Transgenders Are 58% More Likely to Commit Murder Than Be Murdered


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
This is from 2019 but most likely still holds water.

Trannies are seriously mentally deranged individuals that should not be allowed around children or firearms.
Businesses should never hire one as an employees either unless they care little for the safety or comfort of their customers.

The claim they are being targeted is laughable even though they are much more likely to engage in high risk endeavors like prostitution & the drug trade.
Not only are they murdered at a lower rate, they are more likely to kill someone else than be killed themselves.

We need Tranny Control now.

But in the UK, analysts found that during the period of 2007-2017, transsexuals were 58% more likely to commit a murder than be murdered.

Violent Transgender Crime

In the US, 2018-19 has put a number of transgender murderers in the spotlight. In court, they often state that they are justified in killing others due to bigotry.

In Colorado, a transsexual and its partner shot 9 students at their school, later claiming that they deserved it for their "transphobia." No evidence has been produced so far to substantiate this claim, not that "bullying" would justify taking a gun and murdering a classmate anymore than it did for the Columbine shooters.

In Maine, another transgender argued that it had to murder both of its parents and the family dog because they did not accept its new gender. Once again, this was unfounded.

In Maryland, a transgender mass shooter killed three and injured another three before turning the gun on itself.

In California, a Berkeley trans activist was recently slapped on the wrist with a rarely granted insanity plea for stabbing two women, one to death.

In Texas, a transgender beat a baby girl to death and is facing the death penalty.

Painting a full picture regarding the extent of transgender violence has been made difficult due to the fact that the media often omits the "gender identity" of culprits unless it's absolutely necessary or can be used to bolster the prefabricated pro-LGBT party line.

For example, "Mia Williams" in Florida, a balding man with a beard who was being referred to according to his female "gender identity," is being charged with homicide after dousing a woman with gasoline and lighting her on fire, as well as arson for burning down a local church.

Transgenders Least Likely to be Murdered

Simple math shows that transgenders are less likely to be murdered than normal people.

According to FBI crime statistics, Americans are victims of homicide at a rate of about 5 per 100,000. For men, the number is 6.6 per 100,000 and for women, 1.8.

According to gay activist groups, 24 transgenders have been killed in 2019 out of a population of 1.4 million , making their homicide rate 1.7 out of 100,000 - less likely to be killed than the average woman.

This is a remarkably low number when factoring in the dangerous lifestyle choices transgenders make. Many of them are black men living in zones with murder rates far above the national average.

For example, 11% of transsexuals are involved in the risky world of prostitution, compared to 6% of average Americans admitting to accepting money or favors for sex. 90% of the 24 dead transgenders are black males.

The low murder rate transgenders enjoy is thanks to the plethora of specialized public and private employment, health, housing and other services they have in big cities, which average people have no access to.

Sexual perversion is very common in the joint, even among inmates who aren't serving time for sex offenses.

About 1/3 of the guys are there for Baby Rapery, and other similar offenses. But that's only part of the whole deviate scene. Even fellows who are in there for drugs or armed robbery, can be part of the LGBTQ+ community and engaged in peter gazing and taking people's butt cheeks.

Not surprised at your findings at all about the Trannies.
In Maryland, a transgender mass shooter killed three and injured another three before turning the gun on itself.
Yeah, this was the one I keep talking about, in Aberdeen, a black from Baltimore made a long trip back and forth to Baltimore to get his gun after he got mad about something. He said he was a woman; wasn't. They hired him for security ----- not HR's best performance.
This is from 2019 but most likely still holds water.

Trannies are seriously mentally deranged individuals that should not be allowed around children or firearms.
Businesses should never hire one as an employees either unless they care little for the safety or comfort of their customers.

The claim they are being targeted is laughable even though they are much more likely to engage in high risk endeavors like prostitution & the drug trade.
Not only are they murdered at a lower rate, they are more likely to kill someone else than be killed themselves.

We need Tranny Control now.

But in the UK, analysts found that during the period of 2007-2017, transsexuals were 58% more likely to commit a murder than be murdered.

Violent Transgender Crime

In the US, 2018-19 has put a number of transgender murderers in the spotlight. In court, they often state that they are justified in killing others due to bigotry.

