Top Twenty Celebrity Dooshebags


Diamond Member
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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
These are people that have proved to not only be difficult individuals, but people who try to make everyone around them miserable. These are people that are so narcissistic that just looking at them makes you want to punch them in the face.

  1. Kanye West
  2. Alex Rodriguez
  3. Al Sharpton
  4. Tom Cruise
  5. Justin Bieber
  6. Miley Cyrus
  7. Bill O'Reilly
  8. Glenn Beck
  9. Tiger Woods
  10. Russell Brand
  11. Kobe Bryant
  12. Michael Moore
  13. Piers Morgan
  14. Al Gore
  15. Barney Frank
  16. Shia LaBeouf
  17. Rachel Maddow
  18. Sean Penn
  19. Hillary Clinton
  20. Barrack Obama and Michelle Obama

20. Barrack and Michelle Obama - They belong on the top of this list, but just to keep the liberals from losing their minds, I put them on the bottom.

19. Hillary Clinton - She destroyed her server knowing full well that information on it was needed in a Senate investigation. Her announcement to run for president in 2016 claimed to be because American needs a champion.....and she wants to be that champion, yet it was like she was selling tires. You couldn't tell it was about Hillary till almost the end of the commercial. It wasn't announced in front of her fans. It's hard for her to get enough of them together to make it seem genuine. This woman lies so much Obama himself would be embarrassed. At least he does it in a sort of believable manner. Hillary looks like she's lying by acting rather than speaking frankly. She says that it's time we elected a woman for president. I'm mean seriously, does she really think we're this friggen stupid? The media claims she's unbeatable, but the more she goes out in public, the more people realize she's full of crap.

18. Sean Penn - This guy is an asshole. Not only that, but he married Madonna and is currently dating Charlize Theron. Just another reason to hate him. Like Charlize said in one of her movies "Maybe a girl has to date a few assholes and get it out of their system before they settle down and date a nice guy". Sean Penn is always into pc causes. If there's a disaster anywhere in the world, Mr Penn is there. He was seen rowing a boat after Katrina. He was the male lead in a movie about Valarie Plame playing her husband Joe Wilson. He's the one that inspired the phrase "Never go full retard" from his terrible portrayal of a retarded man "I Am Sam". While married to Madonna Penn cut his finger and then asked Madonna's brother to let him cut his, then he put them together proudly proclaiming "now we're blood-brothers". Years later, when it was discovered that Madonna's brother was Gay, he had the nerve to ask him if he had AIDs. He was worried that he might have the disease now.

17. Rachel Maddow - Her ratings are terrible all the way back in 2013, yet somehow she was still on the air. It's pretty clear that MSNBC isn't interested in ratings because they are the worst. I guess with a lineup with the likes of Al Sharpton, Cris Matthews, and Ed could say that Rachel might be a possible bright spot. Hey, she won an Emmy.....

16. Shia LaBeouf - He was much better the Mark Walberg in Transformers, but like Megan Fox, he wore out his welcome. He is well known for his boorish behavior and constant fighting with co-stars on the set. The only reason he didn't with Brad Pitt on the set of "Fury" because it was clear that Brad would have kicked his ass. He sort of fit in during this one because they had to go through a sort of basic training without taking showers.....which is one of the main complaints co-stars had.....that Shia stunk. Although extremely talented he may just be on his way out of Hollywood if he doesn't clean up his act.

15. Barney Frank - Probably the most difficult interview in Washington. If you don't shutup and listen to him prognosticate you're the one who's being rude, not him. I've never seen him act sociably, not once. I'm glad he's gone. The banking crisis wouldn't have been possible without Barney Fwank and Chris Dodd. I believe he might have cut a deal to keep the FBI from making him do the perp-walk by setting up the housing collapse that made it possible for Obama to gain the presidency. He did his job, and now, hopefully, we never see his face again.

14. Al Gore - He's not on speaking terms with the Clintons because he did what they had hoped to do....steal millions from idiots that think Carbon Dioxide is a poison gas. Who cares that without it life on this planet would be non-existent.

