Zone1 The Truth Spoken Again


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Many modern black “conservatives” consistently ignore that we would still be either enslaved people or living without equal rights under the law if not for the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. These so-called black “conservatives” have not studied history because they miss this essential aspect of black history to talk about some untrue tale white conservatives made up about some fake plantation the democratic party made for blacks.

“The Boondocks” is an animated show about a black grandfather who took care of his two grandchildren. One of the characters in the show is a blue-collar black man named Uncle Ruckus. Uncle Ruckus held white supremacist views and despised everything about being black. He disliked being black so much that he claimed to have a skin disease that made him dark called “revitiligo.” Uncle Ruckus is an example of a person with internalized racism. Dr. Karen Pike defines internalized racism as the “internalization of racial oppression by the racially subordinated.“ Blacks who suffer from internalized racism believe and promote negative stereotypes of black people. They will adopt white racist beliefs and thinking. This is the literal meaning of acting white, and it has nothing to do with getting good grades or going to college.

“The dominant group [whites] control the construction of reality through the production of ideologies or “knowledge” that circulate throughout society where they inform social norms, organizational practices, bureaucratic procedures, and common-sense knowledge. In this way, the interests of the oppressors are presented as reflecting everyone’s best interests, thereby getting oppressed groups to accept the dominant group’s interests as their own and minimize conflict.” -Dr. Karen Pyke

This acceptance of white supremacy as the norm leads to conclusions that racism is not a problem or does not exist. Internalized racism creates a justification for racism. This acceptance of white supremacy as the norm leads to conclusions that racism is not a problem or does not exist. Internalized racism creates a justification for racism. As this happens, people in racially oppressed groups internalize the validity of their oppression. Because they have done so, they find no reason to question or fight the system. These types will argue how racism would be no problem by pathologizing blacks while reciting the same anti-black memes as the racist subculture. They refuse to debate the implications of racist policies and the damage they have created because that will not be acceptable in the social circles where they desire acceptance. Internalized racism is a behavior exhibited in right-wing black conservatives who have been allowed into the national discourse on race.

Many modern black “conservatives” consistently ignore that we would still be either enslaved people or living without equal rights under the law if not for the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. These so-called black “conservatives” have not studied history because they miss this essential aspect of black history to talk about some untrue tale white conservatives made up about some fake plantation the democratic party made for blacks.

“The Boondocks” is an animated show about a black grandfather who took care of his two grandchildren. One of the characters in the show is a blue-collar black man named Uncle Ruckus. Uncle Ruckus held white supremacist views and despised everything about being black. He disliked being black so much that he claimed to have a skin disease that made him dark called “revitiligo.” Uncle Ruckus is an example of a person with internalized racism. Dr. Karen Pike defines internalized racism as the “internalization of racial oppression by the racially subordinated.“ Blacks who suffer from internalized racism believe and promote negative stereotypes of black people. They will adopt white racist beliefs and thinking. This is the literal meaning of acting white, and it has nothing to do with getting good grades or going to college.

“The dominant group [whites] control the construction of reality through the production of ideologies or “knowledge” that circulate throughout society where they inform social norms, organizational practices, bureaucratic procedures, and common-sense knowledge. In this way, the interests of the oppressors are presented as reflecting everyone’s best interests, thereby getting oppressed groups to accept the dominant group’s interests as their own and minimize conflict.” -Dr. Karen Pyke

This acceptance of white supremacy as the norm leads to conclusions that racism is not a problem or does not exist. Internalized racism creates a justification for racism. This acceptance of white supremacy as the norm leads to conclusions that racism is not a problem or does not exist. Internalized racism creates a justification for racism. As this happens, people in racially oppressed groups internalize the validity of their oppression. Because they have done so, they find no reason to question or fight the system. These types will argue how racism would be no problem by pathologizing blacks while reciting the same anti-black memes as the racist subculture. They refuse to debate the implications of racist policies and the damage they have created because that will not be acceptable in the social circles where they desire acceptance. Internalized racism is a behavior exhibited in right-wing black conservatives who have been allowed into the national discourse on race.

If slaves needed the Federal government for freedom why were blacks free in the free states?

And why did the free states take up arms against the slave states to free them?

Damn that truth thingy.
Black people in Massachusetts and Mississippi are equally obsessed with being black. That's just how Jesus made them.
If slaves needed the Federal government for freedom why were blacks free in the free states?

And why did the free states take up arms against the slave states to free them?

Damn that truth thingy.
Sincce more than 90 percent of the backs living in America at that time were slaves, your question is stupid.

What were contrabands?

Watch the video and stop trying to argue with a person who knows more about this than you.
Sincce more than 90 percent of the backs living in America at that time were slaves, your question is stupid.

What were contrabands?

Watch the video and stop trying to argue with a person who knows more about this than you.
You stated that without the Federal government all blacks would be slaves

Obviously, that never happened in the history of the country, so it stands to reason that thinking it would happen in the future is retarded.

Also consider that slavery was common in the 1800's. The US imported less slaves than any other country in the region.

But the reason there ended up being more is, they were allowed to have families as where slaves in the Carribean, for example, were not allowed to have families, thus treated better in the US than anywhere else.

That pains you, doesn't it?
You stated that without the Federal government all blacks would be slaves

Obviously, that never happened in the history of the country, so it stands to reason that thinking it would happen in the future is retarded.

Also consider that slavery was common in the 1800's. The US imported less slaves than any other country in the region.

But the reason there ended up being more is, they were allowed to have families as where slaves in the Carribean, for example, were not allowed to have families, thus treated better in the US than anywhere else.

That pains you, doesn't it?
That's what I said and it is true. Now you can play stupid all you want and try arguing about a few thousand blacks, but I'm not going to. And there is no excuse to be made for slavery. I don't care how common slavery was, tats just another racist excuse to deny what whites did. And it doesn't matter how many slaves you say America didn't import. The reason there were more was this:

“In fact, most American slaves were not kidnapped on another continent. Though over 12.7 million Africans were forced onto ships to the Western hemisphere, estimates only have 400,000-500,000 landing in present-day America. How then to account for the four million black slaves who were tilling fields in 1860? “The South,” the Sublettes write, “did not only produce tobacco, rice, sugar, and cotton as commodities for sale; it produced people.” Slavers called slave-breeding “natural increase,” but there was nothing natural about producing slaves; it took scientific management. Thomas Jefferson bragged to George Washington that the birth of black children was increasing Virginia’s capital stock by four percent annually.”16

To be blunt, America had slave breeding “factories” where enslaved people were forced to breed. These factries generally had at least a 2:1 female to male ratio. In some states, slave production was the number 1 industry. Virginia led the nation in slave production, and PRESIDENT Thomas Jefferson was one of the leading producers.

After 1808, the only way left to maintain the system was by increasing the number of slaves through births. Since the overall goal was the mass production of human beings, slave women often began “breeding” while very young and were forced to have numerous children. Most slave women could “retire” after 10-15 births. If they lived.

Slaves were not allowed to really have families because a slave could be sold away from their family. So stop being white thinking you can explain what happened in slavery to someone black.

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