The warmers need to explain the Arctic Circle's ice pattern, and how Co2 is responsible...

I defer to scientists,

You parrot the fudgebaking liars blindly....

The only thing that parroting has ever proven is that the individual doing the parroting has a beak and a birdbrain....

The map is clear. 7% of Earth ice is on Greenland.

Why is there ice on Greenland south of the Arctic Circle, and no ice north of the Arctic Circle on Alaska?


Co2 and sun do not explain this.

The only explanation is the Greenland is within 600 miles of the pole at the top, and hence is in ICE AGE while all the rest of the land outside of 600 miles is not.

Ice ages are continent specific, and land moves = 99% of Earth climate change right there.

So have at it, warmers, explain how Co2 is responsible for the Arctic's pattern of ice documented above...

Start the Jeopardy! music
Still waiting ….
Did you read the legend ? Yes or no.
Tell us what kind of a map it is !!,,,,
You parrot the fudgebaking liars blindly....

The only thing that parroting has ever proven is that the individual doing the parroting has a beak and a birdbrain....

well, we’re parroting MIT and 30 k other facilities who ALL agree with AGW.
Who do you listen to ?

Whomever, if this fraudulent thread is any indication, you’re all dumb asses.,
BTW, have you read the legend ?
Almost a year later, and EMH is still babbling?

I asked him what his supposed theory of ice cap formation is, and how it explains why Alaska has glaciers in the south, but not in the north.

And I asked him what CO2 has to do with any of that.

He never wants to discuss that. Whenever I bring it up, he starts screaming about Mossad. The guy isn't all-there upstairs.
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Almost a year later, and EMH is still babbling?

I asked him what his supposed theory of ice cap formation is, and how it explains why Alaska has glaciers in the south, but not in the north.

And I asked him what CO2 has to do with any of that.

He never wants to discuss that. Whenever I bring it up, he starts screaming about Mossad. The guy isn't all-there upstairs.
His original map that he bases all this foolishness on…..Is
Hilarious….its a topographical map along with water depth in shades of blue….and not a photograph. The legend simply reveals the topography with the color white being the highest elevations. Being that Greenland is one of the highest countries on earth, it’s expected to be white. Notice there are other smaller areas in white in other areas. The legend tells us what elevations each color represents.
This bozo thinks he can read a map. He can’t even read….hilarious.
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Almost a year later, and EMH is still babbling?

I asked him what his supposed theory of ice cap formation is, and how it explains why Alaska has glaciers in the south, but not in the north.

And I asked him what CO2 has to do with any of that.

He never wants to discuss that. Whenever I bring it up, he starts screaming about Mossad. The guy isn't all-there upstairs.
Typical MAGA fool.
You parrot the fudgebaking liars blindly....

The only thing that parroting has ever proven is that the individual doing the parroting has a beak and a birdbrain....

Now wait, didn't you just start a thread based upon upon a topographical map that was derived form scientific evidence ? Of course, you had no idea what the map said but just made up shit because it had white in it. You didn’t even read the legend. Did the words have too many syllables ?
I don't think EMH is SSDD. Different styles.

I think SSDD died of COVID. He vanished from the board, without a goodbye, when COVID was at its worst.

I caught it making the same argument ... verbatim ... and it's the only AI making that argument ... a very specific point of radiative physics it gets wrong, and it's the only one who makes that mistake ... and sometimes evasiveness is an answer itself ...

But you may be right ... it disappeared very soon after I first joined ... I'm sure you'd know better about it than I ...
Still waiting ….
Did you read the legend ? Yes or no.
Tell us what kind of a map it is !!,,,,

A map that documents the truth that

1. THERE IS ICE AGE GLACIER south of Arctic Circle on Greenland
2. THERE IS NO ICE AGE GLACIER north of Arctic Circle on Alaska

YOUR SIDE is unable to explain WHY because your side is FUDGED FRAUD BULLSHIT and Co2 does NOTHING and is clearly NOT THE CAUSE OF EARTH CLIMATE CHANGE....
I don't think EMH is SSDD. Different styles.

I think SSDD died of COVID. He vanished from the board, without a goodbye, when COVID was at its worst.

Do you believe in "Milankovitch Cycles"


Do you believe in "Milankovitch Cycles"



I had to prove these on a calculus test ... I forget it but you can look it up ... these aren't things of belief, the cycles themselves are indisputable, just too small to measure with thermometers here on Earth's surface ...

What do you believe? ...
the cycles themselves are indisputable

So when did the the tectonic fault at the center bottom of the Atlantic stop south of South America??

Because THAT is what "Milankovitch" claims....


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