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trump is saying things out loud that no other presidential candidate has ever said

Attention dumbfuck :
I clearly supported what he said. I was saying it would never happen, because the majority of people in this country love being ruled.
what won't happen?

sorry I dumbed out on this thread. maybe you need to clarify your messaging.
Thank you.

That isnt my argument. Him "staying out of it" while other states do that to their citizens and not intervening is authoritarian. He dont mind shitting on the constitution supporting red flag laws, attacks on the second, etc but he wants to stay out of it, when its actually his job to intervene? Because abortion is left up to the states now? Naw.
Letting states act like that, while not doing anything when its his job to help protect our rights from the states, shows he supports it.
He has said what he thinks about the more draconian laws but he is quite right to stay out of issues in which the federal government has no constitutional jurisdiction. He has never hesitated to express his opinion about bad law but he has been far superior to the current occupant of the White House (or the one preceding him) in not overstepping his constitutional authority. That is NOT being authoritarian. That is being lawful/constitutional.

If you don't like your state laws get proactive and vote for people who think like you do at the state level. Don't expect the President and federal government to take care of that for you.
He has said what he thinks about the more draconian laws but he is quite right to stay out of issues in which the federal government has no constitutional jurisdiction. He has never hesitated to express his opinion about bad law but he has been far superior to the current occupant of the White House (or the one preceding him) in not overstepping his constitutional authority. That is NOT being authoritarian. That is being lawful/constitutional.

If you don't like your state laws get proactive and vote for people who think like you do at the state level. Don't expect the President and federal government to take care of that for you.
No, it isnt.
The constitution is the supreme law of the land. Not state laws. If a state is applying unconstitutional laws, which that would be, it is their job to intervene.
States cant just do what they want. Unlimited power is twisted leftist logic.
No, it isnt.
The constitution is the supreme law of the land. Not state laws. If a state is applying unconstitutional laws, which that would be, it is their job to intervene.
States cant just do what they want. Unlimited power is twisted leftist logic.
PLEASE read the Constitution and see what the federal government is and is not allowed to do according to the Constitution. The federal government was never intended to be authoritarian in any way other than in the VERY FEW things it is given authority to do. Honestly, did you take no civics at all in school? They don't teach it any more?
Germany also fell for Hitler's lies. How did that turn out?
We know Biden lies, fortunately most us realize it, it is only the far left that believes his BS.
PLEASE read the Constitution and see what the federal government is and is not allowed to do according to the Constitution. The federal government was never intended to be authoritarian in any way other than in the VERY FEW things it is given authority to do. Honestly, did you take no civics at all in school? They don't teach it any more?
What do you think the supremacy clause is? Who enforces that? Mexico? TN state legislature? :rolleyes:
Where does the Constitution give states the power of jurisdiction in other states? Hint: It doesnt.
What if a state outlawed old people? Would you be sounding like a crazy person over that too? Or is this just you defending trump and his love for authoritarianism?
Jesus fucking christ

How can we tell ? His lips are moving.
trump needs to answer one question for the debates. "Who won the 2020 Presidential race?" If he lies again and says he won, but was cheated, he needs to be removed from the debate stage.
What do you think the supremacy clause is? Who enforces that? Mexico? TN state legislature? :rolleyes:
Where does the Constitution give states the power of jurisdiction in other states? Hint: It doesnt.
What if a state outlawed old people? Would you be sounding like a crazy person over that too? Or is this just you defending trump and his love for authoritarianism?
Jesus fucking christ
I have clearly said one state has no jurisdiction in another so it isn't even a problem is it.
trump needs to answer one question for the debates. "Who won the 2020 Presidential race?" If he lies again and says he won, but was cheated, he needs to be removed from the debate stage.
If lying was outlawed, we wouldnt have any debates.
If trump wins in November, Biden will acknowledge and step down in January, as the Constitution stipulates. If Biden wins, trump will whine and cry and once again call a violent mob to DC. Cause trump is an ant-democratic five year old, who cannot admit that he lost anything.

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