In Colorado, a transsexual and its partner shot 9 students at their school, later claiming that they deserved it for their "transphobia." No evidence has been produced so far to substantiate this claim, not that "bullying" would justify taking a gun and murdering a classmate anymore than it did for the Columbine shooters.

In Maine, another transgender argued that it had to murder both of its parents and the family dog because they did not accept its new gender. Once again, this was unfounded.

In Maryland, a transgender mass shooter killed three and injured another three before turning the gun on itself.

In California, a Berkeley trans activist was recently slapped on the wrist with a rarely granted insanity plea for stabbing two women, one to death.

In Texas, a transgender beat a baby girl to death and is facing the death penalty.

Painting a full picture regarding the extent of transgender violence has been made difficult due to the fact that the media often omits the "gender identity" of culprits unless it's absolutely necessary or can be used to bolster the prefabricated pro-LGBT party line.

For example, "Mia Williams" in Florida, a balding man with a beard who was being referred to according to his female "gender identity," is being charged with homicide after dousing a woman with gasoline and lighting her on fire, as well as arson for burning down a local church.

Transgenders Least Likely to be Murdered

Simple math shows that transgenders are less likely to be murdered than normal people.

According to FBI crime statistics, Americans are victims of homicide at a rate of about 5 per 100,000. For men, the number is 6.6 per 100,000 and for women, 1.8.

According to gay activist groups, 24 transgenders have been killed in 2019 out of a population of 1.4 million , making their homicide rate 1.7 out of 100,000 - less likely to be killed than the average woman.

This is a remarkably low number when factoring in the dangerous lifestyle choices transgenders make. Many of them are black men living in zones with murder rates far above the national average.

For example, 11% of transsexuals are involved in the risky world of prostitution, compared to 6% of average Americans admitting to accepting money or favors for sex. 90% of the 24 dead transgenders are black males.

The low murder rate transgenders enjoy is thanks to the plethora of specialized public and private employment, health, housing and other services they have in big cities, which average people have no access to.

Transgender individuals who were victims of homicide in the UK in the past decade (2008 – 2017)

Total = 7 (all biological males)

Homicides committed by transgender individuals in the UK in the past decade (2008 – 2017)

Total = 12 (all biological males)

Uh-oh --- Houston, I think we have a problem. The Democrats are manufacturing homicidal maniacs just as fast as they can. Even out of WOMEN, like that pretty little girl that they ruined so bad in Nashville that she turned into a mass murderer.

I think this is a serious problem considering the numbers of deaths the trannies are piling up. Why are we allowing this?
This is from 2019 but most likely still holds water.

Trannies are seriously mentally deranged individuals that should not be allowed around children or firearms.
Businesses should never hire one as an employees either unless they care little for the safety or comfort of their customers.

The claim they are being targeted is laughable even though they are much more likely to engage in high risk endeavors like prostitution & the drug trade.
Not only are they murdered at a lower rate, they are more likely to kill someone else than be killed themselves.

We need Tranny Control now.

But in the UK, analysts found that during the period of 2007-2017, transsexuals were 58% more likely to commit a murder than be murdered.

Violent Transgender Crime

In the US, 2018-19 has put a number of transgender murderers in the spotlight. In court, they often state that they are justified in killing others due to bigotry.

In Colorado, a transsexual and its partner shot 9 students at their school, later claiming that they deserved it for their "transphobia." No evidence has been produced so far to substantiate this claim, not that "bullying" would justify taking a gun and murdering a classmate anymore than it did for the Columbine shooters.

In Maine, another transgender argued that it had to murder both of its parents and the family dog because they did not accept its new gender. Once again, this was unfounded.

In Maryland, a transgender mass shooter killed three and injured another three before turning the gun on itself.

In California, a Berkeley trans activist was recently slapped on the wrist with a rarely granted insanity plea for stabbing two women, one to death.

In Texas, a transgender beat a baby girl to death and is facing the death penalty.

Painting a full picture regarding the extent of transgender violence has been made difficult due to the fact that the media often omits the "gender identity" of culprits unless it's absolutely necessary or can be used to bolster the prefabricated pro-LGBT party line.

