We are living through the latest example of democracy eventually failing.

Boycotts may not end slavery entirely, but they could improve the situation.
Could doesn't exactly fill me with confidence and how exactly are you getting people to boycott iphones?
Your plan is to abdicate all personal responsibility and initiative and rely instead on politicians and political systems that possess an astonishing record of failure and corruption.
Voting isn't abdicating all personal responsibility. I don't have any personal responsibility to luddism just because bad things happen to people and you're emotional about it.
Example: How Obama’s ‘Worst Mistake’ Led to the Libyan Slave Trade

Have you acknowledged yet that you buy products produced in part by slave labor or are you still denying the obvious?
Have you acknowledged yet that someone, somewhere along the chain of people who make, manufacturer, design, ship or deliver your products to you beats their wife? :dunno: DO YOU?!? :laugh:

Yeah, probably, but not because I created or founded that system that we operate on.
If one candidate is 100% evil and another is 99.99% evil would you vote for the 99.99% evil candidate? Why not instead vote for a third party candidate? How else can you improve the 99.99% evil party so that it is only let’s say 50% evil?
I don't believe in evil. That's a silly notion. I think I'm terms of outcomes. If one candidate is better than the other one and they have a realistic chance of winning then they get my vote. If a third party candidate wants my vote it's their job to convince me of their viability.
Do you admit that Biden has backed a war criminal?
Which President hasnt shaken hands or done business with bad people?
Do you acknowledge that Trump would be more likely to bring peace to the Ukraine?
No. I don't even know what the fuck you mean by that. :laugh:
You acknowledge that many third world and socialist countries contain slaves. Yet you rely on third worlders and socialism to end slavery!
I'm not a socialist and why wouldn't immigrants from the third world, who are closer to the effects of slavery and exploitation, not have a greater interest in ending the practice than the first worlders who only ever reap the benefits? What's the logic here? :dunno:
Lol, tell me the difference.
One difference is that Jews do not hate present day germans who had nothing to do with the Holocaust

The Jews moved on to a better future in the Promised Land whereas blacks in America are wallowing in self pity and incompetence
Black Americans flocking to South Africa? Or only “expressing a desire”? I have a feeling you’ll always have priorities that prevent you from moving to Africa.
Well for one I don't want to move to South Africa permanently, I'd just like a nice little vacation home there. My wife already spends a month in Africa every year volunteering with her nurse group (shout out to Nurses With Purpose if any of you are nurses and looking to volunteer your time). Secondly, the only thing keeping us from pulling that trigger is that I have a daughter currently in nursing school at a private university that's costing us a pretty penny at the moment.
I’m glad you accept the replacement theory. You realize, however that black people will not be inheriting the kingdom. Black fertility rates have plummeted and immigrants are mostly Asians and non-black Hispanics.
My heritage is Chinese, Indian and Igbo by way of Jamaica. I understand almost better than anyone the difference between race and culture. In Jamaica we have a lot of Indian and Chinese but we are all Jamaican. We're all of a afro-caribbean culture. In the US the dominate culture, at least as far as identity is concerned, is Black American culture. As everyone mixes, and everyone is mixing, mixed race births are up over 200% in the last couple decades, what's going to emerge is a hybrid Afro-Latino culture.
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Could doesn't exactly fill me with confidence and how exactly are you getting people to boycott iphones?

Voting isn't abdicating all personal responsibility. I don't have any personal responsibility to luddism just because bad things happen to people and you're emotional about it.

Have you acknowledged yet that someone, somewhere along the chain of people who make, manufacturer, design, ship or deliver your products to you beats their wife? :dunno: DO YOU?!? :laugh:

Yeah, probably, but not because I created or founded that system that we operate on.

I don't believe in evil. That's a silly notion. I think I'm terms of outcomes. If one candidate is better than the other one and they have a realistic chance of winning then they get my vote. If a third party candidate wants my vote it's their job to convince me of their viability.

Which President hasnt shaken hands or done business with bad people?

No. I don't even know what the fuck you mean by that. :laugh:

I'm not a socialist and why wouldn't immigrants from the third world, who are closer to the effects of slavery and exploitation, not have a greater interest in ending the practice than the first worlders who only ever reap the benefits? What's the logic here? :dunno:
Maybe people could discover which brands employ the most slaves and boycott those brands. Or we could just let the corrupt politicians handle the problem. I’m sure the Democrats will solve the problem. Even though in the recent past Democrats enabled slavery in Libya and Mauritania. Even though Democrats have been so busy in recent months supplying bombs to that war criminal Netanyahu.