13. Piers Morgan - He tried to convince America that gun ownership was for inbred Red-necks. He failed miserably. The only reason he's gone is because he didn't come out of the closet like Rachel Maddow. If he had, we'd still be subjected to his snarky comments about Americans in general. Perhaps The Daily Show can pull this act off by using a black host. At least he has some protection from bad ratings.

12. Michael Moore - He owes everything he has to Capitalism, but that didn't stop him from disparaging it at ever opportunity, and didn't stop him from calling Americans a bunch of idiots. I guess the left likes people from foreign countries who dislike America.

11. Kobe Bryant - He got away with rape because he was in the run for another championship but now he's just a busted down has-been that only makes his team worse. I remember the way he acted around Michael Jordan during an All Star game. A past his peak Michael Jordan noticed that Kobe wouldn't come out of the 48 minutes into the game Jordan mentions to him that he must be trying to take over the game...(staying in so he will be voted MVP). Kobe just told him to go fuck himself. Jordan was right. Kobe won MVP mostly because he wouldn't come out and let anyone else play.

10. Russell Brand - The left loves it when someone with a British accent badmouths America. Russell Brand is yet another that loves to do it. He's the polar opposite of Ted Nugent. Everything he says is diametrically opposed to what Nugent would say. As a matter of fact, where Uncle Ted has been doing everything he can in his life to keep his body free of poisons, Brand has been the worst abuser of drugs and alcohol. He even incorporates it into his act. He has an excuse however, having been diagnosed with ADD and is also Bi-polar.

9. Tiger Woods - Tiger Woods once made golf exciting. He could hit the ball so much farther than other golfers it wasn't even fair. He set the record at the Masters in 1997 of 18 under par for the tournament at age 21, which is still the record. They literally had to change the course because of him. Anyone who comes close has a much more difficult time than when he did it. Jordan Speith 21, almost beat that record a week ago by scoring an unimaginable 64 on day one and a 66 on day 2. Everyone else was so far behind that he eventually coasted through the rest of the tournament to an easy win. Tiger only manages a respectable 5 under par. He did it in a less than gracious fashion after supposedly dislocating a bone in his hand when he struck a root while trying to knock his ball back into the fairway. He found it very difficult to actually hit the fairway, only doing it once during his final round. But Tiger is a dooshebag because of his sleazy behavior which resulted in a divorce. Tiger did nothing compared to Bill Clinton, but the media won't forgive anyone who isn't an asset to liberals like our former president.

8. Glenn Beck - Known to the left as the guy that slandered the president and a cry-baby, Beck decided that he didn't want to be a Republican anymore. Glenn Beck has been prone to hysterics, but since he's left Fox, he's practically disappeared. He started an internet channel that nobody subscribes to and his website is more like reading the Enquirer than a news site. Every year around Christmas he ended up in the hospital from a massive case of anxiety and hemorrhoids due to all of the stress in his life. Now that he's off the air he has nothing to worry about.

7. Bill O'Reilly - I watch him regularly, but often times he cuts Obama way to much slack. The fact is, Bill O'Reilly is a liberal, although liberals won't admit it. He's your typical NE elitist prick who has such a swelled head that he's often times unbearable to be around in person. He's a Catholic, he went to Harvard, he's from NYC,.....sorry folks, he's a liberal.

6. Miley Cyrus - Her father sang "Achy Breaky Heart" which is bad enough, but now she's turned herself into a prostitute, just to make sure she keeps selling albums. It seems that the more slutty women in the music industry act, the more successful they are. Madonna took it to a new level and everyone else is trying to one-up the Material Girl, unsuccessfully I might add. She's the one that invented Twerking....which is fine when you're at home, but not on national television. She cut most of her hair off so I believe she appeals now more to women then she does to men. I'm not sure that was what she wanted, but if it will make her some bucks, she'll take it.

5. Justin Beiber - Right now he looks more like Vanilla Ice than Justin Beiber. He used to be cute, now he's just a jerk that can't sell albums and nobody wants to pay to see him perform anymore. The other day they roasted him, and many of the people doing it weren't his friends, so the comments were pretty harsh, and deserved.