For example, "Mia Williams" in Florida, a balding man with a beard who was being referred to according to his female "gender identity," is being charged with homicide after dousing a woman with gasoline and lighting her on fire, as well as arson for burning down a local church.

Transgenders Least Likely to be Murdered

Simple math shows that transgenders are less likely to be murdered than normal people.

According to FBI crime statistics, Americans are victims of homicide at a rate of about 5 per 100,000. For men, the number is 6.6 per 100,000 and for women, 1.8.

According to gay activist groups, 24 transgenders have been killed in 2019 out of a population of 1.4 million , making their homicide rate 1.7 out of 100,000 - less likely to be killed than the average woman.

This is a remarkably low number when factoring in the dangerous lifestyle choices transgenders make. Many of them are black men living in zones with murder rates far above the national average.

For example, 11% of transsexuals are involved in the risky world of prostitution, compared to 6% of average Americans admitting to accepting money or favors for sex. 90% of the 24 dead transgenders are black males.

The low murder rate transgenders enjoy is thanks to the plethora of specialized public and private employment, health, housing and other services they have in big cities, which average people have no access to.

70% of crime in DC is being committed by 500 people.
Given how unhappy these trannies fucked up they are in their heads....and how doped up they are, it is inevitable that they are going to commit hateful crimes against their perceived enemies. And the leftists are egging them on.
This is from 2019 but most likely still holds water.

Trannies are seriously mentally deranged individuals that should not be allowed around children or firearms.
Businesses should never hire one as an employees either unless they care little for the safety or comfort of their customers.

The claim they are being targeted is laughable even though they are much more likely to engage in high risk endeavors like prostitution & the drug trade.
Not only are they murdered at a lower rate, they are more likely to kill someone else than be killed themselves.

We need Tranny Control now.

But in the UK, analysts found that during the period of 2007-2017, transsexuals were 58% more likely to commit a murder than be murdered.

Violent Transgender Crime

In the US, 2018-19 has put a number of transgender murderers in the spotlight. In court, they often state that they are justified in killing others due to bigotry.

In Colorado, a transsexual and its partner shot 9 students at their school, later claiming that they deserved it for their "transphobia." No evidence has been produced so far to substantiate this claim, not that "bullying" would justify taking a gun and murdering a classmate anymore than it did for the Columbine shooters.

In Maine, another transgender argued that it had to murder both of its parents and the family dog because they did not accept its new gender. Once again, this was unfounded.

In Maryland, a transgender mass shooter killed three and injured another three before turning the gun on itself.

In California, a Berkeley trans activist was recently slapped on the wrist with a rarely granted insanity plea for stabbing two women, one to death.

In Texas, a transgender beat a baby girl to death and is facing the death penalty.

Painting a full picture regarding the extent of transgender violence has been made difficult due to the fact that the media often omits the "gender identity" of culprits unless it's absolutely necessary or can be used to bolster the prefabricated pro-LGBT party line.

For example, "Mia Williams" in Florida, a balding man with a beard who was being referred to according to his female "gender identity," is being charged with homicide after dousing a woman with gasoline and lighting her on fire, as well as arson for burning down a local church.

Transgenders Least Likely to be Murdered

Simple math shows that transgenders are less likely to be murdered than normal people.

According to FBI crime statistics, Americans are victims of homicide at a rate of about 5 per 100,000. For men, the number is 6.6 per 100,000 and for women, 1.8.

According to gay activist groups, 24 transgenders have been killed in 2019 out of a population of 1.4 million , making their homicide rate 1.7 out of 100,000 - less likely to be killed than the average woman.

This is a remarkably low number when factoring in the dangerous lifestyle choices transgenders make. Many of them are black men living in zones with murder rates far above the national average.

For example, 11% of transsexuals are involved in the risky world of prostitution, compared to 6% of average Americans admitting to accepting money or favors for sex. 90% of the 24 dead transgenders are black males.

The low murder rate transgenders enjoy is thanks to the plethora of specialized public and private employment, health, housing and other services they have in big cities, which average people have no access to.

This is sounding like the old blood libel accusations.
This is sounding like the old blood libel accusations.
You gave it the fake news badge so show us the truth.
Prove me wrong.

Are you saying trannies aren't dangerously delusional deviants that are more likely to lash out than be attacked?
Can you provide any facts or stats to back you up?