You don’t believe in evil? So slaveholders are not evil? War-mongers are not evil?

You seem indifferent to the fact that Biden has supplied bombs to war criminal Netanyahu who has killed about 15,000 children in Gaza.

You don’t know what peace in the Ukraine means?!

As we’ve seen third worlders are more likely to accept slavery. Please try to be less emotional. Look at the facts instead.

You slaveholders have a difficult time admitting that you buy products produced in part by slave labor.

I guess it’s hard for you to accept that you have enabled and continue to enable slavery and war.
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Maybe people could discover which brands employ the most slaves and boycott those brands.
Maybe is never a good basis for an argument. :laugh:

Have some confidence you clown. What's your working plan of action?
Or we could just let the corrupt politicians handle the problem. I’m sure the Democrats will solve the problem. Even though in the recent past Democrats enabled slavery in Libya and Mauritania. Even though Democrats have been so busy in recent months supplying bombs to that war criminal Netanyahu.
Strawmen and red herrings aren't rational arguments. I support primaries to replace politicians like that where possible.
You don’t believe in evil? So slaveholders are not evil? War-mongers are not evil?
No. Evil is make believe. They are just people I personally find detestable. Other people seem to really like them some slavers. I don't deny the reality of subjective morality. You're free to your own opinion.
You seem indifferent to the fact that Biden has supplied bombs to war criminal Netanyahu who has killed about 15,000 children in Gaza.
I'm not indifferent I'm just more calloused through experience. Bad things happen. I do what is in my power to do about them and I don't beat myself up for the things I can't do.
You don’t know what peace in the Ukraine means?!
I don't know what it means to you in this situation. I'm not the one fighting for my sovereignty or invading another country in a quest of imperialism. It's up to the Ukraine and Russia to decide.
I don't care what that the persons opinion about what they think Trump got right.
As we’ve seen third worlders are more likely to accept slavery. Please try to be less emotional. Look at the facts instead.
No... this world are more likely to be victims of slavery. I have no idea what you mean by accept slavery. Slavery is something that is forced on you.
You slaveholders have a difficult time admitting that you buy products produced in part by slave labor.
I don't own any slaves. If I buy products produced by slaves it's because the market and American law allow it, unfortunately.
I guess it’s hard for you to accept that you have enabled slavery and mass murder.
I think it's just hard for you to find a rational point. :itsok:
Well for one I don't want to move to South Africa permanently, I'd just like a nice little vacation home there. My wife already spends a month in Africa every year volunteering with her nurse group (shout out to Nurses With Purpose if any of you are nurses and looking to volunteer your time). Secondly, the only thing keeping us from pulling that trigger is that I have a daughter currently in nursing school at a private university that's costing us a pretty penny at the moment.

My heritage is Chinese, Indian and Igbo by way of Jamaica. I understand almost better than anyone the difference between race and culture. In Jamaica we have a lot of Indian and Chinese but we are all Jamaican. We're all of a afro-caribbean culture. In the US the dominate culture, at least as far as identity is concerned, is Black Amarican culture. As everyone mixes, and everyone is mixing, mixed race births are up over 200% in the last couple decades, what's going to emerge is a hybrid Afro-Latino culture.
Or an Asian-Latino culture. Or a white-Latino-Asian culture. Or maybe the robots will take over. Not sure which.
Exhibit A.
1. The Davos clan flooding the USA and EU with millions of un-vetted cheap labor with full financial support while American seniors are sleeping in cars. The PUBLIC IS AGAINST THIS yet the demented puppet keeps the boarder wide open. How many of these "Newcomers" have been in front of an Asylum judge ??? NONE.

2. The Deep state vehemently attacking a recent president who is a threat to their global agenda by weaponizing and politicizing the DOJ and MSM.

3. The Deep State and their puppet waging a proxy war in Ukraine while the public is against it.

In a democracy, there would have to be a vote on such things in congress, problem is, Congress is mostly compromised.

You would have to be a democrat to not see the above.
One difference is that Jews do not hate present day germans who had nothing to do with the Holocaust.
WTF does that mean? The hate comes from white racist like you.
The Jews moved on to a better future in the Promised Land whereas blacks in America are wallowing in self pity and incompetence.
What did Jews receive after the Holocaust? What did blacks receive after slavery? Jim Crow, discrimination and racism.
By you not being able to identify a fact to save your life? :dunno:
I already did

During the 19th and 20th Century virtually no black africans reached the New World except as slaves

Without slavery very few black people would br in America or Canada today

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