4. Tom Cruise - Extremely talented, and constantly on the move. Tom is a member of the Church of Scientology. The same church that Charles Manson and John Travolta are in. As a matter of fact, he's friends with the president of the church, and other members have to render a salute to Tom or face the consequences. He was married to Kate Holmes, Nichole Kidman, and Mimi Rodgers and currently is married to nobody. He split with Kate in 2012. His marriage with Nichole Kidman ended primarily because although she was a member she wasn't into it nearly as much as Tom. He's screwed almost as many starlets as Jim Carrey. For a long time Rosie O'Donnell acted like she had a crush on Mr Cruise, that is until she came out of the closet. Turns out it was all an act.

3. Al Sharpton - This tax-cheat is Obama race-baiting lap-dog. If there is an incident that involves a black being abused by a white Al is there to drum up hatred and foment racial bigotry. If he was a lawyer and not a reverend he would be an ambulance chaser.

2. Alex Rodriguez - When he strikes out the fans cheer. Since he's been reinstated and off the juice he's only an average player. Even when he was on the juice he was overrated. His lack of class was most evident while playing along side a truly class act....Derek Jeter.

1. Kanye West - I wonder why they allow this major league doochebag to attend awards ceremonies. I think they're just curious what this drunk asshole is willing to do next. He's famous for taking the microphone from Tayler Swift and in a drunken stupor said that Beyonce should have won the award. He did the same this year when Beck won over Beyonce. "Beck needs to respect artistry, he should have given his award to Beyoncé". He's married to Kim Kardashian, although nobody knows for how long, and named their kid North West. What a comedian. Kanye often makes a spectacle of himself, but there are times when even he has problems with being in the limelight:

On July 19, 2013, West was leaving LAX as he was surrounded by dozens of paparazzi. West became increasingly agitated as a photographer, Daniel Ramos, continued to ask him why people were not allowed to speak in his presence. West then says, "I told you don't talk to me, right? You trying to get me in trouble so I steal off on you and have to pay you like $250,000 and shit." Then he allegedly charged the man and grabbed him and his camera. The incident captured by TMZ, took place for a few seconds before a female voice can be heard telling West to stop. West then released the man, and his camera, and drove away from the scene. Medics were later called to the scene on behalf of the photographer who was grabbed. It was reported West could be charged with felony attempted robbery behind the matter.[181] However, the charges were reduced to misdemeanor criminal battery and attempted grand theft.[182] In March 2014, West was sentenced to serve two years' probation for the misdemeanor battery conviction and required to attend 24 anger management sessions, perform 250 hours of community service and pay restitution to Ramos.Kanye West - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I think the media would totally destroy this idiot of he was a conservative. What got him on the map was his pathetic rant after Katrina that led to the MSM's "Bush Doesn't Care For Black People" campaign. Until then they were too busy bashing Bush for the Iraq war. Mike Myers was standing next to him at the time, and it looked like halfway through the rant all Mike wanted to do was was so embarrassing. Liberals loved it....and literally turned public opinion against the president using it.
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That list is perfect for the most part...I wouldn't have Tiger Woods on the list...but teapers usually hate anything with the slightest hint of negro, so I understand why you needed to add him.
8. Glenn Beck - Known to the left as the guy that slandered the president and a cry-baby, Beck decided that he didn't want to be a Republican anymore. Glenn Beck has been prone to hysterics, but since he's left Fox, he's practically disappeared. He started an internet channel that nobody subscribes to and his website is more like reading the Enquirer than a news site. Every year around Christmas he ended up in the hospital from a massive case of anxiety and hemorrhoids due to all of the stress in his life. Now that he's off the air he has nothing to worry about.

That was an interesting read - can't disagree with anything you've said about those 20 people. I thought maybe you would bring up Madonna's latest where she molested someone she was with on stage. The guy was disgusted - looked ready to puke. And just to clarify - it is "douche bag." I hope all of you know what they are for.
That list is perfect for the most part...I wouldn't have Tiger Woods on the list...but tapers usually hate anything with the slightest hint of negro, so I understand why you needed to add him.
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I don't follow celebrity news and so I can't judge many on the list. Of those politically, I would have included Al Franken, Donald Trump and Dick Cheney tops them all.

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