pay $1.61 million for tax fraud

You've lost your marbles, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus seditionist Russian tool conspiracy nut job. Poor America....
It's a POS Trump decision
There are two lawyers on the jury they surely must see there is no crime... so maybe a hung jury... but I sure don't see a guilty verdict....
Dems don't want him in prison, just losing... poor America, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus seditionist Russian tool conspiracy nut job.....he lied about his investment to law enforcement duhhhhh
In 2022, the Trump Organization was convicted of tax fraud and fined $1.6 million in an unrelated criminal case for helping executives dodge taxes on extravagant perks such as Manhattan apartments and luxury cars.

The Trump Organization has been ordered to pay $1.61 million for tax fraud

Alright, thanks for sourcing it. I mean the following as respectful debate, but I realize the tone may come across snarky (snarkily?).

Let's see how well your source supports your assertion:

Trump also fraudulently avoid millions upon millions in taxes.
What you miss is that to decrease his taxes, Trump falsified business records to support his fraudulent deductions.

Who knows. Over Trumps lifetime that might cover to $1 billion he cheated from the taxpayers, what us little guys had to pay in his stead.
From your link:

The sentence comes after a Manhattan jury found Donald Trump's family enterprise guilty of all charges last month in a long-running tax-fraud scheme.

Trump himself was not charged, though his name was mentioned frequently at trial, and his signature appeared on some of the documents at the heart of the case.

Earlier this week, the long-time chief financial officer to Trump's various business entities, Allen Weisselberg, was sentenced to five months behind bars for his role in the criminal scheme.

Conflating Trump employees with Trump personally is at the root of most of these allegations of criminal activity by Trump.

If Trump had falsified documents, he would have been charged along with Allen Weisselberg. Or maybe, this is more true than you want to believe:

Kimberly Benza, a spokeswoman for the Trump Organization, issued a statement describing the prosecution as political and saying the company plans to appeal.

"New York has become the crime and murder capital of the world, yet these politically motivated prosecutors will stop at nothing to get President Trump and continue the never ending witch-hunt which began the day he announced his presidency," the statement read.

We know there has been a witch-hunt. I can't say for sure that this particular investigation was part of that, or if the company actually avoided taxes in ways that were unlawful.

Either way, it wouldn't lower my opinion of Trump. He makes as much money as he can, and hires people to keep the government from stealing it all. Based on what I'm seeing with the Cohen Trial farce, if they locked the CFO of Trump's companies up, likely it was to force him to testify falsely against Trump.

This statement:

$1 billion he cheated from the taxpayers, what us little guys had to pay in his stead.

Is a little juvenile. It sounds like something you would hear at the union hall from a union leader who pays himself six figures from the dues that he collects from men who work for their livings and are threatened if they don't join.

The government takes as much money as it can from everyone it can. The rich pay huge amounts of taxes, Donald Trump included.

The government gets a larger percent of the middle-class person's money, but that's because wealthy men like Trump are way smarter than and can certainly hire smarter people than, the Affirmative Action and Neptotism hires that try to force them to pay.

Trump openly admits that the reason he knows that the system is rigged is that he has taken advantage of the rigging all of his life.

But . . . he had policies designed to make life better for ordinary Americans. Meanwhile Biden pretends not to be the most corrupt president in history and has policies that make Average Americans miserable.

An easy choice for me.
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In 2022, the Trump Organization was convicted of tax fraud and fined $1.6 million in an unrelated criminal case for helping executives dodge taxes on extravagant perks such as Manhattan apartments and luxury cars.

The Trump Organization has been ordered to pay $1.61 million for tax fraud

2022 lol! More BS and harrassment.
You have a Policy or Not? SweetSue92

You're not too bright, huh?

Tax cuts and regulatory cuts, which kickstarted a boost in the economy, which Biden of course promptly shut down. That's just for starters.

And the Supreme Court.

Now, predictably, it's late, you're drunk, and you'll take potshots at my job

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