Univ of Georgia football coach to be paid $13 M a year! Amateur sport???

Being a head coach at a football powerhouse is hard work. The recruiting, the PR, overseeing 90 type A kids on and off the field, living up to the publics expectations, maintaining NCAA academic eligibility, the coaching, organizing a coaching staff, dealing with NIL and the portal, tricking the fans into believing all the players will play in the Bowl game, running NFL camps and the draft are just a few of the responsibilities of a football coach. Paying a coach 13 mil for that isn't so bad when you think of all the money it generates. I do think NIL and the portal are the two things with the potential to seriously damage college football.
Not surprising. Universities much like hospitals aren't in it for the reasons people think. They are in business to make money. They aren't there to help people or educate them, they are a business with a product to sell and that is more important than anything else.

Universities like university of Georgia have football teams that bring in massive amounts of money, it is a major source of revenue. They treat their basketball and football teams as sources of income. Students that play those games aren't there to learn, they are there to play a game with the hopes of going pro. To them it isn't college, it's a training program for the NFL.

That's why so many colleges are filled with protestors, civil rights activists, and so on because they let kids do anything besides learn just to get their tutions. It's why they favor sports teams so heavily because they bring in money. It's why they have absolutely dog shit programs like gender studies because they make them money. Universities exist not to educate, but to make money.

Universities are also useless. No one cares where you got your art degree from, or where you got anything from. Just having the education and demonstrating you know what you're talking about is all that matters. Unless you want to be a architect, a medical degree or a law degree universities don't have much value at all.
It's a free market salary, or a reset for the college ranks, although Kirby was never a threat to go anywhere else.
to much money in college football,,
Ok, thats your opinion

Where does the money come from?

It comes from television and private companies who advertise on TV

and ultimately it comes from football fans who watch the games and buy products they were probably going to buy anyway

That does not seem so bad to me
So tuition should be going down then right...he's brought in at least $130M (according to you).

Lets go to the video tape:

View attachment 941343

Hmmm...tuition seems to be going up as more money is coming in.

How is that possible?
I agree that tuition is too high

But dont blame Kirby Smart for that

Without the football program Georgia would have less money to feed its budget
There comes a point where you have to wonder.

I quit watching pro football a long time ago, in part due to the amount of money being paid and all the drama.

A team wasn't a team. The roster kept changing as players left for huge paydays.

If that's all the sport was to them, then I decided it wasn't much of a sport (and still isn't) and I could care less.

I am sure they don't miss me.

Jed Fisch was given an opportunity at Arizona (nobody could figure out why they hired him....and frankly, some of us thought it was because they couldn't get anyone else). And he turned that that thing around in a hurry.

He beat ASU the last two years.

And I worried what would happen....sure enough....it's off to Washington and more prestige and money.

Lute Olsen came to Arizona when it was in the toilet. I can remember when I learned he'd been hired....I could not believe it. He had the program hitting on all cylinders and I thought he'd move on. He didn't . He is an icon in Tucson (and really in the state). They loved him there.

Larry Smith and John Cooper were coaches at Arizona and Arizona State respectively. At one point, I think they had the #3 and #6 teams on the AP poll. They were both rolling. The state loved both of them.

I worried about Larry Smith and sure enough, he jumped to USC. He was an immortal in Tucson. He wowed them at USC for three seasons....but things went downhill and they fired him Never would have happened in Tucson. There just were not the expectations and I knew he could have kicked butt (his successor Dick Tomey did a great job building on what Smith had done.....I think Smith would have done even better).

John Cooper had put ASU back on the map. He was loved in Tempe. He was successful. Then Ohio State called. He was successful, but never really liked (not like they liked him at ASU). He did some good stuff but was eventually fired (after a winning, but not winning enough) season.

Money, prestige, whatever. A program is a program. And Lute Olsen proved you can take a little known program to the stars (something like 24 consecutive NCAA tournament appearances).

13 million is stupid. You've probably got kids working at McDonalds to get by and this is the message you send ?

13 million is stupid. You've probably got kids working at McDonalds to get by and this is the message you send ?

The message that is sent is if you have a skill, or learn to do something better than almost everyone else, you can make a very good living.
Ok, thats your opinion

Where does the money come from?

It comes from television and private companies who advertise on TV

and ultimately it comes from football fans who watch the games and buy products they were probably going to buy anyway

That does not seem so bad to me
OK,, thats your opinion,,

what makes your opinion any better than mine??
If the coach can not make ten million, then that means the advertising is not making money. If the advertising makes no money, the games are not televised. If the games are not televised I will never see one.

Now you killed college football, no college football the NFL is next.
Then we need to look at college baseball

take away everyone's money, why just college coaches

the best college coach will make the best players, but then other players have to compete, if they dont have to compete to be on the best coaches team, then they wont be their best

I get it, but I do not think you do

A world where the best, do not deserve or get to be paid the best.

You keep talking like I want to do something about it.

I don't.

I expressed my opinion.

I would never support a government stepping in to restrict how much anyone can make.

I vote with my dollars.

That's all.

Don't get all worked up about it.
13 million is stupid. You've probably got kids working at McDonalds to get by and this is the message you send ?

The message that is sent is if you have a skill, or learn to do something better than almost everyone else, you can make a very good living.

If that's how you see it, you are welcomed to your opinion.

Mine has not changed. It is just my opinion.

Football at Georgia makes money and does not cost the students anything
schools are for education,,

now if they put 100% of the money back into the education part of it you might have a point,,

shit it would all be free and no tax money would be needed,,
schools are for education,,

now if they put 100% of the money back into the education part of it you might have a point,,

shit it would all be free and no tax money would be needed,,
You have to invest money to make money

Georgia invested wisely in its football program and its making money for the school
That's what the players are told anyway. It's an amateur sport so we can't pay you anything. You get a scholarship only.

That athlete is already being compensated to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars if he's attending an elite school on a scholarship.

The university of Georgia costs about $47,000/year. On a full ride scholarship, that athlete is getting a $188,000 education handed to him for free.

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