What do you want from your political party

There is no Trump Cult. That ridiculous narrative only serves to divide the people which is exactly why your Democratic Party created it.

BS. There's no other way to explain a pack of die hard republican supporters who still want to elect someone who

1. Spent $8 trillion in just 4 years.
2. Signed at least 4 omnibus bills.
3. Signed 12 CRs
4. Tried to get a national healthcare bill passed.
5. Assaulted our 2A & supported Red Flag laws.
6. Funded gender studies in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
7. Tried to give blacks $500 Billion just because they were black (race based socialism)
8. Increased the size and scope of the swamp.
9. Reauthorized warrantless spying on Americans.

20 years ago, GOP voters would've run him out on a rail. But now, they want to make him King Toad in the swamp. That is extremely "cultish," to want a Republican president like that.
Wouldn't everyone want that? Is that not sort of meaningless?

Well, one would think so - but only Democrats are delivering!

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I seen this years ago. And did the research on it. And I was shocked to see how accurate it was.

I believed in the GOP back then. I still would if even half of that plank were adopted today instead of "Whatever tickles tRump (the t is silent) latest fancy.
Fix the border. Pressure employers to do more for their employees. Severely limit corporate voices.
Fix the border. Pressure employers to do more for their employees. Severely limit corporate voices.

You want to fix the border? Fine. The way to do that is to remove any hopes of an illegal getting any job. Start enforcing the existing laws and start jailing and heavily fining business owners that knowing hire these people. I worked as a Warehouse Super for United Van Lines years ago. We had 5 Lupa Sanchez's working there. They used the same birth certificate to get each one of them a license and federal id numbers (SSN). They all had to go on the jobs together because only one Lupa spoke English. And I went to school with him and the others didn't graduate from the school that they had paperwork for. BTW, that was in 1991. And you can't tell me that the high mucky mucks weren't aware that 4 of the 5 were illegals using falsified IDs.

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