We need to stop the habit of calling Democrats liberals, here is why!!

No one is teaching that Lincoln waged war to free the slaves . He waged war to preserve the union but the south started the war for fear that the north was hostile to slavery ,That is the real history that those on the right hate and fear, Niki Haley refused to say that the war was about slavery .That is revisionist , lost cause history. Not real history. If you really wanted to teach real history you would support critical race theory and start with 1619 But I am sure you would not support that
Actually even you refuse to admit that he clearly stated his war was to reunite the union and he stipulated he never would go to war over blacks. Matter of fact what Abe wanted to do was pick up the blacks and send them packing to Africa, to Central America and Islands in the Caribbean. Nikki knows her history very well and never should have allowed the Democrats media to get her off her groove.
Real history is not hard to grasp, once you quit being a loyal cult member of the Democrats.
In many ways conservatives are more liberal. In fact, pretty much every way today, these left are lunatics. They figure Roe Vs Wade says differently, and yes, a lot of Republicans are restrictive on the subject. As usual this SCOTUS got that right too, let the states decide. Lucky I'm not running shit. 2 or 3 legal abortions the mother signs to get her mothering removed during the last procedure, and none after say 4 months less extenuating circumstances.
We are far more Liberal in the correct definition as you also agree. Democrats love to claim their laws solved the problems. But they refuse to admit it was their draconian laws we now see that they tell us are all screwed up. Yes, they claim this is not a perfect union. They have to realize it was them screwing up a more perfect union, even reading between the lines of their own claims.

FDR led America down the wrong path and the Democrats persist in holding to his bigoted path. Look how he treated Jews. See how he treated Italians and Germans who at the time were only guilty of their ethnic roots. They happened to be Japanese, Germans and Italians he tossed into prisons. We see it happening over and over in DC courts trying Americans who merely supported the then president of the USA and put a good many of them into prisons where they will grow old. For what? For being good citizens of the then USA.
It is literally the opposite of simplistic binary. :rolleyes:

Good for you! I've never been a registered Democrat. So, what does this have to do with anything? :rolleyes:

Liberals are supposed to be about respecting other opinions, promoting individual rights, civil liberties, democracy and free enterprise. They fall short these days. :rolleyes: Conservatives are supposed to be about holding social traditional values, being averse to change, fiscally responsible, private ownership and free enterprise. They fall short these days. :rolleyes:

Magaturds/regressives are the extremists everyone else hates, but they are becoming impossible to tell apart. :dunno:

It's a terrible example.

Some so called liberals might, but you paint your disdain for disagreement with a spray gun. Everyone's a liberal if they don't necessarily agree with you. :dunno: Magaturds seem to enjoy having tantrums in the Capitol building when an election doesn't go their way, proving they don't give any fucks about this country, just what's in it for them. That was new. But enlightening. Populists suck. :rolleyes:

And I don't know about you, but an Oath is very, very important to me. Especially when it is to uphold our founding document that was created to protect American citizens. Babbitt broke that Oath January 6th, and she was eliminated as a credible threat to the citizens that make up our body of Congress.

I know I wasn't 'overjoyed' about any of J6. I was terrified and disgusted. Magaturds seem to get a sick sadistic satisfaction in making martyrs. Just like the regressive left. Babbitt is magaturd's George Floyd. I'm not saying I'm happy she died, but I'm also not losing any sleep over it.

Let's not. Your article and video are based upon Representative Gosar's right biased, warped point of view on it. To me he is a wacked out magaturd hack true believer. I guess I can understand your bias.

TT, you may drop the faked outrage and admit you support Biden. If you do not, name who you supported? I will be pleased to read you tell me you did not support Biden.
You admit to you an Oath is important. It is very important to me and I assure you, my fellow American Republicans. Biden was not president on January 6. He became one on January 20. Yes we can agree on that. Look, Trump wanted the national Guard there at the Capitol. But this was shot down. Trump told his followers to go in peace, do not break laws and believe it, he is supported by a good many of the then Capitol Police that I believe were reported to be harassed by the rest of the Capitol police. I was reading an article today talking of this.

Everybody knows it was the Capitol police who opened the doors. It was them who told us they treated the visitors as tourists. Why murder tourists? What will be your excuse? They were mixed up with the Tourists. Clearly cops know the laws.
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You like the state to implement policies that weaken liberty
Are you telling us all that citizens of Alabama seek professionals to preserve their offspring then the parents go back and tell them to kill the saved offspring and you think the parents are want this? We are not talking of children born. Parents struggle to have a child and it's okay with you to kill those they saved?
You believe only what you want to believe. You think the 2020 election was stolen. Yet you have zero proof. But you do cherry pick you-tube videos which of course are produced for a reason, edited to show what the creator of the video wants to highlight etc... There were audits; counts, re-counts, certification processes, etc... But you don’t believe any of that was legitimate...you prefer to believe YouTube creators.

In other words; you’re full of shit.