Or is the fake news thingy & false equivalencies all you got?
You gave it the fake news badge so show us the truth.
Prove me wrong.

Are you saying trannies aren't dangerously delusional deviants that are more likely to lash out than be attacked?
Can you provide any facts or stats to back you up?

Or is the fake news thingy & false equivalencies all you got?
You haven’t provided any facts to support that they are any more dangerous than anyone else.
You haven’t provided any facts to support that they are any more dangerous than anyone else.
Thanks for admitting you are a stupid person that can't read.
I know that couldn't have been easy for you considering you're a deranged Dem-witted fembot with cognitive dissonance supporting the circular logic in what passes for your clot shot damaged brain
Thanks for admitting you are a stupid person that can't read.
I know that couldn't have been easy for you considering you're a deranged Dem-witted fembot with cognitive dissonance supporting the circular logic in what passes for your clot shot damaged brain
Nice bit of word salad, but still a dodge.
Nice bit of word salad, but still a dodge.
I provided the stats in the article.
Going through life a dumb & drunk bimbo can't be easy.

Better luck next time fembot!

This is from 2019 but most likely still holds water.

Trannies are seriously mentally deranged individuals that should not be allowed around children or firearms.
Businesses should never hire one as an employees either unless they care little for the safety or comfort of their customers.

The claim they are being targeted is laughable even though they are much more likely to engage in high risk endeavors like prostitution & the drug trade.
Not only are they murdered at a lower rate, they are more likely to kill someone else than be killed themselves.

We need Tranny Control now.

But in the UK, analysts found that during the period of 2007-2017, transsexuals were 58% more likely to commit a murder than be murdered.

Violent Transgender Crime

In the US, 2018-19 has put a number of transgender murderers in the spotlight. In court, they often state that they are justified in killing others due to bigotry.

In Colorado, a transsexual and its partner shot 9 students at their school, later claiming that they deserved it for their "transphobia." No evidence has been produced so far to substantiate this claim, not that "bullying" would justify taking a gun and murdering a classmate anymore than it did for the Columbine shooters.

In Maine, another transgender argued that it had to murder both of its parents and the family dog because they did not accept its new gender. Once again, this was unfounded.

In Maryland, a transgender mass shooter killed three and injured another three before turning the gun on itself.

In California, a Berkeley trans activist was recently slapped on the wrist with a rarely granted insanity plea for stabbing two women, one to death.

In Texas, a transgender beat a baby girl to death and is facing the death penalty.

Painting a full picture regarding the extent of transgender violence has been made difficult due to the fact that the media often omits the "gender identity" of culprits unless it's absolutely necessary or can be used to bolster the prefabricated pro-LGBT party line.

For example, "Mia Williams" in Florida, a balding man with a beard who was being referred to according to his female "gender identity," is being charged with homicide after dousing a woman with gasoline and lighting her on fire, as well as arson for burning down a local church.

Transgenders Least Likely to be Murdered

Simple math shows that transgenders are less likely to be murdered than normal people.

According to FBI crime statistics, Americans are victims of homicide at a rate of about 5 per 100,000. For men, the number is 6.6 per 100,000 and for women, 1.8.

According to gay activist groups, 24 transgenders have been killed in 2019 out of a population of 1.4 million , making their homicide rate 1.7 out of 100,000 - less likely to be killed than the average woman.

This is a remarkably low number when factoring in the dangerous lifestyle choices transgenders make. Many of them are black men living in zones with murder rates far above the national average.

For example, 11% of transsexuals are involved in the risky world of prostitution, compared to 6% of average Americans admitting to accepting money or favors for sex. 90% of the 24 dead transgenders are black males.

The low murder rate transgenders enjoy is thanks to the plethora of specialized public and private employment, health, housing and other services they have in big cities, which average people have no access to.

I normally use the ONS, Office for National Statistics. Do you have a specific link to the exact numbers of transgender homicides? I can't seem to get very far on the link in the op.

Edit : just saw post #15.
I normally use the ONS, Office for National Statistics. Do you have a specific link to the exact numbers of transgender homicides? I can't seem to get very far on the link in the op.

Edit : just saw post #15.
The studies are statiscally insignificant to generate solid conclusions.

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