What do you want from your political party

I don't have one.

So nothing.

What I expect from our leaders is for them to realize that they represent the people who didn't vote for them as well as those who did.

Both sides rag on each other like their side does no wrong. It's been that way since at least Kennedy. Probably even before that. But up until the last decade-ish, the disagreements were normally about the issues themselves. Not so much the party that was pushing or opposing those issues.

Not being a political loyalist to any party, I could care less which sides takes up an issue in a way that I agree with or not. IMO, both party's now days, don't care about the issues. They just want to know what the other party supports, so they can oppose it. At least publicly.

Us FC's and CC (Fiscal and constitutional conservatives) want small, limited government, that lives within it's means. We want politicians to mind our own business around the world and take care of our country first. We're not isolationist, by any means. We want to trade and be friends with all willing nations. To help them out, as long as it doesn't put our own country in the red.

I get the feeling that the RINO republicans want the opposite of what ever the left wants. And visa versa.

So aside of what the media says, or the politicians say, What do you expect from the party you support.
Can you answer that question without mentioning any other party?
I don't support either party, so not much.
What nation has a system that is a success in your mind?
That's actually a grand point CC

I would say that a successful system serves all it's constituents , not just sorted factions.

I'll go out on that limb further and state many socio-political systems started out that way , unfortunately becoming corrupt , thus failing it's 'constituency'

You can forget it, Lakota. Neither of the two major parties nor the Trump Cultists have those offerings on the menu.
What people should want out of their political party is just that, Out Of Their Political Party.
There is no Trump Cult. That ridiculous narrative only serves to divide the people which is exactly why your Democratic Party created it.
Both sides rag on each other like their side does no wrong. It's been that way since at least Kennedy. Probably even before that. But up until the last decade-ish, the disagreements were normally about the issues themselves. Not so much the party that was pushing or opposing those issues.

Not being a political loyalist to any party, I could care less which sides takes up an issue in a way that I agree with or not. IMO, both party's now days, don't care about the issues. They just want to know what the other party supports, so they can oppose it. At least publicly.

Us FC's and CC (Fiscal and constitutional conservatives) want small, limited government, that lives within it's means. We want politicians to mind our own business around the world and take care of our country first. We're not isolationist, by any means. We want to trade and be friends with all willing nations. To help them out, as long as it doesn't put our own country in the red.

I get the feeling that the RINO republicans want the opposite of what ever the left wants. And visa versa.

So aside of what the media says, or the politicians say, What do you expect from the party you support.
Can you answer that question without mentioning any other party?
Respect the will of the people and support, expand, and expedite the death penalty.
Respect the will of the people and support, expand, and expedite the death penalty.
If by "will of the people" you mean all the people, I'm down with that. Unfortunately, most often that phrase refers to the will of the majority. I'm not much of a fan of that, unless there is a real need for conformity on the matter in question.
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