Look, we did not say that about the Obama election. In fact check the past and you will find that it has been democrats raising the roof over elections claiming they were rigged against democrats. This happened under Reagan as well. It happened when Gore lost to Bush. Even that day we discuss in 2017, while Republicans in the meeting of Congress did stand up against that election, where Biden was handed a fake win, all we heard of Democrats when Hillary lost was that she actually won. So how can you hurl at us stones you tossed at us earlier in favor of both Gore and Hillary?

Recall your anger at the Supreme Court who actually did do things correctly but you denied it even now I bet you deny they did it correctly.
He waged war to preserve the union but the south started the war for fear that the north was hostile to slavery
The South did not wage war at all until Abe invaded them in VA.
It was self defense. Abe defended him starting the war by saying it was to push the union back to their former state. So he claimed it was to rehabilitate the union with him as the sole dictator it seems. I say Dictator since he sent an army into VA and was repelled there, and he kept invading them for 4 years.

The South had to defend itself. Same as Washington claimed he defended the colony. It was of course not how England saw this. To them Washington was a pure Traitor.

Actually had it been put up to a vote then, Abe would not have gone to war had he asked the North. They did not think it was smart to kill others who might be in their own family.

I will give you a current concrete example. A lot of citizens of Oregon voted to leave Oregon and join up with us in Idaho. We welcome them. Using your thought process, Biden would invade Oregon telling you he was saving the union.

The South voted and that is why they left. And Oregon has voted. Do you want to see Biden murder victims of Oregon to save that union?
He waged war to preserve the union but the south started the war for fear that the north was hostile to slavery
Where was the South going to invade? Abe chose VA to invade. VA had not a fort named Sumter in it. But here you hate Republicans yet show up to defend the worst Republican of all times. You and I both were trained in school to see history from one particular point of view. We learned the South started a war at Sumter. But that was no war. It amounted to a nothingburger since the Union fled Sumter as soon as they could. And sure cannons were fired but at what? Walls made very stout to repel ships cannons? Those cannons used by the South were shitty. I mean so shitty not a man in Sumter was harmed by any of the cannon balls.
Compare that to what Abe did to VA. He marched troops there and attempted to slaughter thousands of citizens. How dare they to do what Washinton had done and repell a government not liking what they did. They broke no laws at all by defending themselves from Abe who was stupid for starting a war that killed over 630,000 Americans. This is the worst war ever for America. And you want to thank a Republican for mass murder?
What is a liberal? Doing what? Passing massive laws? Well yes there is that. Liberal connotes a person who minds their own business. Does not pass laws trampling on your rights. But this is definitely not Democrats. I don't know who these alleged liberals are. I am not a liberal. I am totally in favor of human freedom. I am against teaching false history. Such as that Abe Lincoln waged war to free slaves.
Abe denied it. We have to take his word.
So My challenge is to only say liberal as to a freedom promoting person. Biden is not pro freedom. He has used Government to go after a good president called Trump. That Trump is being prosecuted reminds us most of what would Hitler do. It can even be what FDR would do since he harmed so many citizens of the USA. To learn about FDR, study how the Supreme Court acted to stop him. Read what he did to the Jews of WW2 by stopping them from reaching the USA on a ship.

I hope to get many yes remarks over the Democrats lying by calling themselves liberal. Let's not help them by saying they are liberal.

Liberal and conservative have meaning, Republican and Democrat don't. They're just parties. People in both parties stand for wildly different things.

Liberals have a sliding scale anyway, a light liberal will be a very different thing to a hard core liberal.
Liberal and conservative have meaning, Republican and Democrat don't. They're just parties. People in both parties stand for wildly different things.

Liberals have a sliding scale anyway, a light liberal will be a very different thing to a hard core liberal.
So trying to understand your comments, when a person calls himself a Democrat, he is shitting me? Democrats must stop saying they are liberal is my point and you actually confirmed it for us all.
So trying to understand your comments, when a person calls himself a Democrat, he is shitting me? Democrats must stop saying they are liberal is my point and you actually confirmed it for us all.

I don't even understand what you're trying to get t.

You seem to not have understood my comment at all, or you just want to twist things so you can attack Democrats (I'm not a Democrat, but I am liberal) because... that seems to be about the extent of many people's attempts at politics.
I don't even understand what you're trying to get t.

You seem to not have understood my comment at all, or you just want to twist things so you can attack Democrats (I'm not a Democrat, but I am liberal) because... that seems to be about the extent of many people's attempts at politics.
Well, then you were not clear. I read what you stated. I put thought into your remarks and my reply to you gave you options. Why do you claim to be liberal? I won't put words in your mouth so please explain why?
Well, then you were not clear. I read what you stated. I put thought into your remarks and my reply to you gave you options. Why do you claim to be liberal? I won't put words in your mouth so please explain why?

A liberal.... as a word, it means something.
A conservative, as a word, it means something.

A Republican and Democrat don't mean anything. If someone says "I'm a Democrat", it doesn't tell you what they are. There are so many divergences from that term for it to be pointless.

"Liberal" has differences in meaning too, something along the lines of "Open to political or social changes and reforms". This could mean people wanting small changes or large changes. But the meaning is still there for all liberals.

Same for conservatives.

A Democrat could be pro-abortion, anti-abortion, pro-war, anti-war, pro-higher taxes, pro-lower taxes.... it doesn't tell you anything
A liberal.... as a word, it means something.
A conservative, as a word, it means something.

A Republican and Democrat don't mean anything. If someone says "I'm a Democrat", it doesn't tell you what they are. There are so many divergences from that term for it to be pointless.

"Liberal" has differences in meaning too, something along the lines of "Open to political or social changes and reforms". This could mean people wanting small changes or large changes. But the meaning is still there for all liberals.

Same for conservatives.

A Democrat could be pro-abortion, anti-abortion, pro-war, anti-war, pro-higher taxes, pro-lower taxes.... it doesn't tell you anything
You forgot to tell the forum why you allege you are not a Democrat but are what you call a Liberal. I believe my earlier questions was very clear on that issue.

We need a total revision of Ballots to do as you speak of. Let me explain where I come from.
I became a Republican at my age then of 42. I left Carter and went for Reagan. I did not like Reagan one bit when I was a Democrat. I did not understand him. I was lied to by Democrats and took their word. I was screwed over by Democrats. My whole family were loyal Democrats. There was no room for Republicans at all.

But hear this, none of the then Democrats claimed to be Liberal.

Democrats lost millions of us when Reagan showed up. We were sick and tired of feeling the guilt of Jim Crow laws. We were sick of what FDR did to our nation. We tolerated him due to a depression. We were not told by him he wanted record setting Deficits. We were not told by him he was anti Jew when he refused to let a ship of Jews land in the USA. They were taken back to germany where it seems they were killed by the Nazis.
You forgot to tell the forum why you allege you are not a Democrat but are what you call a Liberal. I believe my earlier questions was very clear on that issue.

We need a total revision of Ballots to do as you speak of. Let me explain where I come from.
I became a Republican at my age then of 42. I left Carter and went for Reagan. I did not like Reagan one bit when I was a Democrat. I did not understand him. I was lied to by Democrats and took their word. I was screwed over by Democrats. My whole family were loyal Democrats. There was no room for Republicans at all.

But hear this, none of the then Democrats claimed to be Liberal.

Democrats lost millions of us when Reagan showed up. We were sick and tired of feeling the guilt of Jim Crow laws. We were sick of what FDR did to our nation. We tolerated him due to a depression. We were not told by him he wanted record setting Deficits. We were not told by him he was anti Jew when he refused to let a ship of Jews land in the USA. They were taken back to germany where it seems they were killed by the Nazis.

I don't need to tell you why I'm not a democrat.

To be honest that's as far as I got with your nonsense. I can't be bothered. Bye bye.
Liberal and conservative have meaning, Republican and Democrat don't. They're just parties. People in both parties stand for wildly different things.
Do ballots lie to us? I know very well why I quit being a Democrat and joined the Republicans. I see you do not agree with Ballots. See they do not claim liberal nor conservative since they name the two parties. And on some ballots they allow write ins.
I understand what you are trying to say. But you must persuade those who print the ballots. And more, you must define Liberal and Conservative but a hell of a lot more. Those two names also vary a hell of a lot. I do not refer to myself as a Conservative because it confuses so many posters.

Parties also lay out what they support and what they do not support. I learned my politics that way. It is called a platform. Democrats have theirs and Republicans have their own. Both are pretty different.
I don't need to tell you why I'm not a democrat.

To be honest that's as far as I got with your nonsense. I can't be bothered. Bye bye.
No, you just show up to shit people. By giving them the mushroom treatment. This is by covering them in a very dark room and crapping on them.
Nope, I come here to have proper discussions.
I began the thread so to be true to your own claim, just ignore all of this thread. Ignore the forum since many here have applauded me for my remarks.
What is a liberal? Doing what? Passing massive laws? Well yes there is that. Liberal connotes a person who minds their own business. Does not pass laws trampling on your rights. But this is definitely not Democrats. I don't know who these alleged liberals are. I am not a liberal. I am totally in favor of human freedom. I am against teaching false history. Such as that Abe Lincoln waged war to free slaves.
Abe denied it. We have to take his word.
So My challenge is to only say liberal as to a freedom promoting person. Biden is not pro freedom. He has used Government to go after a good president called Trump. That Trump is being prosecuted reminds us most of what would Hitler do. It can even be what FDR would do since he harmed so many citizens of the USA. To learn about FDR, study how the Supreme Court acted to stop him. Read what he did to the Jews of WW2 by stopping them from reaching the USA on a ship.

I hope to get many yes remarks over the Democrats lying by calling themselves liberal. Let's not help them by saying they are liberal.
Liberals support freedom and love American history

Most liberals do not vote for Democrats today

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